2. Describe two psychological motivation theories. To what extent can they explain people's behaviour in organizations?

2. Describe two psychological motivation theories. To what extent can they explain people’s behaviour in organizations?

Suggested readings:

Bratton (2015) Chapter 6: Motivation. In Bratton, J. Work and Organizational Behaviour. 3rd edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dye, K., Mills, A.J. and Weatherbee, T., (2005) Maslow: man interrupted: reading management theory in context. Management Decision 43(10): 1375-1395.  

Goldthorpe, J.H., Lockwood, D., Bechhofer, F. and Platt, J. (1968) The affluent worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Herzberg, F. (2003) one more time: How do you motivate employees? Harvard  Business Review 81(1): 87-96.  

Marking Criteria












Introduction: Your introduction provides a clear idea of what your essay will be about, what theories will be presented and what structure the essay will take.

Theories are relevant and considered appropriately to answer the question. Show good understanding of theories and reading related to the topic.

Evidence and Use of Research: Academic sources are used appropriately to support the presentation.

Appropriate use of academic writing skills.

Focused on question set

Conclusion: There are logical arguments and ability to respond the main question.

General Comments