Unit IV Scholarly ActivityDeveloping a Safety and Health Training Plan and Employee Safety and Health Suggestion SystemUsing the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model we discussed in Units I, II, and III, yo


Safety and Health Training Plan

1.0 Introduction

Training is one of the most important components within our company’s safety management system. It gives

employees an opportunity to learn their jobs properly, bring new ideas into the workpla ce, reinforce existing ideas

and practices, and it helps to put our Safety and Health Program into action.

Everyone in our company will benefit from safety and health training through fewer workplace injuries and illnesses,

reduced stress, and higher mor ale. Productivity, profits, and competitiveness will increase as production costs per

unit, turnover, and workers compensation rates lower.

2.0 Management commitment.

We (or company name) will provide the necessary funds and scheduling time to ensure e ffective safety and health

training is provided. This commitment will include paid work time for training and training in the language that the

worker understands. Both management and employees will be involved in developing the program.

To most effectiv ely carry out their safety responsibilities, all employees must u nderstand (1) their role in the program,

(2) the hazards and potential hazards that need to be prevented or controlled, and (3) the ways to protect themselves

and others. We will achieve th ese goals by:

• educating everyone on the natural and system consequences of their actions ;

• educating all managers, supervisors and employees on their safety management system responsibilities ;

• educating all employees about the specific hazards and control measures in their workplace ;

• training all employees on hazard identification, analysis, reporting and control procedures ; and

• training all employees on saf e work procedures and practices.

Our training program will focus on health and safety concerns that dete rmine the best way to deal with a particular

hazard. When a hazard is identified, we will first try to remove it entirely. If that is not feasible, we will then train

workers to protect themselves, if necessary, against the remaining hazard. Once we have decided that a safety or

health problem can best be addressed by training (or by another method combined with training), we will follow up by

developing specific training goals based on those particular needs.

Employees . At a minimum, employees must know the general safety and health rules of the worksite, specific site

hazards and the safe work practices needed to help control exposure, and the individual's role in all types of

emergency situations. We will ensure all employees understand the hazards to which they may be exposed and how to

prevent harm to themselves and others from exposure to these hazards. We wi ll commit available resources to ensure employees receive safety and heal th training during t he circumstances


• W henever a person is hired --ge neral safety orientation including an overview of company safety rules, and

why those rules must be followed.

• W henever an employee is given a new job assignment --during formal classroom training, and again, when the

supervisor provides specific task trai ning. It’s extremely important that supervisors emphasize safety during

initial task assignment.

• W henever new work procedures are begun --during formal classroom training and supervisor on -the -job


• W henever new equipment is installed --if new h azards are introduced.

• W henever new substances are used --hazard communication program may apply.

• The bottom line --train safety whenever a new hazard is introduced to the employee.

Employees must know they are responsible for complying with all compan y safety rules, and that most accidents

will be prevented by their safe work practices. They must be very familiar with any personal protective equipment

required for their jobs. They must know what to do in case of emergencies.

Each employee needs to understand that they are not expected to start working a new assignment until they have

been properly trained. If a job appears to be unsafe, they will report the situation to their supervisor.

Supervisors . Supervisors will be given special training to he lp them in their leadership role. They will be taught to

look for hidden hazards in th e work under their supervision; insist on the maintenance of the physical protection in

their areas; and reinforce employee hazard training through performance feedback and consistent enforcement when

necessary .

We will commit necessary resources to ensure supe rvisors understand the responsibilities below and the reasons for


• Detecting and correcting hazards in their work areas before they result in injuries o r illnesses

• Providing physical resources and psychosocial support that promote safe work

• Providing performance feedback and effective recognition and discipline techniques

• Conducting on -the -job training

Supervisors are considered the primary safety tr ainers. All supervisors will complete train -the -trainer classes to learn

training techniques and how to test employee knowledge and skills. They will also receive training on how to apply

fair and consistent recognition and discipline. Supervisor trainin g may be provided by the supervisor's immediate

manager, by the Safety Department, or by outside resources.

Managers . All line managers must understand their responsibilities within our Safety and Health Program. This

may require classroom training and o ther forms of communication . Formal classroom training may not be

necessary. The subject can be covered periodically as a part of regular management meetings. Managers will be trained in the following subject areas:

• the elements of the safety management sy stem, and the positive impact the various processes within the

system ca n have on corporate objectives;

• their responsibility to communicate the Safety and Health Program goals and obj ectives to their employees;

• their role that includes making clear assignments of Safety and Health Program responsibilities, providing

authority and resources to carry out assigned tasks, and holding subordinate managers and supervisors

accountable; and

• actively requiring compliance with mandatory Safety and Health Program policies and rules and encouraging

employee involvement in discretionary safety activities such as making suggestions and participation in the

safety committee.

Traini ng will emphasize the importance of managers' visibly showing their commitment to the safety and health

program. They will be expected to set a good example by scrupulously following all the safety and health rules


Incentives, Recognition an d Reward

The purpose of an effective incentive/recognition process is to motivate employee involvement and build ownership

in our safety culture. When employees make suggestions that improve our safety training, we will formally

recognize their contribut ions. When employees make a significant contribution that meets established criteria, we

will recognize and award tangible rewards. Employees will submit all suggestions directly to immediate supervisors.

Supervisors are authorized to recognize/reward e mployees on -the -spot when the suggestion substantially improves

the training process or content.

3.0 Training and Accountability

We understand that training without accountability is ineffective. Our safety culture mus t support training. A culture

of consequences is essential. To help make sure our efforts in safety and health are effective we have developed

methods to measure performance and administer consequences. Supervisors and managers must understand that

their first responsibility is to mak e sure they have met their obligations to their employees before considering

disciplinary action.

Managers and safety staff will be educated on the elements (processes) within the safety accountability system. The

safety committee will be trained on, a nd continually evaluate, our safety accountability system. Training will focus

on improving the Safety and Health Program whenever hazardous conditions and unsafe or inappropriate behaviors

are detected.

Safety orientation will emphasize that compliance with safety policies, procedures, and rules as outlined in the safety

plan is a condition of employment. Discipline will be administered to help the employee increase desired behaviors,

not to in any way punish. An explanation of the natural and system co nsequences of behavior/performance will be

addressed in every safety training session. 4.0 Types of Training

Required rules -related training will be conducted according to guidelines detailed in OSHA Publication, 2254. We

will also make sure additional training is conducted as deemed appropriate.

__________________ (Responsible individual) will ensure Safety and Health Program training is in full compliance

with OSHA standards. In general safety training will be conducted on the following levels:

• Gene ral Safety Education: General safety information is communicated to employees. No measurement of

knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's) are required.

• Specific Safety Training: Specific safety information and instruction on performing safe procedures and

practices. SKA's are measured/tested. Employees must meet established criteria for SKA's to successfully

complete the course.

New Employee Orientation . The format and extent of orientation training will depend on the complexity of

hazards and the work p ractices needed to control them. Orientation will include a combination of initial

classroom and fol low -up on -the -job training (OJT) .

• For some jobs, orientation may consist of a quick review of site safety and health rules; hazard communication

training for the toxic substances present at the site; training required by relevant OSHA standards, e.g., fire

protection, lockout/tagout, etc; and, a run -through of the job tasks. This training will be presented by the new

employee's supervisor or delegated emp loyee.

• For larger tasks with more complex hazards and work practices to control them, orientation will be structured

carefully. We will make sure that our new employees start the job with a clear understanding of the hazards and

how to protect themselve s and others.

We will follow up supervisory training with a buddy system, where a worker with lengthy experience is assigned to

watch over and coach a new worker, either for a set period of time or until it is determined that training is complete.

Whet her the orientation is brief or lengthy, the supervisor will make sure that before new employees begin the job,

they receive instruction in responding to emergencies. All orientation training received will be properly


On -the -Job Training (OJ T) . OJT training relates principles and theories to work skills that are then taught and

applied in the work environment. OJT is designed to reinforce formal classroom training. All new -hire employees

require training to perform their jobs effectively. In this regard, OJT is an essential supplement to formal classroom

training. OJT assignments may be provided concurrently with formal training to emphasize and complement material

covered in formal training courses. Time allotted to accomplish OJT assignments should be compatible with the new -

hire's current knowledge, skill, and experience levels. The employee's supervisor should assess the employee's ability

to successfully complete OJT training.

Contract workers . W ill receive training to recognize our spec ific workplace hazards or potential hazards.

Experienced workers . W ill be trained if the installation of new equipment changes their job in any way, or if process

changes create new hazards or increase previously existing hazards. All workers . W ill rec eive refresher training as necessary to keep them prepared for emergencies and alert them to

ongoing housekeeping problems.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) . Workers needing to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and persons

working in high risk situations will need special training. Supervisors and workers alike must be taught the proper

selection, use, and maintenance of PPE. Since PPE sometimes can be cumbersome, employees may need to be

motivated to wear it in every situation where protection is necessary. Therefore, training will begin with a clear

explanation of why the equipment is necessary, how its use will benefit the wearer, and what its limitations are.

Remind your employees of your desire to protect them and of your efforts, not onl y to eliminate and reduce the

hazards, but also to provide suitable PPE where needed.

Individual employees will become familiar with the PPE they are being asked to wear. This is done by handling it

and putting it on. Training will consist of showing em ployees how to put the equipment on, how to wear it properly,

and how to test for proper fit and how to maintain it. Proper fit is essential if the equipment is to provide the

intended protection. We will conduct periodic exercises in finding, donning, a nd properly using emergency personal

protective equipment and devices.

Vehicular Safety . All workers operating a motor vehicle on the job (on or off premises) will be trained in its safe

vehicle operation, safe loading and unloading practices, safe speed in relation to varying conditions, and proper

vehicle maintenance. We will emphasize in the strongest possible terms the benefits of safe driving and the

potentially fatal consequences of unsafe practices.

Emergency Response . We will train our employees to respond to emergency situations. Every employee at

every worksite will understand:

• emergency telephone numbers and who may use them ;

• emergenc y exits and how they are marked;

• evacuation routes; and

• signals that alert employees to the need to evacuate .

We will practice evacuation drills at least semi -annually, so that every employee has a chance to recognize the signal

and evacuate in a safe and orderly fashion. Supervisors or their alternates will practice counting personnel at

evacuation gathering points to ensure that every worker is accounted for. We will include procedures to account for

visitors, contract employees, and service workers such as cafeteria employees. At sites where weather or earthquake

emergencies are reasonable possibilities, ad ditional special instruction and drilling will be given.

Periodic Safety and Health Training . At some worksites, complex work practices are necessary to control hazards.

Elsewhere, occupational injuries and illness are common. At such sites, we will en sure that employees receive

periodic safety and health training to refresh their memories and to teach new method s of control. New training will

also be conducted as necessary when OSHA standards change or new standards are issued.

Where the work si tuation changes rapidly, weekly meetings will be conducted as needed. These meetings will

remind workers of the upcoming week's tasks, the environmental changes that may affect them, and the procedures

they may need to protect themselves and others. Iden tifying types of training . Specific hazards that employees need to know about should be identified through total

site health and safety surveys, job hazard analysis, and change analysis. Accident and injury records may reveal

additional hazards and needs for training. Near -miss reports, maintenance requests, and employee suggestions may

uncover still other hazards requiring employee training.

5.0 Monitoring the Training Program.

Monitoring the employee's progress through the developmental period is cri tical to ensure success of the training

program. Monitoring provides information to the supervisor regarding the benefits and effectiveness of the training

received. In addition, it provides information on the ability of the employee to achieve training go als and objectives.

Both the employee's supervisor and training staff play major roles in the monitoring process. To ensure adequate

monitoring of the sa fety training program the actions below must occur.

• The supervisor will ensure that each employee has completed the necessary prere quisites before the start of


• The supervisor will review the employee's performance of task assignments.

• The supervisor will conduct a review with the new -hire employee following each required training activity.

This review provides the supervisor with information on the progress of the employee and can assist in

identifying areas requiring further training.

• When the supervisor determines that the new -hire employee has sufficient experience to successfully complete

a task, the OJT review may be dis continued.

• The supervisor and employee will complete training documentation.

6.0 Safety and Health Training Program Evaluation

An evaluation of the effectiveness of the training program will be conducted periodically. Staff from the training

department will interview managers, supervisors and employees who have participated in the program to determine

the effectiveness of the training, and to obtain suggestions for program improvement.

Evaluation will help determine whether the training provided has ac hieved its goal of improv ing employee safety

and performance. When carefully developed and carried out, the evaluation will highlight training program

strengths and identify areas of weakness that need change or improvement.

• Evaluation will include ana lysis of employee attendance at training sessions. Training will not work for an

employee who does not show up. Absenteeism can signal a problem with the worker, but it can also indicate a

weakness in training content and presentation.

• We will compare p re-and post -training injury and accident rates overall. The periods of time being compared

must be long enough to allow significant differences to emerge if training has made a difference.

• We will determine whether the training provided has achieved its goal of improving employee safety

performance. Evaluation will highlight training program strengths and identify areas of weakness that need

change or improvement.

• _________________(The safety team/coordinator) will evaluate training through the follow ing methods:

o observing employee skills;

o surveys and interviews to determine employee knowled ge and attitudes about training;

o review ing the training plan and lesson plans;

o comparing training conducte d with hazards in the workplac e;

o review ing training documents; and

o comparing pre -and post -training injury and accident rates.

If evaluation determines program improvement is necessary, the safety committee/coordinator will develop


(It's often easier to conduct an activity than to judge it. But do not ignore this evaluation phase. It will allow you to

calculate your training program's bottom line profitability. Have the goals of training been achieved? Do the results

warrant offering the training again at some later date? How c an the program be improved? Once you have made the

effort to provide employee safety and health training, you certainly want to be able to answer these questions.)

7.0 Certification

_____________________________ ______________________

Reviewed by ( Signature) Date

_______________________________ ______________________

Approved by (Signature) Date