Using the attached as a guideBased on your review of the most recent, relevant research findings on your chosen topic, submit a fi

  1. The strengths and weaknesses of each piece.

Cybercitizens at Schools

Bullying starts in schools especially in this age when the children have the knowledge that is essential in operating the computers (Chen & Shen, 2018). The article has demonstrated strength by turning to where the problem of bullying is in many schools. However, the article has failed to look into some of the vices that are exploited for enhancing bullying in schools.

Bullying in newsmagazines in Canada and the US: growing up is a risky and dangerous business

The strength of the article is that it has focused on the topic of research from a broader perspective. Bullying is not confined within borders, but it extends beyond borders the same way it affects people from different backgrounds (Clarke, 2018). Therefore, by focusing on the issue at a broader scale, the article has demonstrated strength. The weakness the article has demonstrated is associated with the generalization of the effects of bullying. Bullying has a different impact on different people, and it is for this reason that there is a dire need to draw the line where it ought to be.

US Approaches to Counter Childhood Bullying

The content of the article is essential to the topic, and the strength is evident when the article focuses on the issue and the available ways of trying to deal with the problem (Collier & Lantinga, 2014). However, when it comes to the weakness, there is one aspect that the article has failed to focus on and it is the effectiveness of the approaches that have been put in place.

Implementation of a school-based bullying program

Most authors and researchers who have focused on the issue of bullying tend to look from external forces that lead to bullying. The strength of the article is evident when the article focuses on the school programs (Fisher et al. 2018). Some of the school programs foster bullying, and the most affected persons are the children. The weakness of the article is that it has failed to analyze some of the programs that might be responsible for fostering bullying.

Childhood Bullying and One Way to Keep your Kids Out of the Statistics: Non-Surgical Interventions for Congenital Ear Deformities

The article has focused on the topic of research, and that is one of the reasons why it is essential. The article does not only highlight the issue at hand, but it also goes ahead to advise on the best way to deal with the problem from a parents’ perspective (Friedman et al. 2017). The weakness of the article is associated with the association between bullying and health-related matters.

Middle School Bullying: Student Reported Perceptions and Prevalence.

In most cases, authors target the bullying that affects the adults. In this case, the article has demonstrated its strength by targeting bullying that affects mostly the minors. However, it has failed to look into some of the factors that lead to the extended effects of bullying in minors’ institutions (Hicks et al. 2018). Considering that the children are in the hands of their educators, it is imperative to state how it reaches to cases of bullying.

Stability and change in outsider behavior in school bullying

The article has depicted strength by digging deeper into the issue of bullying. The author states that one of the reasons why the victims are affected is because of guilt and shame. It is factual that bullying alone cannot lead to adverse effects (Mazzone et al. 2018). What leads to the adverse impacts is the reaction of the victim to the bullying humiliation. The weakness of the article is associated with the categorization of some of the factors that lead to adverse effects. The reason for stating so is motivated by the fact that not all types of bullying have the same impact on the victims.

Bullying in Our Schools

The strengths of the article include dealing with the issue head-on. Bullying is schools are rampant, and some administrations have ignored it. The article is helpful to the research because it has provided facts that cannot be refuted (Mitchell, 2017). The weakness of the article is only associated with the narrowness. The article has given so much attention in schools thus creating an impression that schools are the only institutions that are facing the issue of bullying.

Workplace bullying and suicidal ideation

The significant strength of the article is that it does not only focus on bullying, but it also focuses on some of the effects of bullying. Suicide is one of the effects of bullying, and there are many cases of suicide that are related to bullying (Nielsen et al. 2015). The weakness of the article is associated with the relation that it has created between workplace bullying and suicide. In most cases, the cases of bullying that lead to suicide affect the adolescents.

School bullying: New theories in context.

The article looks at the issue of school bullying from a different perspective, and that is one of the reasons why the article is strong. Various theories have been used to make sure that explanations of different issues are provided. In this case, the article has depicted its strength by introducing new theories to look into the issue of bullying (Schott & Søndergaard, 2014). The weakness is associated with the lack of facts that some of the theories come in handy to help in understanding the issue of bullying in the modern society.

Technology: The Dark Side of Using Technology

Technology is a tool that is used by many to victimize others. In this day and age, it is evident that accessing technological devices and operating them has become more comfortable. It is for this reason that people are exploiting technology to bully others (Siegle, 2017). The fact that the article has focused on a vice that has a significant effect on the topic makes it strong. However, the article has a weakness, and it is associated with the overconcentration of the technology. Physical bullying is rampant in many schools, and therefore there is a need to have an open mind when it comes to explaining and talking about bullying.

Creating an Anti-Bullying Culture in Secondary Schools

The strength of the article comes in place when it advocates for the creation of an anti-bullying culture. The article demonstrates that it is not only interested in talking about the topic, but it is also involved in offering a solution to the issue at hand (Jones & Augustine, 2015). The overconcentration of the high school is the weakness that has been depicted. The article ought to have looked at the issue from a broader perspective.

  1. If the articles talk to each other, explain how and why.

The articles that have been presented do three things; complement, support, and reinforce. Among the twelve articles that have been introduced, none of the materials has tried to refute the findings of the other even though each of the articles has been written by a different author (Jones & Augustine, 2015). The articles support each other in one way or another. For example, each of the articles has pointed out the issue of bullying, and none of the articles tries to state that bullying does not take place. Most of the articles have made the same argument. However, when it gets to the point where the articles do not make the same argument, the articles tend to complement each other.

Reinforcement among the articles is also evident in one way or another. The act of reinforcement is visible in the event where each article has tried to provide additional information on the topic. For example, there is an article that has talked about the school programs and the fact that they might be fostering bullying in schools. Another article has come into place to reinforce this information by stating that most of the bullies are found in schools (Jones & Augustine, 2015). The third article has also come in place to try and explain how the students are using technology to foster bullying. Looking at the three articles, two points are clear. The first point is that the articles have focused on one topic. The second point is that each article has provided a different type of information. By reading the three articles, one is likely to be more informed as opposed to if he or she would have only read one of the articles.

  1. What does the evidence tell us?

The evidence shows one thing, and that is bullying is rampant, and it is affecting the society. The evidence provided has shown that no one is immune to bullying (Hicks et al. 2018). The reason behind it is because different articles have talked about bullying from middle schools to workplaces and that means that the issue is affecting every member of the society.

  1. Is there another possible explanation you can think of?

There is no any possible alternative explanation to the issue of bullying the information and the evidence that has been provided shows that there are cases of bullying that are likely to continue affecting the members of the society (Chen & Shen, 2018). The findings have demonstrated that bullying is real and it is not negligent; it is affecting different members of the society without the consideration of their age or gender.

  1. How can you refine your question or topic even further, now that you have described the findings?

The topic can be refined further to look into the factors influencing bullying. Considering that the findings have already indicated that bullying is rampant and affecting many members of the society. There would be a dire need to research on some of the influencing factors.


Chen, I. L., & Shen, L. (2018). Cybercitizens at Schools. In Emerging Trends in Cyber Ethics and Education (pp. 91-117). IGI Global.

Clarke, J. N. (2018). Bullying in newsmagazines in Canada and the US: growing up is a risky and dangerous business. Journal of Children and Media, 12(1), 66-80.

Collier, D. W., & Lantinga, S. B. (2014). US Approaches to Counter Childhood Bullying. J. Glob. Just. & Pub. Pol'y, 1, 247.

Fisher, K., Cassidy, B., Ren, D., & Mitchell, A. M. (2018). Implementation of a school based bullying program. Journal of community health nursing, 35(2), 41-48.

Friedman, O., Levin, D., & Nivasch, E. (2017). Childhood Bullying and One Way to Keep your Kids Out of the Statistics: Non-Surgical Interventions for Congenital Ear Deformities. GSL J Women’s Healthcare, 1, 101.

Hicks, J., Jennings, L., Jennings, S., Berry, S., & Green, D. A. (2018). Middle School Bullying: Student Reported Perceptions and Prevalence. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling, 1-14.

Jones, J. R., & Augustine, S. M. (2015). Creating an Anti-Bullying Culture in Secondary Schools: Characterizes to Consider When Constructing Appropriate Anti Bullying Programs. American Secondary Education, 43(3).

Mazzone, A., Camodeca, M., & Salmivalli, C. (2018). Stability and change of outsider behavior in school bullying: The role of shame and guilt in a longitudinal perspective. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 38(2), 164-177.

Mitchell, K. (2017). Bullying in Our Schools: The Impact of the Bullying Prevention Program.

Nielsen, M. B., Nielsen, G. H., Notelaers, G., & Einarsen, S. (2015). Workplace bullying and suicidal ideation: A 3-wave longitudinal Norwegian study. American Journal of Public Health, 105(11), e23-e28.

Schott, R. M., & Søndergaard, D. M. (Eds.). (2014). School bullying: New theories in context. Cambridge University Press.

Siegle, D. (2017). Technology: The Dark Side of Using Technology. Gifted Child Today, 40(4), 232-235.