Using the scenario from document attached, develop a recursive pseudocode algorithm.The algorithm should look for specific text within all textbooks located in a library including; each textbook title







Ordering textbooks (title of the book, student code, year of study)

The new inventory system will be configured with the above credentials before issuing books to students. This is meant for tracking purposes as well as ensuring no books are lost to students. Students will be held accountable for any textbook lost. The inventory system will be attaching student’s unique codes to the books ordered. This will help the University Library in determining the exact number of books that have been issued to students.

Receiving textbooks (searching, sorting)

Before issuing the textbooks, both the searching and sorting processes will have to be run. This is meant for purpose of determining whether the ordered books are available or not. Receiving of books will be determined on whether the books ordered are in the form of softcopy or hardcopy. Moreover, the new textbook inventory system will be using sorting process to determine the books that are at demand among students.

Determining retail price and pricing used textbooks

The new textbook inventory system will be connected to online websites that deal with retail selling of books such as Amazon. This will help in ensuring the University Library purchases books at the best price through comparing different prices in numerous websites. The new textbook inventory system will be designed to automatically decide on the pricing of used books depending on the time when such books have been in use. Pricing of used books can be done using codes. Different codes will be issued based on the period which the book has been in use.

Determining quantity on hand

For purposes of ensuring the campus doesn’t run out of books, the new textbook inventory system will be configured with statistical programs such as Excel. Using these tools, it will be easy to conclude on which books are at high demand. Moreover, the system will be configured with generic algorithm for purposes of determining the quantities of books at hand and provide data for future order decisions.

Recording textbook sales and textbook returns

Textbook sales and returns will be determined using independent codes. After a book is ordered and issued, its code will be recorded automatically on an excel sheet. By the end of the day, the University Library department will only open the excel sheet to determine the number of books that have been ordered and issued. When returning the textbook, student’s identification credentials such as the unique code will be fed on the system with the command “return”. The new system will then request for the book code. After the book code is put into the system, books recorded as issued will disappear and automatically add to the available and unordered books.

The pseudocode for the textbook data and student data structure is defined in the following:

Textbook Data



Condition(int range 1-5)

Price $(float)


Timeout(int) – Date



Returned(T or F)

Student Data Structure


StudentCode(string) this will not be used in calculations and student code may include hyphens or letters so int is not necessary


Balance $(float)



Purchase/RentalHistory function will use ISBN and StudentCode for tracking

Payment function will use Student Balance, Price and StudentCode to make payments

LateFee function will use TimeOut to calculate severity of late fee and DueDate;

Returned to determine if a late fee will be applied

Shipping function will use StudentCode, Balance and Address to charge for shipping and

generate shipping information