Assignment : Develop a graphic organizer for their topic. The Graphic Organizer is intended to provide visual cues to enhance learning. The graphic organizers should be included with your unit plan.Gr

Rubric: Graphic Organizer


Exemplary (5)

Proficient (3)

Developing (1)

Arrangement of Concepts

Main concept easily identified; subconcepts branch appropriately from main idea

Main concept easily identified; most subconcepts branch from main idea.

Main concept not clearly identified; subconcepts don’t consistently branch from main idea.

Links and Linking Lines

Linking lines connect related terms/point in correct direction; linking words accurately describe relationship between concepts; hyperlinks effectively used

Most linking lines connect properly; most linking words accurately describe the relationship between concepts; most hyperlinks effectively used.

Linking lines not always pointing in correct direction; linking words don’t clarify relationships between concepts; hyperlinks don’t function or fail to enhance the topic.


Graphics used appropriately; greatly enhance the topic and aid in comprehension; are clear, crisp and well situated on the page.

Graphics used appropriately most of the time; most graphics selected enhance the topic, are of good quality, and are situated in logical places on the page.

Graphics used inappropriately and excessively; graphics poorly selected and don’t enhance the topic; some graphics are blurry and ill-placed.


Reflects essential information; is logically arranged; concepts succinctly presented; no misspellings or grammatical errors

Reflects most of the essential information; is generally logically arranged; concepts presented without too many excess words; fewer than three misspellings or grammatical errors.

Contains extraneous information or too little information; is not logically arranged; contains numerous spelling and grammatical errors.


Easy to read/ appropriately sized; no more than three different fonts; amount of text is appropriate for intended audience; boldface used for emphasis.

Most text is easy to read; uses no more than four different fonts; amount of text generally fits intended audience.

Font too small to read easily; more than four different fonts used; text amount is excessive for intended audience.


Clean design; high visual appeal; four or fewer symbol shapes; fits page without a lot of scrolling; color used effectively for emphasis.

Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions; diagram has visual appeal; four or fewer symbol shapes; fits page well; uses color effectively most of time.

Cluttered design; low in visual appeal; requires a lot of scrolling to view entire diagram; choice of colors lacks visual appeal and impedes comprehension.
