In this Assignment, you will create two lesson plans that address the integration of content areas and learning domains through a theme based approach.This Assignment has two parts. The first is the s

Sample APA Paper 5

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SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS, ALL CAPS, including punctuation and spacing) - Delete the red italicized print after reading.


Your Name

Kaplan University

Your course name and section

Instructor Name



Please type your introduction here. The first line of each paragraph should be intended. Paragraphs should be at least five sentences in length.

Part 1:

Select a topic to use as the focus of your lesson plans. The topic should be one that is of interest to children: something in their everyday experience that invites exploration. It should also be a topic that fits with learning standards created by government or professional organizations. Share your topic and the reason for selecting it.

Part 2: Lesson One



Teacher Name:

Activity Name:

Learning Domain(s) Addressed:

Goal/Purpose (based on developmental expectations, research, early childhood theory):

One or two objectives and standards based on Common Core State Standards, NAEYC, or specific milestones of development:






Part 2: Lesson Two



Teacher Name:

Activity Name:

Learning Domain(s) Addressed:

Goal/Purpose (based on developmental expectations, research, early childhood theory):

One or two objectives and standards based on Common Core State Standards, NAEYC, or specific milestones of development:







(This should be on a new page, please attempt APA – you may want to visit the writing center for assistance)

Unit 8 Assignment Rubric

150 Points: Unit 8 Assignment: Grading Criteria

___/30 points

  • Introduction: Developmentally Appropriate theme/ focus is identified and defended through professional standards and/ or early childhood theories.

___/100 points

  • Two (2) Individual Lesson Plans that address the same theme identified in the Introduction are created; using the provided template for each of the two plans.

  • Lesson plans include: (see examples on pgs. 488-494 of text)

  • Activity name

  • Learning Domain

  • Goal/ Purpose (based on developmental expectations, research, early childhood theory)

  • One or two objectives and standards based on Common Core State Standards, NAEYC, or specific milestones of development

  • Content

  • Materials

  • Procedures

  • Modifications

  • Evaluation

___/20 points

  • Grammar and spelling is correct. Writing is clear, concise, and follows a logical pattern. The Lesson Plan Template and APA Format is used and a minimum of two quotes/ citations are included in the Introduction or within Lesson Plans to support a theme, learning goal, or objective. There is also a separate Title and Reference Page.