I need two responses for answers from other students. I have attached the original question and the answers they gave. The responses are not to be negative and need to be academically acceptable. The

Original question

Describe in your own words how organizational culture can affect employee morale and performance

Answer Number 1 (Judith)

Some people say culture is what happens after the manager leaves the room," others say culture comes from the mission of the organization, the attidues, practices, and values, and then there are some who say the executives and the CEO controls the culture. It does not matter what one may believe where it comes from or what culture is, the one thing that is known, is, that culture is mostly about feeling. If the physical environment is about seeing, touching, tasteing, and breathing then, the cultural environment must be about feeling, like the "vibe" you get when you walk through the door and the tone and the mood that the workplace sets. It's the style of the leadership, the sense of purpose their employees feel, the structure of the organization, and the people that make up that organization. Basically corporate culture is what drains or energizes us, it discourages us or motivates us, it suffocates us or it empowers us. We experience the corporate culture of our organizations every day, whether it be negitive or positive. We all experience it.

Answer Number 2 (Denise)

Company culture is mainly led by communication, and it creates the atmosphere and the way employees work. Ask various people from different levels of corporate experience, industries and company’s and there will an array of responses when it comes to defining organizational culture. Culture is the driving force behind a company and has the potential to affect morale, performance, the level of interest in developing on the employee’s part and percentage of employees which commit to working for the long haul (retention rate). It’s for this reason that companies begin to share their values, standards, ways of doing things, incentive plans, uniqueness etc., in the beginning during the interview and continue during new hire orientation and training. A balance between the work, compensation, activities, events, leadership, opportunities, etc., affect the emotions, level of satisfaction, outlook and attitudes of the employees while they work for an employer. This all plays a role on how an employee performs in the workplace, and the level of satisfaction will determine if morale is high or low, negative or positive.

“Company culture” is a term which I’ve heard in several conversations across the workplace, especially during times of organizational/departmental change. According to the Company Culture and Workplace clashes article, the company culture is made up the beliefs, standards, attitudes, perspectives along with the private conversations of company employees. One’s attitude can and will set the environment. Everyone perceives and processes information differently when it comes to matters which concern an organization. These different ways of perceiving and processing, along with being part of a team, department and background are all factors and lead to subcultures. It’s the role of leadership to bring everything together and create a culture which is uniform under one common mission or organizational purpose.

There was an organizational change which was initiated by a client which helped me understand morale and performance. The change called for major changes in the operational work flow, changes to roles within the department (called for cross-training so everyone would know all the dept. functions), along with a new system integration and implementation. A culture which was work family oriented, where frequent potlucks, activities, inviting etc., began to be quickly affected when employees didn't have an open ear and embrace the change. Every time one visited the break room or bathroom, there were small groups of people discussing their feelings on the changes. This started to grow and grow until it affected the senior manager in charge who resigned from his position and ended up going back to a previous employer. A challenge which company’s face today, is being able to bring the subcultures together and creating uniformity, one vision and one purpose (Hladio, 2010). It’s the role of the leaders help employees understand and create an environment for deep level thinking which leads to aligning with organizational goals and moving the culture in a positive forward direction.


Hladio, M. (2010). Company CULTURE and Workplace CLASHES. MWorld, 9(4), 42–44. Retrieved from https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=55728029&site=ehost-live&scope=site