In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus

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Hand Washing

Michele Pascal

NRS-490 Capstone

July 29, 2018

Hand Washing

Hand hygiene is considered to be the most crucial infection preventive measure. It is a major issue in infection control since many infections are spread through direct contacts. Therefore, to ensure we minimize contamination, adhering to hand washing techniques is very crucial since it prevents the spread of organisms that are found in our hands. Hand washing among health workers is very important since contaminated hands are the primary source of infection transmission in a health care setting. According to Mortella, Balkhy, Tannous and Jong (2013), most health care physicians are not conversant with hand hygiene policies that have been stipulated by the World Health Organization. Studies have indicated that adopting hand hygiene is very crucial as it has proved to reduce various ailments such as diarrhea. However, to achieve efficient hand washing health care facilities should ensure they educate the public on the importance of hand hygiene (Salama, Jamal, Mousa, Al-AbdulGhani, & Rotimi, 2013). The essay will review issues pertaining hand washing and will explore how patients that are admitted to an acute health care setting benefit from the implementation of handwashing program about the reduction of the hospitalacquired infection within six months.

Research Questions Comparison

Many research papers will often try to identify an excellent research question that will be eye capturing that ensures readers get interested in reading their article. Considering the research question used by the articles provided we identify some similarities among the articles. Research questions have played a huge role as a catalyst is research as they provide the main items that the research will concentrate. Considering the eight articles used in the essay we identify that all articles revolve the importance of adhering to handwashing behavior in an attempt to reduce common infections that are transmitted by bacteria found in our hands. We identify that the articles identify the importance of hand washing hygiene and identify if there is a gap between what is taught in the classroom and what is practiced in the workplaces (Mortella, Balkhy, Tannous, & Jong, 2013). Further, we identify that almost all articles try to investigate various approaches that can be adopted to improve hand hygiene monitoring in the healthcare facilities (Mackrill, Dawson, Garvey, & Gould, 2017). Consequently, we identify that some articles are trying to investigate the relationship between hand hygiene and how it can reduce diarrhea in children and adult.

Sample Populations

In most cases, sample population is used by research articles to try and investigate how the general population relates and how the sample result reflect the entire population. All articles are randomly selected and in most cases takes place within a health care facilities. Most of the articles have selected their sample populations randomly, and they had to interview them and take them through on the procedure and what was required for them. The size of the sample population among the articles have varied among all the articles ranging from fourteen sample populations to approximately four hundred and fifty sample population. It is important to note that a good sample when conducting research is very crucial as it is the determinant of getting excellent and accurate results (Sadule-Rios & Aguilera, 2017). Therefore, depending on the type of study been conducted, the sample size will be affected. For instance, in Biran et al., (2014), the sample population used is fourteen where the authors selected the members from huge villagers and it was able to produce the required resulted. Likewise, in the sample population in Sadule-Rios and Aguilera (2017), the authors selected more than four hundred population, and this can be attributed mainly by the results that the authors were investigating. The articles was investigating the barriers that results to non-compliance of hand hygiene among health care staff in the Critical Care Unit.

Limitations of the Study

In most article research, authors will often encounter various limitations that may hinder attainment of an accurate result. Considering the articles, most of the authors have identified various limitations such as lack of honesty among the sample population (Kirk, et al., 2016). The authors investigate the compliance rate of many physicians in regards to hand hygiene. However, the authors claim that most people did not fully comply with the study. Consequently, the limitations of the research study are shortcomings that are beyond the researchers controlled and will often bring about restrictions on the methodology, results, and conclusion of the study been conducted.


Studies conducted indicate that maintaining hand hygiene is very important in that it reduces the spread of harmful bacteria found in our hands. Also, the articles identify that most people do not understand policies that are adopted by the World Health Organization pertaining to hand hygiene. Further, it is important to promote and emphasize the importance of hand hygiene in educating the public and adopting a sensitization campaign. Finally, ensuring that all health care facilities have adequate staff to avoid overworking staff as this tends to strain the workers who will in most cases forget about maintain hand hygiene.


Biran, A., Schmidt, W.-P., Varadharajan, K. S., Rajaraman, D., Kumar, R., Greenland, K., . . . Curtis, V. (2014). Effect of a behaviour-change intervention on handwashing with soap in India (SuperAmma): a cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet Global Health, 3(2), 145-154. doi:

Kirk, J., Kendall, A., Marx, J. F., Pincock, T., Young , E., Hughes, J. M., & Landers, T. (2016). Point of care hand hygiene—where's the rub? A survey of US and Canadian health care workers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices. American Journal of Infection Control, 44(10), 1095-1101. doi:

Mackrill, J., Dawson, C., Garvey, B., & Gould, D. (2017). Exploring new approaches to improve hand hygiene monitoring in healthcare. Infection, Disease & Health, 22(1), 21-27.

Mortella, M., Balkhy, H. H., Tannous, E. B., & Jong, M. T. (2013). Physician 'defiance' towards hand hygiene compliance: Is there a heory-practice-ethics gap? Journal of the Saudi Heart Association, 25(3), 203-208. Retrieved from

Nwadiaro-Ejemot, R. I., Ehiri, J. E., Arikpo, D., Meremikwu, M. M., & Critchley, J. A. (2015). Hand Washing promotion for preventing diarrhea. Cochrane Library.

Sadule-Rios, N., & Aguilera, G. (2017). Nurses’ perceptions of reasons for persistent low rates in hand hygiene compliance. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 42, 17-21. doi:

Salama, M. F., Jamal, W. Y., Mousa, H. A., Al-AbdulGhani, K., & Rotimi, V. O. (2013). The effect of hand hygiene compliance on hospital-acquired infections in an ICU setting in a Kuwaiti teaching hospital. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 6(1), 27-34. Retrieved from

Uneke, C. J., Chinwendu, D. N., Oyibo, P. G., Nwakpu, K. O., Nnabu, R. C., & Prasopa-Plaizier, N. (2014). Promotion of hand hygiene strengthening initiative in a Nigerian teaching hospital: implication for improved patient safety in low-income health facilities. The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 18(1), 21-27.