The homework has two step each step needs to answer from different books, please use only two books to answer and don't use anything else. Islam In The Modern World. (IMW) this book for the first ste


FIRST STEP: READ CHAPTER ONE (Scripture in the Modern Muslim World: Qur’an and Hadith) in Islam in the Modern World, pp. 14-32. Your answers should be solely based on chapter 1. Use these notes to review for your midterm.

  1. Vocabulary: give definition of ijma and salaf

  2. According to Jonathan Brown, what are the four modern approaches to the Qur’an and Hadith? State their main differences

  3. Persona: write a short biographical entry on the following persona (time/century, place, significance). [Significance = important. Why are they important to remember?]

    1. Fazlur Rahman

    2. Sir Sayyid Kban

    3. Muhammad Abduh

    4. Muhammad Ibn Abd-al Wahhab

    5. Sayyid Qutub


I. Al-Afghani (pp. 13-15)

1. According to Al-Afghani, what effect does the Muslim religion have on progress?

2. How did Al-Afghani account for the power of the Western nations? How can the Muslim world gain the same power?

II. Al-Afghani (pp. 16-19)

1. Is ethnic solidarity a natural and universal part of human communities according to Al-Afghani? Why or why not?

2. What are the unique features of Islam?

3. What are the root causes of ethnic conflict in the Muslim world? How can Muslims avoid such conflict?

III. Muhammad Abduh (pp. 20-23)

1. According to Abduh, what is the purpose of religion? What is the sole aim of worship?

2. What were the admirable principles of Islam that made its enemies into “allies and proteges”?

3. How did Islam influence Western Europe?

IV. Sayyid Ahmad Khan (pp. 32-34)

1. According to Sayyid Ahmad Khan, what were the causes of the Mutiny of 1857? What were its effects?

2. Did Sayyid Khan believe that Muslims should be involved in the Indian liberation movement? How did he think Muslims should relate to the English king?

V. Sayyid Ahmad Khan (pp. 35-37)

1. What is the purpose of theology?

2. How is modern science different from the science of the Greeks?

3. How does Sayyid Ahmad Khan propose to prove that Islam is the true religion?