***This assignment CANNOT BE PLAGIARIZED.*** Must be submitted to a database that checks for plagiarism. If I don't pass this assignment, I fail the course. ORIGINAL CONTENT ONLY! Must have scholarly

HIS 311 Notable Minority in History Essay and Power Point Presentation





Dimension 1 - Formatting

Flawless formatting and pagination. Essay is double spaced with 1 inch margins. Essay has a title page, running head title and subtitles (where appropriate). In-text citations are included and correctly formatted. . At least 5 scholarly-historical sources were used and listed in and listed in APA/MLA format. Essay is between 2-4 pages (excluding title page).

Few issues with formatting and pagination. Few issues with title and subtitles. Few issues with in-text citations. Includes most references used in APA format and in alphabetical order. Essay is between 2-4 pages (excluding title page).

Multiple formatting and pagination issues. Inappropriate use of in-text citations. Includes references used but with APA formatting problems and not in alphabetical order. Essay is at least 2 pages in length (excluding title page).

Missing multiple components in formatting and pagination. Lacks title and subtitles where needed. In-text citations are either non-existent or not in APA format. Reference page is either missing components or not in alphabetical order. Essay is not 2 pages or more in length.


USA- WASC Core Competency Standards

Core Competency: WASC Core Competency 01 – Written Communication

CA- California Baptist University OPS Degree Program Student Outcomes

Standard: University Student Outcomes

Indicator: USO2GM – Respect diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives.

Indicator: USO3AP – Use critical thinking skills to demonstrate literacy: listening, speaking, writing, reading, viewing, and visual representing.

Standard: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Student Outcomes

Indicator: BALS02 - Effectively convey ideas and concepts in an organized and inspiring fashion through oral and written mediums.

Dimension 2 - Organization

Essay is well organized contains subtitles when introducing new ideas. A logical, fair and coherent argument is presented. The essay is written in an objective and analytical way, with appropriate use of illustrations and evidence to substantiate the claims.

Essay contains titles and subtitles. The essay is written in a fairly objective and analytical manner. An argument is presented but not easy to distinguish. Illustrations and evidence provided are relevant to topic but not to the argument presented.

Essay has a title and main topic but not subtopics. The essay is not an objective essay and lacks analysis. An argument is developing but it is not coherent. Illustrations and evidence are present but are not connected to the topic or argument.

The title, the main topic and subtopics are unclear. The essay is not objective and lacks analysis. An argument was not made for the historical figure. Illustrations and evidence are unclear and loosing related to the topic.


USA- WASC Core Competency Standards

Core Competency: WASC Core Competency 04 – Information Literacy

CA- California Baptist University OPS Degree Program Student Outcomes

Standard: University Student Outcomes

Indicator: USO3AP – Use critical thinking skills to demonstrate literacy: listening, speaking, writing, reading, viewing, and visual representing.

Standard: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Student Outcomes

Indicator: BALS01 - Communicate unique and alternative perspectives that appeal to a variety of senses and thought processes.

Indicator: BALS02 - Effectively convey ideas and concepts in an organized and inspiring fashion through oral and written mediums.

Dimension 3 - Grammar

Flawless spelling, grammar and use of punctuation. Writing clear and concise.

Few issues with spelling, grammar and use of punctuation. Writing mostly clear and concise.

Multiple issues with spelling, grammar and use of punctuation. Writing is partially clear and concise.

Spelling, grammar and use of punctuation not at college level. Writing is not clear nor concise.


USA- WASC Core Competency Standards

Core Competency: WASC Core Competency 01 – Written Communication

CA- California Baptist University OPS Degree Program Student Outcomes

Standard: University Student Outcomes

Indicator: USO3AP – Use critical thinking skills to demonstrate literacy: listening, speaking, writing, reading, viewing, and visual representing.

Standard: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Student Outcomes

Indicator: BALS02 - Effectively convey ideas and concepts in an organized and inspiring fashion through oral and written mediums.

Dimension 4 - Content

Biographical information proves an understanding of chosen historical figure and time period. Essay includes evidence of scholarly- historical research. Student clearly addressed all the assignment’s content requirements. Student presents a clear argument in favor of the minority historical figure and clearly provides evidence in support of the argument.

Biographical information reflects an understanding of either the historical figure or time period, but not both. Essay includes evidence of some scholarly-historical research. Evidence of some scholarly research but includes some non-academic sources. Addressed most of the assignment’s content requirements. Student introduced an argument in favor of the minority historical figure but did not provide clear evidence in support of the argument.

Biographical information at times misses historical details. Evidence of research but not scholarly research. Few scholarly historical sources beyond the textbook used. Sources cited are non-academic resources. Student addressed only some of the assignment’s content requirements. Student’s argument was not clearly articulated and the supporting evidence was vague.

Biographical information failed to maintain historical accuracy. Sources used for content are non-academic. Textbook was the main source for information. Student did not address most of the assignment’s content requirements. Student failed to make an argument for the historical figure chosen and the supporting evidence as not relevant.


USA- WASC Core Competency Standards

Core Competency: WASC Core Competency 05 - Critical Thinking

CA- California Baptist University OPS Degree Program Student Outcomes

Standard: University Student Outcomes

Indicator: USO2GM – Respect diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives.

Indicator: USO3AP – Use critical thinking skills to demonstrate literacy: listening, speaking, writing, reading, viewing, and visual representing.

Standard: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Student Outcomes

Indicator: BALS01 - Communicate unique and alternative perspectives that appeal to a variety of senses and thought processes.

Indicator: BALS02 - Effectively convey ideas and concepts in an organized and inspiring fashion through oral and written mediums.

Indicator: BALS06 - Frame situations to provide constructive solutions.

Dimension 5 - Presentation

Presentation was excellent. The notable was introduced, the time period and historical context and relevance was explained. A brief biography of the notable was given. The presenter persuasively stated why this Minority is important and should be further studied in History classes. Examples of accomplishments, significant contributions to history were given. The presentation was a narrated (via PowerPoint, Video recording or other media). It was distributed online or given in class. The illustrations,graphics and wording were clear, relevant and engaging.

Presentation was good. The notable was introduced and the time period mentioned.The historical context and relevance of the person's life was mentioned but needed more.Presenter mentioned why this person was important and should be studied further. Gave some examples of accomplishments and contributions to history.The presentation was good but not narrated (if online). It was not provided to the professor but not the rest of the class. The illustrations,graphics and wording were clear and relevant.

Presentation needed more developing.The notable was introduced but the time period in which he/she lived was not clear. Historical context and relevance needed to be further developed in order to be fully understood. Presenter mentioned why this person was important and should be studied further. Gave some examples of accomplishments but did not tell us why they were significant. The presentation was not narrated and slides needed to be properly titled. It was turned into the professor but it was not delivered in class or distributed to the class via blackboard. The illustrations,graphics and wording needed to be more clear and relevant.

Presentation was not up to college standards. The historical time period in which the notable lived was not clear. It was not clear what context of history he/she lived in and the relevancy of the period was not explained. A brief biography was given.Presenter mentioned why this person was important and should be studied further. Did not provide relevant examples of accomplishments or contributions to history. The presentation was not narrated and slides no clearly titled. It was turned into the professor (late). It did not get presented to the class or it did not get distributed to the class via blackboard. The illustrations,graphics and wording were not clear or relevant.


USA- WASC Core Competency Standards

Core Competency: WASC Core Competency 02 – Oral Communication

CA- California Baptist University OPS Degree Program Student Outcomes

Standard: University Student Outcomes

Indicator: USO2GM – Respect diverse religious, cultural, philosophical, and aesthetic experiences and perspectives.

Indicator: USO3AP – Use critical thinking skills to demonstrate literacy: listening, speaking, writing, reading, viewing, and visual representing.

Standard: Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Student Outcomes

Indicator: BALS01 - Communicate unique and alternative perspectives that appeal to a variety of senses and thought processes.

Indicator: BALS02 - Effectively convey ideas and concepts in an organized and inspiring fashion through oral and written mediums.

Indicator: BALS06 - Frame situations to provide constructive solutions.