Annotated Bibliography (Research Topic Human Trafficking)The annotated bibliography will help to ensure that you use concrete evidence for your final research paper. In order to create this annotated

Research Paper- Annotated Bilbiography Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%

63 points

Advanced 90-100% (A)

Proficient 70-89% (B-C)

Developing 1-69% (< D)

Not present


57 to 63 points

The paper exceeds content requirements:

All (3) sources used are credible and published within the last 7 years.

All supportive facts are reported accurately with summary of main ideas, analysis, and evaluation.

There is a clear, well-focused topic for each entry and entry demonstrates relevance to the topic content.

Every paragraph has sentences that demonstrate critical thinking skills in summaries, opinions, and applications.

44 to 56 points

The paper meets content requirements:

All (3) sources used are credible and published within the last 7 years.

All supportive facts are reported accurately with summary of main ideas, analysis, and evaluation.

There is a clear, well-focused topic for each entry and entry demonstrates relevance to the topic content.

Every paragraph has sentences that demonstrate critical thinking skills in summaries, opinions, and applications.

1 to 43 points

The paper meets some of the content requirements:

All (3) sources used are credible and published within the last 7 years.

All supportive facts are reported accurately with summary of main ideas, analysis, and evaluation.

There is a clear, well-focused topic for each entry and entry demonstrates relevance to the topic content.

Every paragraph has sentences that demonstrate critical thinking skills in summaries, opinions, and applications.

0 points

Not present.

Structure 30%

27 points

Advanced 90-100% (A)

Proficient 70-89% (B-C)

Developing 1-69% (< D)

Not present


24 to 27 points

The paper exceeds structure requirements:

The paper is free of grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.

Sources are in proper APA format and alphabetical order.

19 to 23 points

The paper meets structure requirements:

The paper is free of grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.

Sources are in proper APA format and alphabetical order.

1 to 18 points

The paper meets most of the structure requirements:

The paper is free of grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.

Sources are in proper APA format and alphabetical order.

0 points

Not present.