Running head: YOU DECIDE PAPER 1 You Decide Paper Professor King Venture Finance/Due Diligence Week 3 Eddie Padilla September 21, 2014 YOU DECIDE...

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You Decide Paper

Professor King

Venture Finance/Due Diligence

Week 3

Eddie Padilla

September 21, 2014

RNA-based Therapeutics: “RNA, like DNA, plays a part in protein synthesis and, to a lesser extent, the transmission of genetic information. Scientific advances are combining to enable a new generation of targeted, RNA-based drugs that could help find new treatments for cancer and infectious diseases” (Cann, 2014).

Sarepta Therapeutics is a company that wants to introduce the world with a distinct view on treating life-threatening diseases. Knowing that this process will be difficult to successfully overcome, Sarepta takes charge of the matter to introduce new therapeutic methods for patients. “Our distinctive and powerful PMO-based platform chemistries offer the promise of unprecedented ability to control cellular protein and thereby treat genetic disease by the novel process of remodeling a basis element of life- RNA” (Hanson, 2014). Presenting a distinct view to patients in many forms of treating and fighting threatening diseases is where patients wants to find hope of treatment.

Human Microbiome Therapeutics: “Drawing on knowledge gained from the Human Microbiome Project in 2012 and other research, human microbiome technology is increasingly seen as an important source of treatment for serious diseases as well as for improving health” (Cann, 2014).

MicroBiome therapeutics was founded by John Elstrott to present patients with a new drug to help improve health. There are three sources where the MBT targets through research and development of the product and they are prediabetes, diabetes, and obesity. MicroBiome Therapeutics has seen an intensive growth within their company and exteriorly because there has been many valuable products that benefit the health of patients.

Brain-computer Interface: "The ability to control a computer using on the power of the mind is closer than one might think. Brain-computer interfaces, where computers can read and interpret signals directly from the brain, have already achieved clinical success in allowing quadriplegics, those suffering 'locked-in syndrome' or people who have had a stroke to move their own wheelchairs or even drink coffee from a cup by controlling the action of a robotic arm with their brain waves. In addition, direct brain implants have helped restore partial vision to people who have lost their sight."(Perlberg, 2014).

Emotiv is known as a company that specializes in the human brain through electroencephalography (EEG). Their goal is to demonstrate the abilities that one’s brain has in terms of understanding what our brain is capable of. The company has increased to the produce individuals with technologies that have produced our brain to control. Expanding throughout the world and introducing consumers with products that once did not believe possible. “Our brain controls what we think, feel, and do, but scientists have a limited capability to watch it at work outside the lab. National Geographic Emerging Explorer Tan Le hopes to change that while, in the process, fighting neurological disorders, enhancing learning, and even helping the disabled move things in the physical world with the power of the mind” (About Emotiv, 2014).

My recommendation towards choosing what business would be best to invest in would be Sarepta Therapeutics because they can introduce patients with hope of finding a cure for threatening diseases. The project that they want to succeed may be difficult but in a business and as an entrepreneur one need to take risks, and Sarepta wants to prove that this difficult challenge can be overcome and produce a successful outcome for patients. Healthcare has been increasing through the years and it is not stopping here, by producing this momentum of introducing a cure for threatening diseases will begin to present patients with the ability to cure their illnesses, but also bring a source of return to the investors.


About Emotiv. (2014). Retrieved from Emotiv:

Cann, O. (2014). Top 10 emerging technologies that will reshape the future. Retrieved from World economic forum:

Hanson, G. J. (2014). Our Technology. Retrieved from Sarpeta Therapeutics:

Perlberg, S. (2014, February 28). Here are the top 10 emerging technologies. Retrieved from Business Insider: