Quality Improvement Action PlanAn organization’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage.—Jack Welch as quoted by KerriganThink back


Promoting Healthcare Quality

Zoeleni Kamara

Walden University

A healthcare organization is that which maintains and improves health via diagnosing, preventing and treating diseases, illness or injuries. There include administration and organization of health care systems, networks in a hospital and health care settings. Such an organization include the World Health Organization (WHO). World Health Organization was established on April 7, 1948 with its administrative headquarters in Geneva. The organization operates through the World Health Assembly. The diversity of WHO is ensuring maximum quality control of medical imaging equipment. For this to take place, an organization like WHO there should be trained and educated staff who their work is to provide an imaging service and maintain the equipment of the organization. World Health Organization is based in supporting innovation for affordable health technologies.

World Health Organization has a mission to advocate and catalyze global and country actions so as to resolve the human resources on health crisis, to aid the achievement of the health related millennium developmental goals and health for all people. Its vision is to ensure that all people despite of where they are access they obtain skilled, motivated and supported health worker, within a robust health system. By doing so every person is able to access quality health care despite of where the persons is geographical position.

As it is in every organization there are goals, goals that help an organization to do the work perfectly and choose its leaders wisely. World Health Organization has specific goals that they are committed to achieving (Salas, 2017). World Health Organization goals include, improving equity in health, to reduce health risks, promoting healthy lifestyles and settings and responding to the underlying determinants of health. Its objectives include, developing and implementing more public policies for health. They aim at eradicating the extreme poverty and hunger widely. They also aim at achieving primary education that is universal. Aim to creating gender equality and the empowerment of women. They work to ensure that there is reduced child mortality. They also aim to ensure that they improve the maternal health. They also combat with the HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. World Health Organization ensure that there is environmental sustainability and also develop a global partnership for that will promote development.

The main objective of world health organization is to attain all people with the highest possible health facilities. Acting as a director and a coordinator in international health work, so as to ensure valid and productive technical cooperation and promoting research is another objective. So as the organization to help in supporting its main objective, it has a wide range of functions. The WHO has created various health facilities that deal on various recommendations of healthy public policies. The organization promote, develop and establish international standards which concern food, biological substances and pharmaceutical.

In every organization there are values, that they believe in, values that keeps the organization on move and to be able to reach its goal. Some of the values of the World Health Organization are, believing that health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not the absence of infirmity or diseases, the organization does honor the individual’s diversity and communities in which they serve and they do value their approaches to health and well-being even if they differ, the organization also does believe in partnership in improving the communities’ health (Hoben et al., 2017). It believes the actions of the department should help the communities in addressing factors which affect good health, the organization also does value leadership which is effective as a tool which is fundamental so as to improve the health of the communities, it believes in being responsible so as to gain the public trust and resources, the organization does value a staff which is diverse and it does believe that their staff should be selected with care, treated in a respectful manner, the staff should also be held accountable for their performance on the basis if they are bad or good and should be encourage in their personal growth. It also believes in a continuous way of improving its quality work, it also believes in balancing scientific knowledge and experience that is practical with principles and perception of those that they serve so as to improve the communities’ health, the organization emphasizes health promotion, prevention and intervention at early stages.

The use of information technology has been a modern way, in which things are made easier. Most organization have made bettered everything by the use of information technology. According to World Health Organization, there is need of training of health workers to overcome challenges. Data statistics have been put on record since the organization was put in place. Every event that has been happening is in the computers and one can review and retrieve the records when in need. Every patients’ details that includes, the country, disease and date of treatment have been preserved for future references. The organization can also be able to monitor all workers at their specific working areas. All workers thus do their work without any supervision since the use of IT monitors each and every member and how they coordinate. Electronic medical records, laboratory, pharmacy information and disease surveillance are the key things found in computers and other IT devices.

World health organization in the past years, has had priorities and investments. The organization prioritizes on the more complex health problems and works in commemoration of providing the solutions. The WHO has in the recent times ensured that the countries that cannot be able to acquire the key commodities such as the vaccines due to financial constraints can be able to get these commodities at affordable prices (Thörne et al., 2017). This has been met by ensuring that the procedures of the procurement are followed through using the online WHO’s price transparency. The WHO has been providing information and the advice on national spending for health. The organization has engaged in creating programs that reduce the spending on health and has been funding several other health programs. It has ensured that aid is used efficiently in more than 20 countries that were dependent on external financial assistance. The international Health partnership has broadened its scope in order to coordinate work on universal health coverage.

Some of the essential elements of the organization, include its work specialization where the staff has professions who carry on with their duties well. The departmentalization is another structure where the World Health Organization has its head coordinating well, thus the organization keeps the pace of its work in good presentation making it a worldwide organization. Another structure is the formalization. The World Health Organization has many departments thus the formation in which it is put in, there are different staffs in each department with different duties with all cooperating to make the organization a good one. Another structure is the span of control. In every organization, there must be someone or certain people leading it. As for WHO, it does operate through the World Health Assembly.

Culture being a vital issue in the meeting of organizational goals plays a considerable part. To begin with, the WHO has put up goals that are sustainable in the development and provides support to the countries that may be experiencing financial constraints. These goals are mainly tailored in the promotion of physical and mental health. By so doing, WHO has been able to provide the well-being of the patients and has extended the life-expectancy for all the people in the world (Hoben et al., 2017). The organization has brought together people of diverse cultures, this creates cultural awareness that is key in ensuring that the members of WHO are able to understand the compounding influences of diverse but interrelated determinants. The WHO has members from all over the world and this brings diverging value systems as the health beliefs and views about sharing promote the distribution of health resources equally. This is critical to health equity and cooperation.


Salas, R. A. (2017). Standardization of Shift Report by Implementing a Nursing Report Sheet and Addressing Patient Values to Meet Patient Needs.

Hoben, M., Norton, P. G., Ginsburg, L. R., Anderson, R. A., Cummings, G. G., Lanham, H. J., and Estabrooks, C. A. (2017). Improving nursing home care through feedback on Performance data (INFORM): protocol for a cluster-randomized trial. Trials, 18(1), 9.

Thörne, K., Andersson-Gäre, B., Hult, H., and Abrandt-Dahlgren, M. (2017). Co-Producing Interprofessional Round Work: Designing Spaces for Patient Partnership. Quality management in health care, 26(2), 70.

Hoben, M., Norton, P. G., Ginsburg, L. R., Anderson, R. A., Cummings, G. G., Lanham, H. J., and Estabrooks, C. A. (2017). Improving nursing home care through feedback on PerfoRMance data (INFORM): protocol for a cluster-randomized trial. Trials, 18(1), 9.