Writing Assignment Two Guidelines

The Lingering Impacts of Lehman Brothers’ Bankruptcy

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Papers must be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides, and citations and references must follow APA format.

Papers must be 7 to 8 pages in length, including title page and references.

All quoted material must be enclosed in quotation marks, followed by an in-text author citation in addition to a listing in the reference list.

All graphics (charts, tables, etc.) that are duplicated from a source must include an in-text citation with the graphic.

All rubric section discussions must include specific section headings in bold type.

All rubric section discussions must address the rubric points specifically and thoroughly.

All references should be academic journals and peer-reviewed data and research. Points will be deducted for Investopedia or Wikipedia references. Points will also be deducted for excessive use of “dot com” financial websites and blogs such as Fidelity, Motley Fool, Morningstar and others, unless you have also cited material from at least the five high quality references you reviewed in the Literature Review.

All papers should be thoroughly checked for spelling, grammatical and sentence structure errors prior to submission. Points will be deducted for such errors.

All papers will be analyzed for originality, and any paper with a similarity score above 50% will receive an automatic zero grade. Papers with a similarity score between 35% and 50% will receive point deductions accordingly.