Respond to, two of my colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:Offer an example of a global change agent or company that exemplifies the relationship between innovation and global e


The relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship

Innovation is an important aspect of any functioning market and more so, any organization. This means that an organization has to keep abreast with the activities that will increase its efficiency and effectiveness, while still managing to keep it relevant. In the same way, innovation goes hand in hand with entrepreneurship. The relationship between these two makes it possible to make progress in business. In this case, this might mean coming up with not only better products to deal with a certain shortcoming but also having these products perform a function that was impossible before. A good example would be the “Always Ultra” product within the female hygiene area covered. Tom Osborn was the one behind the idea of providing not only a product to depend on, for females but also being able to provide comfort that was previously lacking. This shows the link between the innovative idea of providing comfort by bringing on-board the idea of a garment as well as doing it from an entrepreneur’s perspective. Entrepreneurship may not exist without innovation. For one to be a successful entrepreneur or for an organization to practice successful entrepreneurship, innovation has to be key.

Relationship implications

As much as an organization receives the full credit for the entrepreneurship and innovative success, it is important to consider the fact that without the change agents and the individuals are the reasons behind the successful relationship. With regard to the implication of the innovation-entrepreneurship relationship on the individuals and the global change agents, it is important to put into consideration the fact that in the absence of the individuals and change agents, the relationship would be non-existent. It is, therefore, safe to say that the individuals and global change agents are the reasons behind the change or relationship becoming a reality. The best example that can be given in this case is the “Always Ultra” case where the idea was born as a solution to the lack of the product providing comfort (Griffin, Price & Vojak, 2012). 

Tom Osborn is one of those individuals who put a lot of effort into looking for the best ways of coining the innovation with major research and then using that to make entrepreneurship be viewed from a whole different perspective. He could also be viewed as a global change agent as the product is now used everywhere and has changed the way people view the product and feminine hygiene. The engagement shared between the relationship and the individuals, and global change agents can also be seen in the way the universities in Nigeria are managed. This management ought to be conducted in an effective manner by the innovative leaders who are the global agents of change to help change the way the universities are viewed. This means that quality should be emphasized in a bid to achieve the goals of the university. Effective entrepreneurship goes hand in hand with innovation (Ghiaha & Onu, 2013). 

Effects of the relationship to a global change agent

There is significance in the application of the innovation-entrepreneurship relationship in the field of medicine. In the case study given in helping children with autism or ADS, it is clear that engaging them in play that encourages their own efforts into complexity play a vital role in growing them and encouraging their development. As a person operating in the medical field, being a global change agent means coming up with ways in which patients may be able to acquire treatment while being a process that offers a solution for a problem or issue that has been in the market. The best example in such a case is having the autistic children or those suffering from ADS being encouraged to play while being monitored to help identify how they are progressing as they are encouraged to have certain skills develop as a way of treatment. This in itself is risk-taking to see how the children will progress. In the same way, coming up with solutions for treatment aid is a way of taking risks so that it can be tested to see the effectiveness of a proposal for treatment (In Wagner, 2017). 

The personal strengths that may come into play as reflecting the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship are risk-taking as the most important strength, ability to work in teams, making decisions and interacting well with others in the field and with the clients. It is important to get to interact with others to help identify the issues that they may be facing, the progress that may be made when certain treatment interventions are applied and monitoring them. At such a point, decision making may be applied to help come up with interventions that will be used on patients to see if they are effective. Teamwork also aids in learning from each other and identify the strengths that others have and applying them in the treatment interventions and how g-best to go about various client situations. It is also a way for growth of one’s strengths and weaknesses to make them efficient in dealing with clients which then aid in matters to do with risk-taking in treatment interventions that work best for unique individuals in unique scenarios. 





Griffin, A., Price, R., & Vojak, B. (2012). Serial Innovators: How Individuals Create and Deliver Breakthrough Innovations in Mature Firms. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

In Wagner, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability.



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Global change agents are those that must look outside their local markets and challenges to be successful.  What works in one region or country, isn’t guaranteed to work in another.  I’ll use the automobile industry for an example.  Automobiles made in the U.S. differ from state to state, alone from country to country.  One of the most stringent emission states in the U.S. is California.  With that, they also have a significant per capita in buying power.  The automobiles in California tend to be tailored more towards the Environmental (ENVO), and Economical (ECO), while in the Midwest people love the lager vehicles such as the truck lines with less stringent ENVO and ECO.  The vehicles brought to market are done through an extensive Research & Development (R&D) program which is started many years in advance.  The R&D process takes an extensive amount of investment and commitment (Piva, E., Rentocchini, F., & Rossi-Lamastra, C. 2012) from the parent organization to succeed.  R&D enables organization to bring to market the latest and greatest in technology.  Forward thinking is required for continual growth.  Using just the two regions provided, imagine what type of innovation is needed to satisfy the global desires and regulations.


I personally believe in being a moderate risk taker when it comes to change.  For growth to continue, risk and change are always needed.  Without either, everything will remain status quo.  I always look at the data available, perform analysis (depending on type of risk), discuss in groups when needed, create a plan that will schedule desired goals, and celebrate achievements.  This is by no means an all-inclusive path that I write in stone, just sharing at a high level what I do on a regular basis in-regards to change.


To me, global change agents and entrepreneurship can work side by side.  Example, without mentioning too much personal data, I used to work with an individual that had a dream to start a contract manufacturing facility in the Bio Pharmaceutical Industry.  He took his dream and made it a global reality within a matter of a few years.  He took and placed all his equity from everything he had personally, built a case for an investment firm (Piva, E., Rentocchini, F., & Rossi-Lamastra, C. 2012)., received the buy-in, built a team of professionals to lead and manage, purchased a site and began his dream. Over a matter of years, this site is now manufacturing pharmaceuticals for companies from all around the world.  With this type of market and growth comes extensive governance from foreign countries such as our own.  This individual took his entrepreneurship skills and dream, then made it a reality.  Now he is a global change agent, with a continual desire for further entrepreneurship as he is always looking for new R&D to continue the organizations growth.



Griffin, A., Price, R. L., & Vojak, B. A. (2012). Serial innovators. Research Technology Management55(6), 42–48. doi:10.5437/08956308X5506899


Piva, E., Rentocchini, F., & Rossi-Lamastra, C. (2012). Is open source software about innovation? Collaborations with the open source community and innovation performance of software entrepreneurial ventures. Journal of Small Business Management, 50(2), 340–364. doi:10.1111/j.1540-627X.2012.00356.x

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