1: Please provide a detailed background and summary of the case. In the summary, please ensure to discuss the context of the case from the following perspectives:· The Johnson Family· Ms. Katherine

Instructions: Please base your responses on the assigned materials. Please use the space you need to respond. Points will be deducted for responding in bullets, unclear/poor writing, syntax/editorial (spelling, punctuation) errors. You should use what you have learned from your assigned readings in Kotler and Lee,2016, and other readings assigned. Please use single line spacing or 1.5 spacing (not double spacing) and black font. Please do not add bulleting formatting as this makes it difficult to track review/add comments. Please do note delete the original questions- leave them in.

For 1 and 2 below based on Chapter 4 of Kotler and Lee, 2016: reply separately to each part. Do not combine your replies.

1. For the Marketing Highlight on Increasing Timely Childhood Immunizations described in Chapter 4 of Kotler and Lee, 2016

a. What are at least 3 barriers that parents have to ensuring timely childhood immunization that were mentioned?

b. Identify one strategy for each of the 3 barriers that the case mentioned were utilized?

c. What are 2 barriers that providers have to ensuring timely childhood immunizations?

d. Identify one strategy for each of these that the case mentioned they utilized

2. Please reply to the questions below related to the Research Highlight in the Democratic Republic of the Congo described in Chapter 4 of Kotler and Lee, 2016

a. The research methodology was described as an example of participatory action research. How do you think this approach led to the focus on providing the loan of a pig?

b. What else did you learn from this research highlight? (bring in social marketing concepts you have learned to date and reply in paragraph/essay form)