Re:Topic 1 DQ 2Nursing ResearchI have noticed that the nurse workplace has many hazards, an issue that puts their health at risk. Nurses are exposed to a lot of dangers that through their contact wi

HIST 1103 Spring 2018 Homework Assignment 2

The Homework Assignments in this class will general revolve around the “Readings From the Norton Mix: History” section found in the back of your textbook. Generally, you will be asked to read 3-4 of the small, 2-4 page readings, and then answer a number of questions based on them.

Your responses should be 1-2 pages, double spaced, typed, in 12pt Times New Roman font. They are to be turned in, printed out, to your assigned grader on the due date indicated in your syllabus.

For this assignment, due Wednesday, September 5 please read the following readings:

Thomas Jefferson, On Education 953-956

The Virginia Declaration of Rights, 969-972

George Washington, On Shay’s Rebellion, 973-978

In your written response, please answer a total of five (5), with one (1) coming from each of the readings. Although your answers should be in paragraph form, do not feel like you must compose this assignment as if it were an essay. Feel free to label your answers as “Reading 1, Question 2:” and then compose a paragraph, and then “Reading 1, Question 4:” and your response to the second question. Please clearly indicate which questions you are responding to.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.