Please re-write the original one “clearly and concisely.” I uploaded the example one. The contents are different but I have to write like the example one.You are expected to write 3-4 paragraphs s

In Liu et al’s scientific paper, research was done between two samples- the Beiqian site and Chinese modern-day humans. This research was done to provide information about the length, breadth, height, frontal breadth, and the ratio of frontal breadth to breadth, as well as the cranial capacity. What the researchers did was they made 3D computer tomographic constructions of endocasts and measured multiple measurements to describe the differences between all of the endocasts. The samples were 81 skulls from the Beiqian site and 302 men and 290 women from modern-day humans. They used scanning methods by a tomography, voltage of 120 kV, a reference milliampere second of 410 mAs, and a slice thickness 0.6mm for the Beiqian, while for the modern-day humans they used cranial CT scans. To process all of this information, they used Amira software to observe and revise. There had to be reconstruction and measurements done on the endocasts to make sure it was clear to see the difference.

For the results, they noticed in the Beiqian site that the numbers for length, breadth, height, frontal breadth, cerebral height, frontal height, parietal chord, and cranial capacity are bigger for males than those for females. For the modern-day endocasts, values for length, breadth, height, frontal breadth, cerebral height, frontal height, frontal chord, parietal chord, the ratios of height to breadth, height to length, and frontal breadth to breadth and cranial capacity for males are bigger than those for females; the values for PH2/PH1 in females are bigger than those for males; and the ratio of breadth to length is identical between the sexes. Results also showed that the differences in sexual dimorphism were statistically significant for height, the ratios of height to breadth and height to length, frontal chord, parietal chord, and cranial capacity between Beiqian humans and modern-day humans. After discussing these results, they found out that the Beiqian humans had a greater cranial capacity than modern-day humans, but there was an increase in the frontal lobe. Their conclusions declared that the cerebral structure has changed between the two samples. The main trends are the decrease in height and cranial capacity, and the increase in frontal breadth and sexual dimorphism. Researchers mentioned that this may occur as a result of random genetic mutation and epigenetic change that occurred in response to changes in the environment.

There were three media articles that talked about Liu’s research. The first article called Ancient Origins talked more about what does that mean about our brains shrinking. That article asked if a smaller brain means less intelligence and mentioned how bigger does not always mean better. The second article is called Dehumanization: Shrinking Brain and Hippocampus, conveying that the brain is shrinking and included short descriptions from other people about why this may be happening. Also, they mention that the hippocampus is decreasing in size as well, and what we can conclude for that. Some diseases and illnesses were also listed at the end to provide the readers to what can happen since the hippocampus decreased. The last article is called Monkey Men, which talks about how our brain is shrinking but the frontal lobe is growing. It does not have enough information in the article to describe why and what is happening, but rather just mentions that the brain is shrinking but the frontal lobe is growing. It also explained what an endocast is and some statistics from before.

There was an error that was noticeable in the article. In the first article, it was declared, “Because the results indicated that it was not one particular area of the brain that was shrinking – the whole brain has been getting smaller. If the hypothesis about the visual cortex was correct, we should see shrinkage only in that region of the brain” (Ancient Origins). This is incorrect because the study showed that the length and the frontal lobe are actually increasing in size. For the second article, it talked a lot about the hippocampus shrinking and not only about the brain shrinking. I do not have any knowledge about that information so I cannot say if that is considered an error or not. In the last article, I did not seem to find any errors since it basically just summarized the study and what the research presented.