Topic: Wireless Technology SecurityAssignment InstructionsResearch Paper Submit a research paper based on your week 4 Idea Paper. The final paper should be at least 5 pages not including cover page a

Running Head: Wireless Technology Security 0

Submit an 3 page concept/idea paper IAW APA format on an approved topic (see pre-approved topics in the syllabus). Paper organization will include (use as headings):

  • Introduction.

  • Problem Statement.

  • Relevance and Significance.

  • References (at least five).

Wireless Technology Security

Wireless Technology security


Wireless technology security has developed and evolved significantly making it possible to use and access data at any place from work to home. Information can be accessed via phone, tablets, laptops and other portable devices. This has also increased the threats linked with the access and use of the wireless technology. However, many companies remain susceptible to the threats in the wireless network which exposes the company’s sensitive and valuable information to criminals. This has made it necessary for most users of wireless technology to find effective ways of mitigating the risks associated with this. Wireless technology has become affordable, easy to operate and available

Wireless technology security can be described as the process of developing, implementing and certifying that a computer system which is wireless is secure and free from attacks. This is a division of the network security that increases the wireless computers protection. The wireless technology security safeguards the wireless networks from unapproved individuals and also restrict access through malicious attempts. The wireless security operates through devices which are also wireless such as routers or switches through encryption hence protecting the wireless communication entirely by default.

The Security restricts the hackers from accessing information being transmitted even if the security of the network is compromised. The network security also detects the intrusion and alert the administrators of the wireless systems thus enhancing protection. Any security breach is also detected. Examples of the standards and the algorithms which are commonly used to enhance safety in wireless technology include Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wireless Protected Access (WPA).Organizations can also secure the wireless networks using the mechanism of authentication.

Some of the measures that can be taken to provide security includes changing the configuration settings of the default often, regular changing of the encryption keys and also making sure that there is a strong and a unique password for administration in every network access as well as changing the passwords regularly. A strong password should comprise of alphabets mixed small and capital letters, symbols, figures, and numbers. The strong passwords should be implemented in the software and hardware security solutions. In addition to this all insecure and idle protocol in management on the access point should be disabled.

Other prevention measure includes enabling the firewalls of the routers which will make it possible for the router to scrutinize the packets that are coming in and also reject the unwanted traffic and changing the SSID default of the router which ascertains the wireless networks. Limiting the coverage of the wireless networks is an extra security measure which will prevent intruders from penetrating from the external network coverage area. In addition to this, file sharing should be done cautiously, the points of access software should be patched and updated and turning off the broadcasting identifier.

Problem Statement.

There has been a general increase in the number of illegal activities in many organizations as well as individual users of the wireless networks affecting the operations and reliability wireless network. The hackers have been using illegal wireless systems as well as computers in their activities to access, damage and compromise the information. This makes it necessary for organizations to understand the wireless security issues. This includes the threats posed, the vulnerability level, the methods of prevention as well as the important of prevention. Understanding the security technology will help in finding the level of vulnerability as well as in developing the best effective preventive measure. The objective of this paper is to research as well as recommend the best method of enhancing wireless security.

Relevance and Significance.

Developing and implementing the wireless technology security is significant as it will prevent attacks as well as misuse of the data by individuals who have access which exposes private and confidential data and also the critical assets which for a long time has proved a big challenge in managing it and also securing. Wireless Technology Security will ensure that companies have effectively automated the wireless protections measures against threats through covering all assets in the organization that enhances the identification of the level of vulnerability, attacks prevention, threats assessment and also make sure that there is compliance in a secure manner, cost effective and also a method that is easy to use.

This Technology will play a significant role in the prevention of the malicious attacks and also misuse of information by employees which compromises the organizations information. The technology will also ensure that there is privacy and also the wireless security policies are enforced for both internal and external use. This will prevent the risk exposure

Other importance of the technology solutions involves preventing theft of the internet bandwidth, illegal acts, exposures, preventing network infections


IEEE Staff. (2016). 2016 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT). Piscataway: IEEE.

In Daimi, K. (2018). Computer and Network Security Essentials.

Moran, J. (2017). Security+: Recall Wireless Security Concepts.

Tran, D. (2015). Information Technology 2016.

United States. (2017). Promoting security in wireless technology: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, June 13, 2017.

Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, IEEE Communications Society, & Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. (2016). 2016 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS): Date, 18-20 April 2016.

Wright, J., & Cache, J. (2015). Hacking exposed wireless: Wireless security secrets and solutions.