Quantum cryptographyAfter reading and review sslides on chapter 10 and 11 - write a paper outlining a position on the use of Quantum cryptography. What problem is quantum cryptography solving? expla

In red is the hypothesis you chose to write about. Use the hypothesis to write the research paper

The Shadow Bank System

If the shadow bank system is given a platform to develop, then it will provide a solution to the banking problems that have existed for a long time. It might provide a simple platform to carry out banking activities.

Research Paper

The Research Paper is the Final Assessment and should contain each of the following elements:

  1. A cover page, with the title of your paper, your name, and the date

  2. A Table of Contents page

  3. A hypothesis statement about what you think you will find in the literature regarding the topic

  4. A description of what you intend to research

  5. What you discovered about your subject and the hypothesis

  6. A summary/conclusion/recommendation section

  7. APA format including at least one level of headings

  8. A minimum of 2,000 words not including the cover page, Table of Contents page, and reference pages with double-spaced pages, one-inch margins, and font size no larger than 12-point

  9. A minimum of five references at least three of which must be cited in the paper

Research paper rubriC Grade Format


20 Points

16 Points

12 Points

8 Points

0-4 Points






Cover page and Table of Contents pages are complete & arranged neatly. No spelling or punctuation issues.

Strong content and nice layout of cover page. No critical errors.

Weak or missing content in areas and some errors in spelling and punctuation.

Major errors with cover page layout. Table of Contents may lack detail and is not linked to material.

No relationship between Table of Contents and actual documents.



100 Points

90 Points

70 Points

40 Points

0-10 Points



Analytical work and evaluation of material are obvious & substantial. Qualitative & quantitative excellence exhibited. Consistent, well organized layout. Met requirements fully.

Most of the writing is cohesively strong. Good critical thinking but lacks depth, no errors in logic.

Financial analysis not complete with some inaccurate calculations. Gaps in evidence and insufficient links. Lacking some analytical thinking.

Weak or no evidence of analytical or evaluative thinking. 

Little or no creative / original thinking present.

Unacceptable writing; does not meet standards of

assignment. The analysis lacks organization and cohesion at all levels.


80 Points

70 Points

50 Points

20 Points

0-10 Points




Recommenda-tions based on solid analysis. Conclusions are well supported by analytical work. Writing that excels in most areas. 

Very good writing but lacks some fluency and complexity. Has a few errors in logic

Good writing and qualitative work but missing some competencies in areas. Final recommenda-tions lacking some important support/detail.

Fair writing. Quantitative competency are below average standards. Poor support provided for conclusions.

Below average conclusion with poorly thought out recommenda-tions. Lacks evidence & quantitative analysis to support final recommenda-tions.