This assignment is due on or before Thursday August 30, 2018 by 10:00pm PST. There are five files attached. Week - 4 News Team Publication is not due until Monday September 03, 2018 by 10:00pm PST. I

Week 4 - Budget Meeting - News Team 2


33 unread replies.33 replies.

Your response is due Day 3 (Thursday). Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Individual Reflection and Team Collaboration

Prepare: This week you will work with your news team to create digital news content for the AU CHAMPion. This fictional publication features “reporter pages” that you learned about from reading Balance of Power Shifts from Major News Outlets Toward Individual Journalists (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. This week your team will be using Google Sites to create a digital publication. View The AU CHAMPion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to learn how to use Google Sites for your publication prior to your Budget Meeting. (Note: Click the link to view the video in full screen.)

Reflect: Refresh your memory about the audience you are writing for by reviewing the demographics (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Then consider two types of stories you would like to write to be included on your “reporter page” in the digital publication. This may be on any topic the news team agrees on, but there should be a variety of topics offered by each person. All team members must bring at least three current news topics for which they feel confident they will be able to get an interview from someone related to the topic (interviews may be conducted by email, phone, or in person). All ideas will be presented in the Budget Meeting, which will take place in Zoom (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

The Budget Meeting: Join your news team at the agreed upon time in Zoom. Be sure to record your meeting session. The team member chosen as Digital Assignment Editor will be responsible for starting and sharing the Zoom session in the group area of the course. The news team will decide who will record the meeting and share the link in their Budget Meeting area of the course and who will take notes for the meeting to be shared.

Roles: The difference for this week is that you will write your own story and serve as your own editor. The roles for the week are as follows:

  • The Digital Assignment Editor will be responsible for setting up the AU CHAMPion digital space using Google Sites.

  • News team members will work together to create a one paragraph bio about the news team.

  • Each news team member will write and self-edit two stories for their section of the digital publication, and will also include a photo and brief bio of themselves.

Discussion: Every person must be a part of the Budget Meeting discussion presenting ideas and dialoging on the best approach to take in gathering and presenting the news.

Extenuating Circumstances: If there is an extenuating circumstance that has a verifiable excuse, the student must contact the instructor for guidance on the necessary steps to take. The students, however, must still participate with the news team in the writing and editing of the publication.


  • All stories and individual bios must be loaded no later than Monday at 11:59 PM.

  • The team is required to continue using the Budget Meeting space in the course throughout the week to share and dialogue about challenges and successes. A minimum of two posts are required of all team members.