Please review attached document thoroughly before bidding. I have had bad experience in the past. I need an A paper to pass this class. APA in text citation in every paragraph and a reference page F

©2015 Walden University 1 OM002 : Organizational Compliance and Regulatory Mandates : Evaluate organizational compliance with regulatory mandates for healthcare quality and safety. Assessment Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Sub -Competency 1 : Analyze the history of regulatory organizations as it relates to safety and quality in healthcare organizations. Learning Objective 1.1: Summarize the history of the quality movement in U .S. healthcare. Summary of the history of the quality movement in US healthcare , in t he slide presentation , is missing. Summary of the history of the quality movement in U.S. healthcare , in the slide presentation, is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Summary of the history of the quality movement in U.S. healthcare, in the slide presentation, is not supported by references to academic resources. Summary of the history of the quality movement in U.S. healthcare, in the slide prese ntation, is accurate. Summary of the history of the quality movement in U.S. healthcare, in the slide presentation, is supported by references to academic resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Slide presentati on includes the history of quality management , and provides specific examples of quality improvement initiatives. Learning Objective 1.2 : Explain the influence of Deming and Donabedian in the healthcare quality - management movement. Explanation of the inf luence of Deming and Donabedian on the healthcare quality - management movement , in t he slide presentation , is missing. Explanation of the influence of Deming and Donabedian on the healthcare quality - management movement, in the slide presentation, is incompl ete, inaccurate, or vague. Explanation of the influence of Deming and Donabedian on the healthcare quality - Explanation of the influence of Deming and Donabedian on the healthcare quality - management movement, in the slide presentation, is in-depth. Explanation of the influence of Deming and Donabedian on the healthcare quality - management movement, Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Slide presentation includes both text and graphics , and describes how organizations can gain a competitive advantage. ©2015 Walden University 2 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations management movement, in the slide presentation, is not supported by references to academic resources. in the slide presentation, is supported by references to academic resources. Learning Objective 1.3 : Describe the impac t of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports on quality management in the healthcare system. Descri ption of the impact of the IOM reports on quality management (policies, procedures, and initiative ) in the healthcare system , in the slide presentation , is missing . Description of the impact of the IOM reports on quality management (policies, procedures, and initiatives) in the healthcare system, in the slide presentation, is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Description of the impact of the IOM reports on qu ality management (policies, procedures, and initiatives) in the healthcare system, in the slide presentation, is clearly describe d. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Slide presentation describes the cultural shift in healthcare organizations driven in part by the IOM reports. Learning Objective 1.4 : Describe the role of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the healthcare quality -management movement. Description of the role of the CMS in the healthcare quality - management movement , in the slide presentation , is missing. Description of the role of the CMS in the healthcare quality -management movement, in the slide presentation , is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Examples are missing, incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Description of the role of the CMS in the healthcare quality -management movement, in the slide presentation, is thorough. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Slide presentation cites specific organizational examples from the media or other resource in which CMS had a significant impact on quality. Learning Objective 1.5 : Summarize the impact of The Joint Commission accreditation on the quality -improvement process. Summar y of the impact of The Joint Commission accreditation on the quality -improvement process , in the slide presentation , is missing. Summary of the impact of The Joint Commission accreditation on the quality -improvement process, in the slide presentati on, is Summary of the impact of The Joint Commission accreditation on the quality -improvement process, in the slide presentation, is concise Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the follow ing: Slide presentation includes at least three ©2015 Walden University 3 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. and thorough. examples of how The Joint Commission accreditation has impacted a hospital’s quality -improvement process. Sub -Competency 2 : Analyze challenges related to ensuring quality and safety standards in hospitals. Learning Objective 2.1: Explain the challenges related to ensuring quality and safety standards in hospitals. Explanation of the challenges related to ensuring quality and safety standards in hospitals is missing. Explanation of the challenges related to ensuring quality and safety standards in hospitals is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Examples that illustrate the challenges related to ensuring safety in hospitals are missing . Explanation of the challenges related to ensuring quality and safety st andards in hospitals is clear. Examples that illustrate the challenges related to ensuring safety standards in hospitals are specific . Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response includes an example of a challenge for each characteristic of a high -reliability organization. Learning Objective 2.2: Explain how hospitals can achieve the same quality levels as high - reliability organizations. Explanation of how hospitals can achieve the same quality levels as high -reliability organizations is missing. Explanation of how hospitals can achieve the same quality levels as high -reliability organizations is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Explanation is not supported by references to academic resources. Explanati on of how hospitals can achieve the same quality levels as high -reliability organizations is clear . Explanation is supported by references to academic resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response draws on re al- world examples of how hospitals have overcome challenges to ensure quality. Sub -Competency 3 : Identify the foremost accrediting agencies, and explain their roles in assuring or maintaining quality. Learning Objective 3.1: Identify the similarities Identification of the similarities and Identification of the similarities and Response provides a thorough summary of at Demonstrates the same level of achievement as ©2015 Walden University 4 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations and differences between The Joint Commission and DNV surveys. differences between The Joint Commission and DNV surveys is missing. differences between The Joint Commission and DNV surveys is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Summary is not supported by reference to academic resources. least two similarities and two differences between The Joint Commission and DNV surveys. Summary is supported by reference to academic resources. “2,” plus the following: Response provides a thorough summary of at least three similarities and three differences between The Joint Commission and DNV surveys. Learning Objective 3.2: Explain why accreditation may or may not equate to quality healthcare. Explanation of why accreditation may or may not equate to quality healthcare is missing. Explanation of why accreditation may or may not equate to quality heal thcare is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Explanation is not supported by reference s to academic resources or data provided in the question. Response provides a clear explanation of the complexities of the relationship between accreditation and quality. Explanation is supported by r eferences to academic resources and the data provided in the question. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response examines the question from both the perspective of a hospital and the p erspective of a patient with access to hospital quality metrics. Sub -Competency 4 : Analyze the concept of transparency in the healthcare system. Learning Objective 4.1: Define transparency in the healthcare system. Definition of transparency in the healthcare system is missing. Definition of transparency in the healthcare system is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Definition of transparency in the healthcare system is clear and concise. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the fo llowing: Response provides examples of transparency in the healthcare system. Learning Objective 4.2: Explain the benefits and drawbacks of Explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of transparency in the Explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of transparency in the Explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of transparency in the Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: ©2015 Walden University 5 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations transparency in the healthcare system. healthca re system is missing. healthcare system is incomplete, inaccurate, or vague. Personal opinion , regarding the benefits and drawbacks of transparency in the healthcare system, is incomplete or vague. healthcare system is clear . Personal opinion , regarding the benefits and drawbacks of transparency in the healthcare system , is clear . Response includes at least three real -world examples that illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of transparency in the healthcare system. Sub -Competency 5 : Evaluate delivery of care for compliance issues and re commend appropriate courses of action . Learning Objective 5.1: Justify the existence or non -existence of compliance issues. Justification of the existence or non - existence of compliance issues is missing. Justification of the existence or non -existence of compliance issues is incomplete or vague , or address es the compliance issues in fewer than eight of the scenarios presented . Justification is not supported by references to academic resources. Justification of the existence or non - existe nce of compliance issues accurately address es the compliance issues in at least eight of the scenarios presented. Justification for the existence or non - existence of compliance issues within the scenario is logical . Justification is supported by references to academic resources. Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Responses accurately and thoroughly address the compliance issues in all of the scenarios presented. Learning Objective 5.2: Recom mend follow -up courses of action when compliance issues occur. Recommendation of follow -up courses of action is missing. Recommendation of follow -up courses of action is not clear or connected to the Recommendation for follow up courses of action is clear, concise , and appropriately Demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: ©2015 Walden University 6 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations compliance issue. address es the compliance issue. Response demonstrates the need for a thorough response from the organization to address compliance issues. PS001: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate -level writing skills. Learning Objective PS 1. 1: Use proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Multiple major and minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are highly distracting and seriously impact readability. Multiple minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are distracting and negatively impact readability. Writing reflects competent use of standard edited American English. Errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics do not negatively impact readability. Grammar, spelling, and mechanics reflect a high level of accuracy in standard American English and enhance readability. Learning Objective PS 1.2: Organize writing to enhance cla rity. Writing is poorly organized and incoherent.

Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are missing or inappropriate. Writing is loosely organized. Limited use of introductions, transitions, and conclusions provides partial continuity. Writing is ge nerally well - organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions provide continuity and a logical progression of ideas. Writing is consistently well -organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are used effectively to enhance clarity, cohesion , and flow. Learning Objective PS 1.3: Apply APA style to written work. APA conventions are not applied. APA conventi ons for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied inconsistently. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are generally appli ed correctly in most instances. Sources are generally cited APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied corr ectly and consistently throughout the paper. Sources are ©2015 Walden University 7 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations appropriately and accurately. consistently cited appropriately and accurately. Learning Objective PS 1.4: Use appropriate vocabulary and tone for the audience and purpose. Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate and negatively i mpact clarity of concepts to be conveyed. Vocabulary and tone have limited relevance to the audience. Vocabulary and tone are generally appropriate for the audience and support communication of key concepts. Vocabulary and tone are consistently tailored to the audience and effectively and directly support communication of key concepts. PS003: Technology: Use technology tools effectively. Learning Objective PS 3.1: Use images and layout of presentations to effectively communicate content to a specific audience. Images and layout are inappropriate, hard to read, and/or impede audience understanding of key concepts. Images or layout provide limited support for audience understanding of key concepts. Images and layout generally support audience understandi ng of key concepts. Images and design elements are used purposefully, and they effectively support audience engagement and understanding of key concepts. PS005: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Use critical -thinking and problem -solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best practice. Learning Objective PS 5.1: Analyze assumptions and fallacies. Analysis of assumptions is missing. Response is weak in assessing the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response does n ot adequately identify and discuss the implications of fallacies or logical weaknesses in a given Response generally assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response identifies and discusses the implications of fallacies and/or logical weaknesses in a given argument. Response clearly and comprehensively assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response provides a detailed and compelling analysis of implications of fallacies and logical weaknesses in a given ©2015 Walden University 8 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations argument. argument. Learning Objective PS 5.2 : Generate reasonable and appropriate assumptions. Assumptions are missing. Response does not adequately present and discuss key assumptions in an original argument. Response presents and discusses key assumptions in an original argument. Response justifies the reasonableness and need for assumptions in an original argument. Learning Objective PS 5.3 : Assess multiple perspectives and alternatives . Assessment of multiple perspectives is missing. Response does not identify nor adequately consider multiple perspectives or alternatives. Response identifies and consider s multiple perspectives and alternatives. Response justifies selection of chosen alternative relative to others. Learning Objective PS 5.4: Use problem -solving skills. Problems and solutions are not identified. Response presents solutions, but they are ineffective in addressing the specific problem. Response presents solutions that are practical and work in addressing the specific problem. Response presents compelling supporting arguments for proposed solutions.