This quiz is about the novel, Bel Canto.

Fall 2018

Quiz # 1 This quiz is being sent out on October 1, 2018.

LEH 352-AO8 Latin American Violence

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett


Each question should be answered in at least two fully developed paragraphs. Be concise but use quotes from criticisms, readings and the book to support your thoughts. Please review MLA for writing this type of essay-type quiz, as well as, for using text citations and quoting procedures. You will not receive complete credit for answers without some type of support from sources other than your own thoughts. Check your grammar, spelling and sentence/paragraph structure. Then, when you feel you are ready, write the responses to each question in the two required paragraphs. There should be a total of twenty paragraphs at the end of the quiz. Remember this is not a regular essay but rather an essay type quiz. So, do not try to put all answers in some long jumbled essay. There should be ten distinct answers related to the questions originally posed. Send the completed quiz as an attachment to my [email protected] email address by October 22 , 2018. Good luck!

  1. Identify and describe your favorite character in this novel. Why did you choose this person? Since Gen features in the next question, please choose someone else.

  1. Comment upon the role of Gen, the translator. Why is his character so important to the development of the story? Be sure to use quotes.

  1. The home invasion was truly an act of violence in this book. As we have previously discussed, Patchett modeled this literary happening after a true historical event. Comment briefly on this occurrence after having viewed some web sites, such as “Rebels Take over Japanese Embassy in Lima” 12-18.html ; or “Peru Hostage Crisis CNN Live Coverage” on You Tube; or a Wikipedia explanation. If there are other you tube or web sites, please be sure to document where your information came from. What is important in this question is the element of truth vs. fiction. As a reader of the novel and the viewer of news coverage, how did you feel? Did this knowledge change your interpretation of the story in any way?

  1. How were the captors/terrorists portrayed in this novel? Why did Patchett choose this way of characterization? What was she trying to convey in her writing style about terrorism? What did you personally think of when you read about these people? Be specific and use in text citations or quotes to support your answer.

  1. What did you think of the book’s ending? Why do you think Patchett finished writing the tale in this way?

  1. Anthropologists have stated that “all social behavior has a symbolic dimension.” How can this be applied to the novel? What elements were symbolic here?

  1. Child soldiers are a terrifying component of conflict and war. Patchett uses them in her novel. Which segment of the novel showed you their presence? Explain how you felt when reading about their thoughts or actions.

  1. Why do you think Patchett chose to have the novel’s actions take place almost entirely within the Vice-President’s mansion? What does confinement show both positively and negatively?

  1. How is the concept of “fate” used within the overall texture of the story?

  1. How are the relationships between death and suffering on one side and caring and love on the other shown throughout the story? Be sure to give precise examples.