Interview an influence or mentor in their professional network to identify varied aspects of professional development and to make connections between so-called “failures” and “successes”. (

Shadow resume paper

identify varied aspects of professional development and to make connections between so-called “failures” and “successes”. The interview can be held online or in person and should take no more than 90 minutes and consist of a minimum of ten open-ended questions to be pre-approved by your learning team. The paper will include a write-up of the interview, interview questions and summary of key insights gained. The paper should use APA style, and be 4-6 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font Times New Roman. An appendix of your interview questions must be included and does not count towards your page limit. Your write-up will consist of the following:

• Part 1: Introduction/Interview context: Discuss the individual you chose to interview. Share an overview of their bio/resume and your relationship to them. Why did you select them? Describe the interview, such as where it took place, how long it took and any details to help paint a picture of your experience.

• Part 2: Interview responses: Describe the interview responses. Refer to the list of questions included in your appendix. What were the key “successes” and “failures” shared by your interviewee? What types of “shadows” did you uncover that are not apparent within their resume? What did they reveal about their development and experiences as a leader?

• Part 3: Conclusion/Essential takeaways: What key insights did you develop? What is the most significant thing you learned from the experience of this shadow interview as it pertains to leadership? (Connect to course materials and discussion, use citations)

Shadow Resume Paper Rubric (20 Points) The following criteria will be considered when evaluating your paper:

_____/12 Substance:

Substance refers to how you discuss the three components of the assignment: (1) interview context; (2) interview responses; (3) key insights/most significant areas of learning and relevance to leadership. Substance includes the comprehensiveness and depth of the discussion, and integration of course materials and reading

. _____/1 Organization:

Organization includes use of headings, the definition of unfamiliar terms, a logical progression of ideas, appropriate transitions, and paragraph structure. Please use a heading (name/date/course/instructor) for your paper and each of the three sections (title of each section).

_____/7 Style An assignment will receive more weight if it is well organized (edited), well written, and/or creatively presented. Remember to use the Writing center or Smart inking for editing support! Submit your paper as .doc or .pdf file via BB/ Week 3 Course materials/assignments Paper is 4–6 pages in length (No more than 4-6 pages), uses APA style, is double-spaced, uses 12-pt Times Roman font, has one-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins. Be sure to include a cover page and a reference page and to cite any materials used.

_______/ 20 Total