Week 6 iLab Grading Rubric In this week's iLab, you will explore your own body and your knowledge of over the counter medications. I am not sure why...

Week 6 iLab Grading Rubric

In this week’s iLab, you will explore your own body and your knowledge of over the counter medications. I am not sure why these two things are grouped together in this iLab but they are!

There are 3 sections to this iLab assignment. First, you will define what the term “BMI” means and then, you will calculate your own value and show the math work (or at least, explain how you arrived at your value). You will then, compare your individual BMI value to the standard tables and write up a short essay interpreting your value and defining whether you are underweight, normal weight or overweight. Once you have identified your weight status, you will then, detail an action plan for yourself, based on your values and your individual goals. Basically, depending on where your BMI values fall, you will write up a diet and exercise plan that helps you either gain weight, maintain your weight or lose weight. Plan must include both a dietary and physical activity component (3 sections of the iLab so far).

Grading Rubric

The breakdown for this 25 point iLab is as follows:

Define BMI

4 points

Calculate individual BMI (show equation and work)

6 points

Compare & contrast BMI to standard tables and then, develop action plan for diet and physical activity based on your BMI assessment. Diet must include calories you will eat in one day as well as a snapshot of how you will eat. You must include the amounts and types of foods you plan on eating to support your BMI value. In the exercise plan should touch on 5 areas of a sound fitness plan and make sure to include specific exercises, reps, sets and duration.

15 points (3 pts for first part and 6 points each for diet and exercise plan-second and third parts)