The topic is Police Use of Force. use at least two ethical theories to evaluate the potential equity of the different strategies and solutions. You will recommend areas for further study that might re

CHANEY, C., & ROBERTSON, R. V. (2014). "Can We All Get Along?" Blacks' Historical and Contemporary (In) Justice With Law Enforcement. Western Journal Of Black Studies, 38(2), 108-122.

Donnermeyer, J. F. (2002). Local Preparedness for Terrorism: A View from Law Enforcement. Police Practice & Research, 3(4), 347-360. doi:10.1080/1561426022000032105

Faure, M., & Weber, F. (2017). The Diversity of the EU Approach to Law Enforcement--Towards a Coherent Model Inspired by a Law and Economics Approach. German Law Journal, 18(4), 823.

Fridkin, K., Wintersieck, A., Courey, J., & Thompson, J. (2017). Race and Police Brutality: The Importance of Media Framing. International Journal Of Communication (Online), 3394.

Knight, S., Woodward, K., & Lancaster, G. J. (2017). Violent versus nonviolent actors: An empirical study of different types of extremism. Journal Of Threat Assessment And Management, 4(4), 230-248. doi:10.1037/tam0000086

Sweet, D. M., Meissner, C. A., & Atkinson, D. J. (2017). Assessing law enforcement performance in behavior-based threat detection tasks involving a concealed weapon or device. Law And Human Behavior, 41(5), 411-421. doi:10.1037/lhb0000243

Hufnagel, S., Gani, M., & Bronitt, S. (2012). Shooting to Kill : Socio-Legal Perspectives on the Use of Lethal Force. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.

Kasper, J. (2012). How Cops Die : Understanding and Preventing Duty-related Deaths. Springfield: Charles C Thomas.