I will attach the paper  Original directions and corrections needed per my professor. Directions:In 3–5 pages excluding the title and reference, describe the characteristics of abusers and analyze



Domestic Violence

Julie Cavanaugh

Unit 6 Assignment


Purdue Global University

Domestic Violence

Characteristics of abusers

Abusers are quick involvers

An abuser is charming at the initial stages showering the other partner with attention, adoration, and praise (Dutton, 2007) . The courtship seems more intense and sweet. However, the person pushes and calls for an exclusive engagement or association. Abusers tend to be attached in a relationship quickly such that the other partner has very little knowledge on their family or their past. At this stage, the person might even give suicidal threats if the other partner slows down towards the courtship.

Abusers isolate their partners

Abusers try to take up much time of the other partner as the relationship progresses. The person convinces the other partner that they don’t need to be with other people such as friends since he or she loves the other partner so much. Abusers then wear away the support network of the other partner. For example, the person may initiate conflicts with friends and family of the partner in order to discourage her or him from being with them. Moreover, an abuser tries to control the other partner’s access to transportation and communication (phones) in order to keep them in the check. Abusers observe every movement of their partners even by other parties instructing them to watch over the partner for them.

Abusers are very jealous and manipulative

Abusers see other people as threats to their relationships such that they may accuse their partners of flirting with other people (Van Hasselt, Morrison, Bellack, & Hersen, 1988) . Abusers tend to be very intelligent because they know how to detect weak spots. Abusers use past pain and vulnerability of partners to their advantage.

Critical and inconsistent

Although the other partner tries very hard, she cannot satisfy an abusive partner. Abusers tend to assault partners verbally and think nothing of degrading. Abusers are inconsistent regarding moods. Their moods swing from one minute to the other. For example, the person might be sweet and happy in one moment, only to pound his fist in the other moment.

Four characteristics of abusers in domestic violence situations

Intimidating and threats

Abusers in domestic violence situations intimidate and threaten their partners. Such abusers threaten the other party causing them excessive fear. The partner may destroy property as a way of threatening the other party. Moreover, the partner may even hurt or kill pets as a way to intimidate partners. Such threats and intimidation make the other partner not to take action in fear of being hurt or being killed.

Intent and choice

Abusers are very sensitive as they use violence. Abusers in domestic violence are rarely indiscriminately violent. These choices are revealed in social networks, communities, or workplaces where they are not violent (Dutton, 2007) . However, abusers choose how, where and when to inflict violence. For example, if a friend knocks the door, the person changes from a violent person to a very pleasant in the middle of an abusive incident.

Use of control and physical discipline

Abusers in domestic violence tend to use excessive control and physical discipline. The abuser often forces their partners (especially women) to quit their jobs in order to look after children and the house. The abuser might physically discipline their wives and children to punish a mere mistake. Abusers have a poor understanding of suitable behaviors in children at various stages and ages.

Externalizing the cause of their behavior

Abusers in domestic violence situations tend to give external reasons for their violent behavior. For instance, abusers may blame their violent actions on the behavior of the other partner. They may also blame stress, bad moods, or alcohol on their behavior.

Roles of substance abuse and its effect on domestic violence

Alcohol and substance abuse is a primary cause of severity and presence of abuse in a domestic violence (Van Hasselt et al., 1988) . An alcoholic is always violent and causes harm to the other partner. Abusers also tend to abuse substances when they want to be violent toward their partners or victims. After their violent behavior, they blame on alcohol. Substance abuse creates conflicts because addicts may even sell properties in order to afford the drugs; this leads to conflicts. Substance abuse deteriorates existing domestic violence. For example, alcoholic men show higher rates of violence toward their spouses. Alcoholic men assault their spouses more frequently leading to serious injuries.

Credibility of resources

I made sure the authors and sources are credible since they deeply covered the depth of the topic; domestic violence. The information given was not biased in any way. The information is updated as the two sources have been edited recently. The authors are also rich in information on domestic violence having studied psychology.


Dutton, D. G. (2007). The abusive personality : violence and control in intimate relationships (2nd ed.). New York ; London: Guilford Press. Retrieved from http://www.worldcat.org/title/abusive-personality-violence-and-control-in-intimate-relationships/oclc/180753221

Van Hasselt, V. B., Morrison, R. L., Bellack, A. S., & Hersen, M. (Eds.). (1988). Handbook of Family Violence. Boston, MA: Springer US. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4757-5360-8