Topic: Risk Management and Governance in a Global EnvironmentAssignment must be worded and look exactly like the Annotated Bibliography template provided. The five aricles are provided also.





Corey J. Fox

Texas State University • San Marcos, TX


There have been several retrospective analyses o f the financial crisis. An area

that continues to receive attention is the failure o f risk management in financial firms

at the heart o f the crisis. After the crisis, the United States Government convened

the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to explore causes o f the crisis. Their

conclusions have gone largely unexplored, especially in academic research. In this

study, I first examine the comm ission’s report on the crisis identifying several re­

appearing themes. An exploratory follow-up analysis looking at financial and non-

financial firms suggests non-financial firms have areas to improve upon compared to

their financial counterparts.

Keywords: Financial crisis; Risk management; Risk management failure; Financial

Crisis Inquiry Commission; FCIC

“ Those who cannot remember the p a st are condemned to repeat it. ”

- George Santayana (Philosopher)


The financial crisis o f 2008 and 2009 was the worst financial disaster to hit

the United States in over seven decades. Organizations o f all types were impacted as

the events in the financial industry rippled throughout the economy. The crisis left

the economy in shambles, dissolved trillions o f dollars in wealth, and left millions

o f people without jobs and homes (Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission [FCIC],

2011). There have been many opinions about what the root causes o f the crisis were

(Jickling, 2009). While some recent research has suggested that excessive investment

in financial products (both ordinary and exotic) were a considerable culprit (e.g.,

Tuckman, 2016; Vo, 2015) there has been much less work focused on the impact

that risk management failures at the managerial level had on failing financial firms

(e.g., Hubbard, 2009).

In 2009, the U.S. Government commissioned a committee to look into the Journal o f Business Strategies

causes o f the financial crisis. This committee, known as the Financial Crisis Inquiry

Commission (FCIC), gathered and analyzed a myriad o f data before putting out a

complete report based upon their extensive analysis, outlining what it believed to be

the main causes o f the crisis. While this report was made public, there has been little

exploration or discussion o f the findings in academic circles (per mention in academic

research papers) especially as it relates to risk management within organizations.

This is unfortunate since the report is built upon a vast amount o f information and

has implications for management practices related to the management o f risk.

As suggested by the quote above from George Santayana, it is thought that

finding a cause(s) can help businesses learn, and hopefully avoid, making the same

(or similar) mistakes in the future. The purpose o f this paper is to look, qualitatively,

at the comm ission’s in-depth report, analyze the passages around risk management

and discuss the implications o f the findings. Additionally, this paper explores

whether financial and non-financial firms have learned from the failures identified in

the commission’s report.

The purpose behind expanding the study beyond just the large financial

firms associated with the crisis, was to assess the degree o f learning (if any) at other

large, visible firms. The organizational learning literature (Huber, 1991; Madsen and

Desai, 2010) has suggested that firms can make adaptations to its business operations

and strategy as a result o f reflections on their own experiences (experiential learning)

or the experiences o f others (vicarious learning). Financial institutions that were at

the center o f the crisis (such as the large financial firms and large regional banks)

should be most likely to have made adaptations post crisis. However, we might also

expect that other large, visible firms would make adaptations due in part to what they

learned from the failings o f these financial firms. However, the changes may be less

pronounced since those firms were further away from the actual learning event.

In doing so, this paper makes three important contributions to the extant

literature in risk management and organization studies. First, this paper adds to

what is currently known about risk management failure, and more specifically risk

management failure during the financial crisis. While much has been made about

the failure o f complex quantitative risk management systems, less is known about

managerial-level failures. Second, this paper synthesizes and condenses a broad

array o f disparate statements in the FCIC report on risk management during the crisis

into a small set o f important risk management issues. These issues are described and

discussed in detail so that managers and organizations (in all industries) can learn

from the mistakes o f these failed institutions. Last, there are prescriptive remedies

given to help companies avoid risk management failures in the future.



The Commission

Following the financial crisis, the US government convened a commission

known as the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)', to examine the

causes o f the crisis. The FCIC was commissioned by the Fraud Enforcement and

Recovery Act of 2009 and tasked with conducting a thorough investigation into the

causes of the financial and crisis.2 The commission worked together for over 18

months gathering data from a multitude of sources and conducting interviews with

people involved at various stages and levels o f the crisis. Over that time frame, the

commission scoured over millions of pages o f documents, including the work of

journalists, academics and other published sources. The commission interviewed

more than 700 material ‘witnesses’ and conducted numerous public hearings across

the country in an attempt to learn about what happened. Despite the widely held

belief amongst industry regulators that financial firms were prudent risk managers

with sophisticated financial models who had strong ‘market’ incentives to undertake

sound risk management practices, the risk management systems at these large firms


Risk management, like strategic management, is a process directed by

the top managers of a firm during strategy formulation (Chapman, 2011). Risk

management is generally described as an iterative, holistic process whereby firms

identify, analyze, strategize, treat and communicate risks (Chapman, 2011; Frame,

2003; Shenkir, Barton and Walker, 2010; Shortreed, 2010). During the financial

crisis, for many financial firms, there was a breakdown in the process. As a result,

the following research questions were explored in this paper:

1) What were the contributing factors that led to fin a n c ia l firm s ’ risk

management failures during the crisis?

2) Post crisis, have firm s (both fin a n c ia l a nd non-financial) learned fro m

these failures?


To explore the research objectives identified, I conducted two studies. In

Study 1, I pursued a textual approach research methodology. The textual approach Journal o f Business Strategies

examines texts to gain insights about events. This research approach has been used

before to make sense o f events surrounding situations o f crisis (e.g. Gephart, 1993).

The purpose o f Study 1 was to examine where the breakdown in risk management

occurred at the large financial institutions who were at the heart o f the crisis. In

Study 2, I pursued an exploratory analysis where four separate types o f firms were

identified - large financial institutions, large regional banks, large non-financial

companies with a dedicated financial services business segment, and large non-

financial companies without a dedicated financial services business. For each group

identified, three representative firms were chosen and a textual analysis o f these

firms’ proxy statements from before and after the crisis was undertaken. The purpose

o f Study 2 was to examine whether financial and non-financial firms had learned

from the failures identified in Study 1.

Study 1

First, I downloaded the entire FCIC report from the FCIC website (cited in

the reference section). To find passages that were about risk management, I searched

the text document for the phrase ‘risk m anage’ which would catch any reference

to risk m anagement or risk manager. I also searched for two other variants o f risk

management by searching for ‘managing risk’ and ‘manage risk.’ In total, there were

roughly 103 instances in the body o f the main report o f 410 pages. A graduate assistant

and I parsed these instances and pulled out the surrounding sentences to create a

list o f passages. O f the 103 passages initially identified, 34 o f the passages (33%)

were identified as containing no substantive or relevant information to address the

research question. Appendix A has several examples o f these passages, all o f which

were excluded from consideration. An additional 30 passages (29%) discussed other

influences o f risk management failures beyond the scope o f this study. For instance,

information about regulators or the institutional environment were outside the

boundary o f the firm and thus subsequently excluded. The remaining 39 passages

(38%) were related to risk management inside the financial firms so were used for

the analysis.

The assistant and I looked for themes in each o f the passages. After initial

analysis and conversations, five sources o f failure emerged. The first category

was classified as Risk Management Process Failures. This category included any

mention o f problems related to risk assessment, risk evaluation and analysis, risk

treatment, or risk communication. This category also included any m ention o f

problems with the firms existing risk management protocols. The second category


was classified as Support System Failures (Compensation). This category consisted

o f passages showing failures in the firm ’s compensation system which may have had

an impact on risk behavior. The third category was classified as Resource Allocation

Failures. This category included any passage that described the human or financial

resources allocated to support the risk management function. The fourth category

was called

Top Management Failures. This category focused on failures created by

top management overconfidence and hubris. The fifth and final category was called

Objective Tradeoff Failures. This category consisted o f passages focusing on the

tradeoffs made between risk and financial objectives.

To validate the categories and the correct assignment o f passages to

categories, six undergraduate students, majoring in Finance with a concentration in

Insurance and Risk Management at a large Midwestern university, volunteered to

participate in exchange for extra credit. The students were randomly given between

12 and 14 passages where each passage was evaluated by two students. In addition

to the passage, students were given the category titles and a description o f each

category. In addition to the five categories mentioned above, an Other category

was also included i f the student thought the passage did not belong in any o f the

categories. Each student was instructed to place the passage into the category which

they felt best described the passage. While it is certainly possible that some o f the

categories could indeed be related with one another (for instance, compensation

systems might impact whether a firm focuses on performance metrics or risk

management outcomes), the purpose was to validate the themes surrounding risk

management according to the FCIC report (i.e., what appeared most often). Across

the six volunteers, agreement was obtained ju st over 73% o f the time. There were four

passages in which both students failed to classify the passage according to one o f the

pre-specified categories. These passages were omitted from consideration, leaving

35 total passages. Any remaining passages where at least one student classified the

passage according to the pre-specified categories and another did not, were resolved

through discussion.

R e s u l t s

After the analysis was complete the passages were explored in relation to

the five general themes which had emerged. Below is a discussion o f each general

theme, each o f which is supported with reference to several representative passages

which provided information to identify the theme. Several o f the themes are similar

in nature and could be interpreted as being from relatively similar sources, however Journal o f Business Strategies

an effort was made to try and segment the themes to be as fine-grained as possible.

All of the supporting passages discussed can be found in Appendix A under the

appropriate heading.3

Risk management process failures. The most often mentioned failure

found in the report points to a general failure of the risk management process in

financial firms. The risk management process, according to literature in finance and

strategic management, is generally conceived o f as a holistic approach spanning

the entire organization (e.g., Clarke and Vanna, 1999; Fraser and Simkins, 2010;

Miller, 1998; Miller and Waller, 2003) and has been referred to by various names

like Enterprise (ERM), Integrated (IRM) or Strategic (SRM) risk management. This

process generally includes risk identification, assessment, evaluation, treatment,

review and communication (Chapman, 2011). Passages within the report suggest

that there were breakdowns in each of these areas in addition to using a holistic


During the financial crisis, firms were still subscribing to the antiquated

‘silo’ approach to risk management. The first general problem was that risks were

being managed independent of one another without much information sharing across

business lines. There is evidence of this shown in Passage 1 where Citigroup’s

risk management function was operating independently along each of its separate

business lines. Employees just steps away from each other, working with similar

risk assets, or risk products which were related, did not know what each other were

doing. Information that was gained from each business line with respect to the risk

assets was being kept away from other sources that could potentially benefit from

such information.

A second area of concern was with the risk identification, assessment,

evaluation and treatment process. For instance, as suggested in Passage 2 & 3, risk

managers were not able to properly identify soft risks. Soft risks are those which

require judgment and are not purely financial in nature. In too many instances,

instead of using judgment, managers were using mathematical models as predictors

for risks. Furthermore, the models being used to determine which risks should be

managed were based on assumptions that were markedly wrong. There was little

evidence of scenario planning in assessing the probabilities and worst case scenarios

for home price declines. Lastly, as evidenced by additional passages, managers were

comfortable using financial hedges as effective treatment strategies since it had the

added benefit of reducing the amount of financial slack the firm had to hold.

A third problem related to risk management processes was risk

communication. Risk communication involves communication and consultation


between management and the individuals/departments responsible for implementing

and carrying out the risk management strategy to make it more effective over time

(Chapman, 2011). Prior research has found that having communication links between

the governing parties o f the organization and those in charge o f risk management

can increase efficiency and firm performance (Grace, Leverty, Phillips and Shimpi,

2015). During the crisis it was evident that in some firms, communication between

the management team and the risk management department/team was less than

ideal. In Passage 4 for instance, the executive committee at Lehman Brothers failed

to include the com pany’s C hief Risk Officer in decisions that directly impacted the

risk o f the firm.

Finally, in some cases, the entire risk management process was inadequate

and lacking. In one passage, a consultant hired to examine Bear Steam ’s risk

management process was highly critical suggesting that key elements in the process,

such as risk identification and assessment, were infrequent. He continued that the

risk management function did not have the resources it needed (as discussed in more

detail below) and was o f a low priority to the firm.

Support system failu res (Compensation). One o f the most common systems

for supporting goals and strategic decisions in organizations is the compensation

system. In the management literature, executive compensation is a tool often used to

align management interests with the interests o f the firm’s owners. Scholars in the risk

management arena have similarly concluded that one way to focus m anagement’s

attention on risk management is to align their compensation with risk management

objectives and outcomes (Lam, 2014). Firms must reward risk management behavior

through incentive structures which align good risk management practices with pay.

Indeed, Grace and colleagues (2015) found evidence that firm performance was

enhanced when compensation was aligned with risk management.

There are numerous instances in the report which suggest that several o f

the failed financial firms were not incentivizing good risk management, and instead

were incentivizing more risky, short-term oriented behavior. Passages 5 through

7 highlight this notion. For instance, the head o f the Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation (FDIC) remarked that incentives favored short-term risk-taking and

profits over long-term risk considerations, sustainability and solvency. Lam (2014)

has suggested that incentivized performance can be problematic for risk management

when incentives are one dimensional — they focus on a single, bottom-line figure.

At the time o f the crisis, financial firms, in particular, tied aggressive pay

packages filled with stock options to the price o f the firm’s stock. In many situations,

the options granted to executives came with accelerated payouts. In 2006, one year Journal o f Business Strategies

before the onset o f the com pany’s demise, Merrill Lynch CEO Stanley O ’Neal made

$91 million. When he walked away from the company as it began its decline he left

with a total consolation package o f $161 million (Farrell and Hansen, 2009). Richard

Fuld, CEO o f Lehman Brothers, was awarded $34 million before he departed. These

kinds o f pay structures, littered with stock options, created incentives to increase the

amount o f risk executives took to improve returns. This included greater leverage

levels and, in some cases (e.g. Frannie and Freddie), fraudulent financial filings.

Indeed, academic research has argued that executives at Bear Steams and Lehman

Brothers in particular, had incentives to take on large amounts o f risk as they had

already pulled out hundreds o f millions o f dollars in options and bonuses prior to the

collapse (Bebchuk, Cohen and Spamann, 2010).

Resource allocation failures. One o f the pre-requisites for successful risk

management is the allocation o f necessary resources to adequately perfonn the job.

Depending upon the size o f the organization and the scope o f the risk management

system (and goals for the system), the two most critical resources are human and

financial capital. Firms need to have staff ready to engage with the risk management

process, and depending upon the risk management strategies developed, the risk

management staff needs the appropriate amount o f capital to execute the strategy.

During the financial crisis, the FCIC report alludes to both elements lacking.

In terms o f inadequate personnel, the auditors o f several o f the failed firms

were critical o f the firms ’ appointed risk managers. This included managers hired

to lead the risk management departments. For instance in Passage 8, the auditors

o f AIG raised concerns about the skill sets o f the top management team (CEO,

CFO and CRO) and managers appointed to the ERM department concerning their

capacity to do the jo b o f managing risk. Also, in Passage 9, the SEC criticized

Bear Steams because their risk management functions lacked expertise in the risky

products they were supposed to manage the risk, and the risk management function

was understaffed.

In addition to personnel, financial resources were also inadequate. Firms

withheld, and sometimes cut, the resources for the risk management departments

to do their jobs. For example, Passage 10 exhibits a willingness by management

to tell the board o f directors at Fannie Mae that risk management had all necessary

resources to act on risk management initiatives. However, the CRO disagreed as his

department saw double digit budget cuts which led to a reduction in head count in

the year leading up to the crisis.

Top management failures. Many o f the failures in risk management

during the crisis can be traced back to failures at the top o f the firm and with each


firms’ corporate governance. In the management literature, the upper echelon’s

perspective (Hambrick and Mason, 1984) suggests that firms are a reflection o f its

top management team as well as those in charge o f setting the strategic direction

o f the firm. In the case o f the financial crisis, top management teams were seen

as a major reason why some firms had failed. Indeed, in testimony to the FCIC,

J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, one o f the firms that survived the crisis, suggested

that top management teams were to blame for the problems at the failed financial

institutions and nobody else.

Another cause o f risk management failure during the financial crisis was

managerial hubris concerning risk management competencies. Hubris refers to an

extreme level o f pride or overconfidence in o n e ’s se lf and abilities. Hubris has been

associated with a number o f corporate maladies including overpaying for acquisitions

(Hayward and Hambrick, 1997) and corporate social irresponsibility (Tang, Qian,

Chen and Shen, 2014). Related to hubris, the overconfidence bias is the tendency

for a person to have greater subjective confidence in their judgm ent or abilities than

is objectively warranted. In many o f the failed financial firms, the top management

teams were very confident about the effectiveness and adequacies o f their risk

management systems. Numerous CEOs had made mention o f their risk management

competencies even though none had necessarily been tested in remotely turbulent

market environments. For instance, in Passages 4,11 & 12 the CEOs o f Lehman

Brothers, AIG and Merrill Lynch touted their risk management programs, going so

far as to suggest that their risk management programs were strong and a fundamental

component o f their business model.

Two potential reasons are apparent from the report which may have resulted

in executive hubris. First, the resilience o f the big financial institutions to avoid big

losses in prior debacles, like the dot com bubble, led managers and firms to believe

they had robust and successful risk management systems in place. Second, hubris

may have resulted from misplaced overconfidence in the complex mathematical

models used for assessing risk. Financial institutions were lulled into a false sense o f

security as these models would show that financial firms had little to be concerned

about, and which up to that point, had kept the firms safe. In some instances, the

complex models had even given the firm s’ auditors reason to believe that risk had

been reduced or eliminated. As an example, in Passage 13, A IG ’s auditors were

convinced that the firm ’s economic risks were essentially zero. Thus, the models

appeared to have been a contributing factor to executive hubris. Auditors and CEOs

were not alone in their false sense o f security. Regulators and industry experts like

Fed Chairman Greenspan at the time, also believed the sophisticated modeling Journal o f Business Strategies

techniques would protect financial firms from disaster.

One might also consider that while cognitive bias appeared present, the

other themes addressed herein are also the domain o f top managers. Thus, while top

management failures are highlighted as a function o f managerial cognition, the other

elements o f failure are also reflections o f decisions made by members o f the top

management team at the financial firms.

Objective tradeoff failures. The final contributing factor from the analysis

suggests that some Anns were faced with a difficult tradeoff between, what were

framed as, mutually exclusive choices. The firms could either do the right thing

from a risk management perspective or pursue strategies that advanced the goals

and aspirations o f the firm — but not both. For instance, in Passage 14, there is clear

indication that management at some firms, including Fannie Mae, were pursuing

strategies that increased their firm ’s level o f risk while in pursuit o f corporate

objectives but which ran counter to good risk management practices. Additionally,

some objectives and aspirations encompassed by corporate initiatives like growth,

played a role in some decisions by risk management departments to loosen the reign

on risk appetite. As mentioned in Passage 15, Citigroup allowed risk management

departments to approve higher risk limits i f a business line was growing.

Study 1 conclusions. To sum up, the analysis o f the FCIC report seems

to support five areas o f risk management failure during the financial crisis. First,

there were failures in the risk management process and the use o f holistic risk

management models. Second, systems (more specifically, compensation systems)

that should support the risk management process and promote risk management

thinking, were not constructed properly. Third, the necessary human and financial

resources to properly support effective risk management functions were not provided.

Fourth, top management hubris created a false sense o f confidence in the existing

risk management systems. Finally, firms were faced with a false choice between

managing risk properly and achieving the bottom line objectives o f the company. All

o f these issues, combined, led to an environment where risk management was likely

to be less than adequate to deal with the challenges presented by the financial crisis.

Study 2

In study two, I wanted to explore some o f the conclusions o f study one in

more detail and probe whether firms, both in and outside o f the financial industry, had

addressed the shortcomings which led to the failure o f risk management. As such,

study two was an exploratory study - a first step, in assessing pre and post crisis firm


behavior. Firms were segmented into four categories, each more removed from the

center o f the crisis. I started by identifying a representative set o f three firms for each

o f the following four categories. The categories and representative firms were: large

financial firms (J.P. Morgan Chase (JPM), Bank o f America (BAC), Wells Fargo

(WFC)), large regional banks (SunTrust Banks (STI), BB&T Corp (BBT), Fifth

Third Bancorp (FITB)), large non-financial firms which had a dedicated financial

services business segment (General Electric (GE), Ford Motor Company (F), Deere

& Co (DE)), and large non-financial firms which did not have a dedicated financial

services business segment (Nike (NKE), Proctor & Gamble (PG), The Coca-Cola

Company (KO)).

For each firm, proxy statements filed before the crisis (2005-2007) and

after the crisis (2010-2012) were pulled from the SEC website. Each o f the proxy

statements was examined using a basic text analysis. I calculated averages for both

sets o f data so that I could get a more accurate picture o f each firm ’s situation before

and after the crisis. In study two, I looked at four things related to study one. First,

related to the use o f a holistic risk management program, I looked at how often

the terms ‘risk m anage,’ or some variant o f ‘manage risk’, were used in the proxy

statement. Second, I looked for evidence that the appropriate human resources

were allocated to risk management by searching for someone with a title who was

designated as someone in charge o f managing risk (e.g., C hief Risk Officer (CRO),

risk executive, or risk manager). Third, related to the focus o f compensation design,

I looked for how prevalent risk and risk management were in a com pany’s discussion

o f executive compensation. Last, I explored the prevalence o f ‘grow th’ and ‘return’

in the proxy statements compared to the use o f the word ‘risk ’ as this may relate to

the trade-off between risk and the firm ’s bottom line. In this last part o f the analysis, I

made sure to only count the word ‘risk’ when it was not in reference to anything risk

management-related. The use o f word counts, as proxies for the level o f importance

o f a theme or idea, has been described in prior qualitative methods research (e.g.,

Carley, 1993; Duriau, Reger, & Pfarrer, 2007) and used in strategic management

research (e.g., Angriawan & Abebe, 2011).

R e s u l t s

In regards to the use o f a holistic risk management process, I searched for

the phrase “risk management” and other variants (e.g., manage risk) to proxy for

the importance o f a formal risk management process. The number o f instances were

counted for each company and the results are displayed in Figure 1. The following Journal o f Business Strategies

observations can be made when looking at the data. First, risk management was

rarely discussed in the proxy documents before the crisis across all types o f firms,

whereas after the crisis, risk management appeared much more frequently. Second,

financial institutions and regional banks - those closest to the crisis, used the phrase

more than non-financial companies (as much as two to four times more). After the

crisis, financial institutions used the term more than any other type o f firm while

non-financial firms without dedicated financial services business segments used

the term the least (on average). This result is consistent with the findings o f the

FCIC that described pre-crisis behavior related to risk management. While after-

crisis behavior regarding risk management seems to have improved, the relatively

infrequent mention o f risk management in non-financial firms is troubling.

With regards to human resource allocation, I searched the proxy statement

for evidence that the firms had a dedicated executive or manager who was responsible

for risk oversight. It was important that risk oversight was governed by someone

within the firm as opposed to a committee on the Board o f Directors. Search terms

such as ‘chief risk,’ ‘risk executive,’ and ‘risk m anager’ were used to capture

titles which designate a position dedicated to risk oversight. Prior work in the risk

management literature have used similar search tenns as proxies for evidence o f

risk management programs and risk management implementation. For instance,

Liebenberg & Floyt (2003) uses the presence/absence o f a C hief Risk Officer (CRO)

as a proxy to identify a Ann’s adoption o f enterprise risk management. Similarly, Hoyt

& Liebenberg (2011) use the CRO as a proxy for risk management implementation.

Along these lines, Beasley and colleagues (2005) identifies the CRO and other high

level risk managers as champions o f risk management, thus suggesting that these

human resources are necessary resources for successful risk management.

The following observation was made from this qualitative search.4 Before the

crisis, two o f the financial institutions and two o f the regional banks had a ch ief risk

officer (although one o f the regional banks only mentions the CRO in 2005 but not

2006 or 2007), while none o f the non-financial companies had one before the crisis.

After the crisis, all o f the financial institutions and regional banks had appointed an

individual as the head o f risk oversight, while only one non-financial company had

done so. However, the non-financial company that appointed a CRO had a finance-

oriented business segment. This result is in-line with the FCIC report in that before

the crisis, most financial firms had not allocated the appropriate human resources to

risk management. Here too it seems troubling that non-financial companies have not

followed in the footsteps o f their financial counterparts and appointed an individual

with a risk designation.


The third aspect o f study one examined was the integration o f risk

management outcomes and processes in compensation design. To explore this, each

company’s compensation discussion section in the proxy statement was examined.

O f particular interest was how each company talked about the integration o f risk

processes in setting compensation policies - not simply how much o f a compensation

package was ‘at risk’ but how the compensation package took into account risk

assessment, management and outcomes. The following observation was made

from this qualitative search.5 Before the crisis, most all o f the financial institutions

and regional banks specifically identified how risk was taken into account when

designing compensation while none o f the non-financial companies described in

much detail how risk management was considered in setting compensation. After the

crisis, all o f the financial institutions and regional banks discuss in detail how risk

was considered in setting compensation. For non-financial firms, h a lf o f them discuss

some aspect o f how risk was considered in setting compensation, however only one

does so thoroughly. This result too is in-line with the FCIC report in that firms did a

poor jo b pre-crisis in linking risk management outcomes with compensation design.

The final issue examined from study one was the focus on strategies aimed

to improve the bottom line and which overshadowed sound risk management. To

explore this relationship, I searched for the words ‘grow th’ and ‘return’ in the firm ’s

proxy statements. After getting a count o f these words, a ratio o f how often the word

‘risk’ appeared in relation to these two words was calculated. The ratios are graphed

in Figure 2. As can be seen in the graphs, risk is talked about more than return after

the crisis compared to before. A ratio o f less than one means that the firm talked

about return more than risk. An interesting take-away appears when looking at the

magnitude o f the ratios. For financial institutions and regional banks, four o f the six

firms mention risk over two times more than return after the crisis, with one o f those

firms mentioning risk over four times as much, and one firm mentioning it almost

three times as much. While for non-financial firms, the use o f risk compared to

return increases post crisis; four o f the six firms use risk and return about the same

number o f times while two talk about risk less than return. These results, particularly

for financial firms, appear to be in line with the FCIC report. Almost all o f the firms

focus more on return and growth prior to the crisis than risk.



The purpose o f this study has been twofold. First, I wanted to identity the

contributing factors or risk management failure leading up to, and during, the Journal o f Business Strategies

financial crisis. Drawing upon the FCIC report, five ‘them es’ emerged from the

passages which mention risk management. Second, I wanted to explore, in a very

general sense, the extent to which failures identified at the large financial companies

at the center o f the crisis, had been remedied immediately after the crisis by all types

o f firms, not ju st financial firms.

The analyses uncover several areas for firms to consider as they look to

improve their risk management. These suggestions are aimed largely at non-

financial institutions. The reason being that following the crisis, regulatory bodies

in the U.S. issued a number o f regulations and specific guidance for risk-reporting

aimed at financial institutions and regional banks. For instance, in response to risk

management failures the government passed legislation like the Dodd-Frank Wall

Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) aimed at reducing future risks to

the financial industry. This legislation was largely aimed at the risk management at

financial institutions, giving oversight authority to the Federal Reserve.

In addition to Dodd-Frank regulations, the SEC approved the Proxy

Disclosure Enhancement (2009) guidelines designed to enhance disclosures about

risk in the firm ’s proxy filings. In the new guidelines, firms are required to make

some reference to compensation design and risk, as well as the role the Board

o f Directors plays in risk oversight. While helpful, the SEC rules do not require

behavioral changes, only the disclosure o f additional infonnation. However, given

the present analysis, it is apparent that financial firms and regional banks have done a

much better job post-crisis in addressing how risk management and risk, in general,

figure into the management o f the firm. These firms appear to be adhering to the new


While it is clear that financial institutions and regional banks have

addressed the shortcomings o f risk management found during the financial crisis

(likely in response to increased reporting and regulatory requirements), non-

financial companies appear to have several areas which need improvement. While

financial firms seemed to have at least made some aesthetic changes based upon

their experiences (I would hesitate to call it learning without more detailed internal

information about the processes o f the firm), it does not appear that non-financial

companies have learned vicariously from the experiences o f the financial companies.

There are multiple opportunities for non-financial firms to improve upon their risk

management processes, which are addressed below.


C o m p e n s a t i o n S y s t e m s

Compensation systems are one area that non-financial firms could improve

in their pursuit o f improved risk management. As suggested by Lam (2014),

incentivized performance becomes problematic when the incentives are focused on

one dimension of firm performance - in many instances, stock price. Furthermore,

incentives became especially problematic for financial firms when those contracts

came with accelerated payout options. These two characteristics, a singular focus

on stock price performance and accelerated payout options, made it difficult for

managers to focus on the long-tenn outcomes o f risk when making decisions. Recent

research has suggested (e.g. Rochette, 2009) and empirically found (e.g. Grace

et ah, 2015) that one way to improve risk management is to tie incentives to risk

management objectives in addition to other outcomes.

For firms seeking to improve the alignment o f their compensation with

risk management, first managers need to identify key performance indicators (KPI)

that will either A) be impacted by the risk management process, or B) be reflective

of success for key risk management activities. Each KPI is developed by first

establishing the performance objective, then identifying the appropriate performance

measure for the objective, and finally, developing the KPI.

Once KPIs have been established, compensation needs to be explicitly linked

to each KPI. As an example, one o f the key risk factors identified by John Deere in its

2010 financial report, which may materially impact the firm’s financial performance,

is stated as “John D eere’s business results depend largely on its ability to develop,

manufacture and market products that meet customer demand. ” As a result, one of

Deere’s performance objectives might be: to have all customers rate their satisfaction

with the quality of Deere products as the best in the industry - this would seem to

substantially reduce the risk that customers are dissatisfied with Deere products. The

performance measure could be: the percentage o f customers that rate Deere products

as highest quality in the industry. The KPI could then be: 90% of customers ranking

Deere as having the highest quality products in the industry each quarter/half-year/

etc. If Deere is hitting this KPI, they in theory, would reduce one of the key risks that

could materially impact their business. The CEO’s compensation would then be tied

to this KPI. (To be clear, this is just an illustrative example using a company that is

highly visible. I am not suggesting that Deere is not using KPIs tied to risk factors

when it comes to designing executive compensation.)

As Lam (2014) has suggested, compensation must not be aligned with simple

measures of return, but with long-term risk-adjusted return hurdles with appropriate Journal o f Business Strategies

vesting periods. Additionally, plans should continue to reward management for

stability, continuity, and comparative performance to incentivize a long-term view

when making decisions involving risk. Also, organizations may consider claw­

back policies for compensation when management knowingly engages in harmful

behavior or exceeds the risk appetite o f the firm. Eliminating golden parachutes

and sizeable compensation packages upon termination for poor perfonnance, as a

result o f exceeding pre-specified risk thresholds, may also encourage executives

to act in a responsible way as they consider risk. Lastly, management also needs

to be mindful that their compensation plans, while incorporating the above, still

encourage innovation and capital investment to increase long-term value. This can

be done using risk-adjusted hurdle rates to detennine which projects or strategies are

in-line with the firm’s stated level o f risk tolerance.

Human Resource Allocation

In terms o f resource inadequacies, there are several areas for improvement.

First, managers need to staff the risk management function with human capital

which has the appropriate certifications and qualifications given the business o f the

firm, and second, provide adequate funding for the risk management function to

execute on its risk management strategy. Risk managers should be chosen based

upon their track record, their experience, their knowledge o f the industry and their

knowledge o f the business. As risk management has become more important as

a result o f recent crises, universities are offering more risk management degrees

and professional organizations are offering special certificates for risk management

certifications. For example (at the time o f the writing o f this paper), New York

University offered a Masters Degree in Risk Management in their Global Degree

Department in the business school; John Hopkins University offered a Masters

Degree in ERM; and many other universities (e.g., University o f Connecticut) have

financial risk management programs. Other universities, such as Stanford University,

offer an online program for a Risk Management Certificate through their Center

for Professional Development. Non-university entities like the National Alliance

for Insurance Education and Research also offered a class-based/seminar-based

Certified Risk Management (CRM) program.

In addition to education-based training, many professional organizations

offer certification tests for risk managers in specific functional fields. For example,

the Project Management Institute offers a Risk Management Professional (RMP)

certification test; the American Hospital Association offers a Certified Professional


Healthcare Risk Manager (HRM) designation; and the Risk and Insurance

Management Society offers a Certified Risk Management Professional (CRMP)

credential test.

Thus, in theory, these programs should make finding risk management

professionals easier and more cost efficient. Just as you would not have a C hief

Financial Officer without financial or accounting expertise, firms should not have

a C hief Risk Officer without substantive risk management expertise. Ideally,

firms would select risk managers that are educated in the risk management field,

has experience managing risk in the specific functional area, has the appropriate

designation (for instance, a risk manager which is certified as a Healthcare Risk

Manager is probably not the appropriate manager to work as a risk management

professional in a bank), and is credentialed.

F i n a n c i a l R e s o u r c e A l l o c a t i o n

In addition to human capital, firms need to be more diligent about allocating

financial resources to their risk management functions. By having better risk

management systems as mentioned above, identifying the scope o f the risk

management program should be easier for management. With a better understanding

o f the scope o f the risks which need to be treated, managers can make more accurate

budgets. Instead o f taking shots in the dark, managers can develop reasonable and

accurate figures for risk management expenses. In addition to allocating resources

to the risk management function, firms should also build up financial slack buffers

that insulate the firm from risk events. There is considerable evidence that having

cash on hand is not inefficient, but can drive firm value. Kim and Bettis (2014) show

that large cash holdings, beyond what is needed for transactional purposes, have a

positive impact on firm value. Similarly, Deb, David and O ’Brien (2017) found that

cash creates shareholder value when it is used for adapting to uncertainty, such as

by firms operating in competitive, research-intensive or growth-oriented industries.

Thus, the adequate level o f financial resources for risk management is dependent on

the firm, its existing resource position, and industry conditions. While the state o f

financial resource allocation was not examined specifically in this study, future work

should explore this domain.

R is k vs. R e t u r n

Additionally, managers need to align their risk management performance

with their corporate objectives and goals. Managers may want to consider using Journal o f Business Strategies

objectives that are not purely based on financial performance, such as growth and

returns. For instance, S&P has begun to rank firms on their risk management activities.

Depending upon the industry, firms may want to consider pursuing a particular level

o f risk management ranking as a stated year-end objective. If firms want to continue

incorporating financial metrics they could incorporate risk by utilizing risk-adjusted

performance outcomes. Firms may also want to consider developing performance

indicators which address the key risks they disclose in their annual reports (please

see the example above in the Compensation Systems section for an example). A

focus on reducing the key risk indicators could be considered in addition to purely

performance-based measures.

It is important to keep in mind that the suggestions mentioned here are not

exhaustive and are but a few o f the many things management can do to improve

risk management. It is important to remember that risk management should be an

integral part o f a firm’s strategy. Risk management should be incorporated into the

strategy-making process so that it is not subjugate to business objectives, but instead

helps the firm accomplish its long-term goals and objectives.

L im itatio ns a n d F u tu re R esearch

As with all research there are limitations associated with this study. First,

the most obvious is that this study relies on a comm ission’s report which is based

on first-hand accounts o f the events leading to the crisis. Thus, there is no ability to

control for any biases or omissions o f the commission. However, the creation o f the

commission was done in a way which sought to limit this concern from the outset.

The commission was constructed as a bi-partisan effort and was given unprecedented

access to information sources that any researcher studying the crisis will not be able

to collect on their own. Furthermore, while the research presented here is based

on the report o f a single commission, it bears noting that the commission’s work

is the amalgamation o f over 700 first-hand accounts, millions o f pages o f text and

research, and countless hours o f public scrutiny. Nevertheless, this limitation should

be taken into account when interpreting the findings o f this study.

Second, the methodology incorporated in Study 2 o f the current research may

also be considered a limitation. The author purposefully selected a limited sample

o f highly visible and recognizable firms to perform the exploratory analysis. Given

the exploratory nature o f the study, it was not the intent to collect a large number

o f firms and employ econometric analysis. Highly visible firms are typically more

heavily scrutinized by the public than are low visibility firms. The firms that I have


chosen, I have reasoned, would be the most susceptible to pressure to improve their

risk management activities following a crisis such as the financial crisis. Investors,

and the public alike, want to know what these large firms are doing to ensure the

safety of investments and the economy in response to what was seen in the financial

industry. Thus, if these firms had not changed their approach to risk management, it

is highly likely that other firms facing less scrutiny would have done so.

Finally, findings o f Study 1 are based solely upon the experiences of financial

companies during the crisis. The conclusions of Study 2 are based upon an analysis

of non-financial companies. As a result, this may represent a threat to the external

validity of the results. The purpose o f applying lessons from financial companies to

non-financial companies was to highlight the clear shortcomings in risk management

at firms’ where risk management is a critical factor in achieving success, and using

this as a platform for all firms to build and learn from in the future. This is similar

to the ‘strategic benchmarking’ concept (Drew, 1997), where firms find examples of

other firms who have capabilities or competencies in a particular area (such as risk

management), and benchmark their own activities in this area versus the activities

of the selected firms that have built those capabilities. In this instance, the financial

firms should have capabilities and competencies in risk management. Non-financial

firms, then, should be able to learn from the strategies and activities (or lack thereof)

of these financial firms. Ultimately however, in choosing the method and a limited

sample, the generalizability of the conclusions reached in this study should be

considered when interpreting the results. Attempts were made to ensure rigor and

validity in both studies, however, stricter protocols for qualitative research could be

argued for.

With respect to future research, there are several avenues to pursue. From

a theoretical perspective, there is still much we do not know about what contributes

to risk management success or failure. Just by looking at the shortcomings of risk

management during the financial crisis there seems to be several management-related

research themes. First, it might be instructive to understand what characteristics of

executives are associated with better or worse risk management. An upper echelons

perspective would be informative in this area, exploring biases, personalities and

other demographic characteristics that may be associated with risk management.

Additionally, research on corporate governance is a natural fit with the risk

management literature. Exploring the impact of board composition, executive

compensation and other governance characteristics on risk management systems

might be infonnative.

From a methodological perspective, future research might focus on more Journal o f Business Strategies

qualitative studies. One o f the avenues mentioned briefly in the present paper is the

role o f risk communication in the risk management process. Perhaps exploring how

executives and risk managers are interacting and communicating can give us more

insight in to why the risk management process can be so difficult for firms. Finally,

future quantitative research could focus on themes touched upon in this study related

to resource allocation, executive compensation and risk management performance.

However, before research on these areas can commence, better measures o f risk

management outcomes are necessary — this too could be an area for theoretical


Finally, I would be remiss to not mention that the items identified in this

paper were occurring against a backdrop that included a very weak institutional

environment. The institutional environment (e.g., Scott and Davis, 2007) as

described in the management literature, provides a backdrop for firm behavior. The

institutional environment embodies both infonnal and formal pressures exerted on

firms by outside influences. The FCIC report consistently mentioned the general

weakness o f the institutional environment before the crisis. This was apparent in two

areas -- weak regulating bodies not promoting best practices in risk management, and

an overreliance on institutionalized practices such as letting firms police themselves.

Whilst a more detailed discussion is beyond the scope o f the current paper, they need

to be mentioned.


To conclude, the goal o f this paper was to highlight the shortcomings o f

financial firms’ risk management activities during the financial crisis in the hopes

o f uncovering areas for improvement for all firms regardless o f industry.The

assumption is that risk management failures occur because organizations do not

have (sophisticated) risk management systems in place. This research suggests that

is not entirely true. In the case o f many o f the financial firms that failed, most had

“ sophisticated” risk management systems. To make matters worse, many thought

their systems were strong. The failures o f these institutions help us understand that

while a system might be in place, the system needs to be constructed such that the

fundamental elements like resources, incentives, corporate objectives and managers,

m ust be aligned. While this may seem like a relatively basic idea, it has escaped

many companies.

The FCIC’s report on the financial crisis provides a wealth o f insight and

information. Yet the implications for risk management as a result o f the comm ission’s


work has not yet been fully understood. It is easy to look back in hindsight and

point out all of the missteps which occurred. The foresight required to steer clear

of all possible sources o f risk during the crisis was probably outside the grasp of

any human being. Be that as it may, I have identified a number o f failures that were

within the grasp of managers and boards o f directors. Successful risk management

was not impossible. Perhaps after exploring the reasons for failure in more detail,

managers can be more cognizant of these issues in the future.


1. The commission was an independent group of individuals, consisting of 10

private citizens that had experience across a number of different fields related to

different aspects o f the crisis (e.g. banking, housing, finance, etc.). The members

of the commission were elected by both parties in Congress to ensure bi-partisan

conclusions (a majority opinion was reached although there were some members

who provided a minority opinion).

2. This article is based upon, to a large extent, information which is contained in the

FCIC’s report. Thus, statistics, quotes, and paraphrased comments not cited directly

in the document are sourced from the FCIC’s report which is cited in the references

section above.

3. The list o f passages presented in Appendix A is not exhaustive, i.e. is not the

complete list o f passages used for the analysis. A complete list of passages can be

obtained from the author.

4. The specific data points are not presented quantitatively in the paper but are

available upon request from the author.

5. See note 4.


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Corey J. Fox is an Assistant Professor o f Management in the McCoy College

o f Business at Texas State University. He received his PhD in Business Administration

from Oklahoma State University. His current research focuses on issues related to

risk and risk management in organizations, corporate resource allocation decisions,

and corporate citizenship. His work has been published in such outlets as the Journal

o f Managerial Issues and Strategic Organization.


Appendix A

Example Passages

N o S u b sta n tiv e In fo rm a tio n

Doing so required research into broad and som etim es arcane subjects, such as m ortgage lending and

securitization, derivatives, corporate governance, and risk m anagement. To bring these subjects out o f the realm

o f the abstract, we conducted case study investigations o f specific financial firms— and in m any cases specific

facets o f these institutions— that played pivotal roles. (FCIC: XII)

JP M organ reported that large pension funds and some sm aller A sian central banks were reducing their exposures

to Lehman, as well as to Merrill Lynch. A nd Citigroup requested a $3 to $5 billion “com fort deposit” to cover its

exposure to Lehman, settling later for $2 billion. In an internal mem o, Thomas Fontana, the head o f risk

m anagem ent in C itigroup’s global financial institutions group, wrote that “loss o f confidence [in Lehman] is

huge at the m om ent.” (FCIC: 3281

G eithner would ask E. G erald Corrigan, the Goldman Sachs executive and form er N ew York Fed president who

had co-chaired the Counterparty Risk M anagem ent Policy Group report, to form an industry group to advise on

inform ation needed from a troubled investm ent bank. fFCIC: 3291

R isk M a n a g e m e n t P rocess F ailu res

Passage 1:

(Murray) Barnes (the Citigroup ris k officer assigned to the CDO business) told the FCIC that C itigroup’s risk

m anagem ent tended to be managed along business lines, noting that he w as only two offices aw ay from his

colleague w ho covered the securitization business and yet didn’t understand the nuances o f w hat was happening

to the underlying loans. (FCIC: 262)

P assage 2:

Financial institutions and credit rating agencies em braced m athem atical m odels as reliable predictors o f risks,

replacing judgm ent in too many instances. Too often, risk m anagem ent becam e risk justification. (FCIC- XIX)

Passage 3:

C itigroup’s risk m anagem ent function was simply not very concerned about housing m arket risks. According to

0Charles) Prince, {David) Bushnell (the C h ie f R isk Officer) and others told him, in effect, ‘Gosh, housing prices

would have to go down 30% nationwide for us to hav e....problem s,’ and that has never happened since the

D epression.’ Housing prices would be down much less than 30% when Citigroup began having problems because

o f write-downs and the liquidity puts it had written. (FCIC: 262)

Passage 4:

Although the firm had proclaim ed that “R isk M anagem ent is at the very core o f L ehm an’s business m odel,” the

E xecutive Com m ittee simply left its risk officer, M adelyn Antoncic, out o f the loop when it made this investm ent

(FCIC: 177)

S u p p o r t S ystem (C o m p en sa tio n ) F ailu res

Passage 5:

She (F D IC Chairperson Sheila B lair) concluded, “ The crisis has shown that m ost financial institution

com pensation system s were not properly linked to risk m anagement. Form ula- driven com pensation allows high

short-term profits to be translated into generous bonus paym ents, w ithout regard to any longer-term risks ”

(FCIC: 64)

P assage 6:

T he Com m ission concludes that some large investm ent banks, bank holding com panies, and insurance

com panies, including M errill Lynch, Citigroup, and AIG, experienced m assive losses related to the subprime

m ortgage m arket because o f significant failures o f corporate governance, including risk m anagement. Executive

and em ployee com pensation systems at these institutions disproportionally rew arded short-term risk taking

(FCIC: 279)

Passage 7:

L eh m an ’s failure resulted in part from significant problem s in its corporate governance, including risk

m anagement, exacerbated b y com pensation to its executives and traders that was based predom inantly on short­

term profits. (FCIC: 343)

♦Portions in parentheses and italics have been added for context while bold font has been added to highlight the term

‘risk m anagem ent’ Journal o f Business Strategies

R eso u rce A llo c a tio n F ailu res

P a s s a g e 8:

I n th e m e e tin g w ith ( R o b e rt) W illu m s ta d (th e c h a ir m a n o f A I G ' s b o a r d o f d irec to rs) , th e a u d ito rs w e r e b ro a d ly

c r itic a l o f (M a rtin ) S u lliv a n (C E O o f A I G ) ; (S te v e n ) B e n s in g e r (C F O o f A I G ) , w h o m th e y d e e m e d u n a b le to

c o m p e n sa te f o r S u ll iv a n ’s w e a k n e s se s; a n d (R o b e rt) L e w is ( C h i e f R i s k O ffic e r a t A I G ) , w h o m ig h t n o t h a v e “th e

sk ill se ts ” to ru n a n e n te rp ris e -w id e r is k m a n a g e m e n t d e p a r tm e n t. (F C IC : 2 7 3 )

P a s s a g e 9:

T h e S E C ’s in s p e c to r g e n e r a l la te r c r itic iz e d t h e r e g u la to rs , w r iti n g t h a t t h e y d id n o t p u s h B e a r to r e d u c e le v e ra g e

o r “m a k e a n y e ffo r ts to lim it B e a r S te a m s ’ m o r t g a g e sec u ritie s c o n c e n tr a tio n ,” d e sp ite “ a w a r e [ n e s s] th a t r isk

m a n a g e m e n t o f m o r t g a g e s a t B e a r S te a m s h a d n u m e ro u s s h o rtc o m in g s , in c lu d in g la c k o f e x p e r tis e b y r is k

m a n a g e r s in m o rtg a g e b a c k e d s e c u ritie s ” a n d “ p e r s is te n t u n d e rs ta f fin g ; a p ro x im ity o f r i s k m a n a g e r s to tra d e rs

s u g g e s tin g a l a c k o f in d e p e n d e n c e ; tu r n o v e r o f k e y p e r s o n n e l d u r in g tim e s o f cris is; a n d t h e in a b ility o r

u n w illin g n e s s to u p d a te m o d e ls t o r e fle c t c h a n g i n g c ir c u m s ta n c e s .” (F C IC : 2 8 3 )

P a s s a g e 10:

M a n a g e m e n t t o l d t h e b o a r d t h a t F a n n i e ’s r is k m a n a g e m e n t f u n c tio n h a d a ll th e n e c e s s a r y m e a n s a n d b u d g e t to

a c t o n th e p la n . C h i e f R is k O f f i c e r D a lla v e c c h ia d id n o t a g re e, e sp e c ia lly in lig h t o f a p la n n e d 16% c u t in h is

b u d g e t. I n a J u l y 16, 2 0 0 7 , e m a il t o C E O M u d d , D a lla v e c c h ia w ro te th a t h e w a s v e r y u p s e t t h a t h e h a d to h e a r at

th e b o a r d m e e tin g t h a t F a n n ie h a d th e “ w ill a n d t h e m o n e y t o c h a n g e o u r c u ltu re a n d s u p p o rt ta k in g m o r e c re d it

r is k ,” g iv e n t h e p r o p o s e d b u d g e t c u t f o r h is d e p a r tm e n t in 2 0 0 8 a fte r a 2 5 % re d u c tio n in h e a d c o u n t i n 2 0 0 7 .

(F C IC : 182)

T op M a n a g e m e n t F ailu res

P a s s a g e 11:

O n D e c e m b e r 5 th ...S u lliv a n b o a ste d o n a n o th e r c o n fe re n c e c all a b o u t A I G ’s r is k m a n a g e m e n t s y ste m s a n d t h e

c o m p a n y ’s o v e rs ig h t o f th e s u b p rim e e x p o su r e: “ T h e r i s k w e h a v e t a k e n in t h e U .S . r e s id e n tia l h o u s in g s e c to r is

s u p p o rte d b y s o u n d a n a l y s is a n d a r is k m a n a g e m e n t s t r u c t u r e . . . .w e b e lie v e th e p ro b a b ility th a t it w ill su sta in

a n e c o n o m ic lo ss is c lo se to z e r o ...W e a re c o n f id e n t in o u r m a rk s a n d re a s o n a b le n e s s o f o u r v a lu a tio n m e th o d s."

(F C I C : 2 7 2 )

P a s sa g e 12:

M e r r i l l ’s th e n - C F O J e f fre y E d w a rd s in d ic a te d th a t th e c o m p a n y ’s r e s u lts w o u ld n o t b e h u r t b y th e d is lo c a tio n in

th e s u b p rim e m a rk e t, b e c a u s e “re v e n u e s f r o m s u b p rim e m o r t g a g e - r e la te d a c t iv itie s c o m p ris e [d ] le s s th a n 1% o f

o u r n e t re v e n u e s ” o v e r th e p a s t fiv e q u a rte rs , a n d b e c a u s e M e r r i l l ’s “r is k m a n a g e m e n t c a p a b ilit ie s are b e tte r

t h a n e v er, a n d c r u c ia l to o u r su cc e ss in n a v ig a tin g t u r b u l e n t m a r k e ts .” (F C IC : 2 5 8 )

P a s s a g e 13:

T h e c o m p a n y ’s a u d ito rs , P r ic e w a te r h o u s e C o o p e r s (P w C ), w h o w e r e a p p a r e n t ly a lso n o t a w a r e o f t h e c o lla te r a l

re q u ir e m e n ts , c o n c l u d e d th a t “ th e r is k o f d e f a u lt o n [ A I G ’s] p o r tf o lio h a s b e e n e ffe c tiv e ly re m o v e d a n d a s a

r e s u lt fr o m a r isk m a n a g e m e n t p e r s p e c tiv e , th e re a re n o s u b sta n tiv e e c o n o m ic ris k s in th e p o r tf o lio a n d a s a

r e s u l t t h e f a ir v a lu e o f th e lia b ility s tre a m o n th e s e p o s itio n s f r o m a r isk m a n a g e m e n t p e r s p e c tiv e c o u ld

r e a s o n a b ly b e c o n s id e r e d to b e z e r o .” (F C IC : 2 6 7 )

O b je c tiv e T r a d e o ff F ailures

P a s s a g e 14:

“ P la n s to m e e t m a r k e t sh a r e ta r g e ts re s u lte d i n s tr a te g ie s to in c re a s e p u r c h a s e s o f h ig h e r r is k p ro d u c ts , c r e a tin g a

c o n flic t b e tw e e n p r u d e n t c r e d it r i s k m a n a g e m e n t a n d c o rp o ra te b u s in e s s o b je c tiv e s ,” th e F e d e r a l Ffousing

F in a n c e A g e n c y (th e s u c c e s s o r to th e O ffice o f F e d e ra l H o u s i n g E n t e r p r is e O v e rsig h t) w o u ld w r ite in S e p te m b e r

2 0 0 8 o n t h e e v e o f th e g o v e rn m e n t ta k e o v e r o f F a n n ie M ae . (F C IC : 179)

P a s s a g e 15:

( M u rra y ) B a r n e s ’s (C itig r o u p r is k o ffic e r a s s ig n e d to th e C D O b u s in es s ) d e c i s io n to in c re a s e th e C D O r is k lim its

w a s a n n ro v e d b v h is s u p er io r, E lle n D u k e . B a m e s a n d D u k e re p o r te d to D a v id B u sh n e ll, th e c h i e f ris k o ffice r.

B u s h n e ll— w h o m (C h u c k ) P r in c e (o n e -tim e C E O a t C itig ro u p ) c a l le d “th e b e s t r i s k m a n a g e r o n W a l l S tr e e t”—

t o l d th e F C IC t h a t h e d id n o t r e m e m b e r s p e c ific a lly a p p r o v in g th e in c re a se b u t th a t, i n g e n er al, th e r is k

m a n a g e m e n t fu n c tio n d id a p p ro v e h ig h e r r i s k lim its w h e n a b u s in e s s lin e w a s g ro w in g . H e d e s c r ib e d a “ firm -

w id e in itia tiv e ” to in c re a se C i tig r o u p ’s s tr u c tu r e d p r o d u c ts b u s in e s s . (F C IC : 2 6 1 )

Volume 35, N u m ber 1


Figure 1

Risk Management Counts

Risk Management Counts Before vs. After Crisis

■ Before Crisis

After Crisis

Figure 2

Risk/Return Ratios


Companies (by ticker symbol)■ Before Crisis

After Crisis Copyright

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