Much has been made of the new Web 2.0 phenomenon, including social networking sites and user-created mash-ups. How does Web 2.0 change security for the Internet? How do secure software development con

Web 2.0 has undoubtedly marked a new era to the technique of how the internet can be used. It is a process of placing ourselves into the web for a more social interactions and responses. Even though this sounds simple, it was not possible in the new days of the web, hence we can call it a new era. The whole idea of Web 2.0 has changed the way we think and conduct our business.

With the increase in reachability due to Web 2.0, the need for increased security also arose. Hackers have emerged and attacks have been increased. There is a need for protecting our applications and that can be done by following steps:


Applications needs to be accessed only in secure manner to prevent attacks. Principle of least privileged should be maintained to all users rather than generic.

Regular updates:

Maintenance for existing software and installing newer versions to conduct a security patch must be done on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to properly ensure if the update is mandatory and safe.

Addition of multiple layers of security:

By adding multiple layers of security, it increases the safety of the application. This way, even if the attacker is able to crack through a single layer of security it will be useless.


Encoding is similar to what we see on a screen whenever a password is typed into it, It basically makes it look like dots to prevent others from knowing. Similarly encoding can be done for data within the applications to prevent from hackers accessing it even if they are able to crack all the levels of security.

There are many security threats when data is accessed on social media such as Identity thefts, hacking. These can be avoided by having a strong password, not sharing location and not clicking the suspicious looking links being posted.


  • Nations D. (2016). What does ‘Web 2.0’ Even Mean? Retrieved from

  • Patnakar A. (2017). Security topics every software developer should know. retrieved from