Topic: Risk Management and Governance in a Global EnvironmentAssignment must be worded and look exactly like the Annotated Bibliography template provided. The five aricles are provided also.

285 \f \b \f \ \ 286 \f \b \f \ \ 287 \f \b \f \ \ 288 \f \b \f \ \ 289 \f \b \f \ \ 290 \f \b \f \ \ 291 \f \b \f \ \ 292 \f \b \f \ \ 293 \f \b \f \ \ 294 \f \b \f \ \ 295 \f \b \f \ \ 296 \f \b \f \ \ Copyright ofAnnual International ConferenceonAccounting &Finance isthe property of Global Science &Technology Forumanditscontent maynotbecopied oremailed to multiple sitesorposted toalistserv without thecopyright holder'sexpresswrittenpermission.

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