PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONSRunning reports on existing data and updating data records are very common tasks in the industry.For this assignment, you will begin with a database containing several pre-po

DBM/380 v14

Select and Update Data in Relation TablesPLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONSRunning reports on existing data and updating data records are very common tasks in the industry.For this assignment, you will begin with a database containing several pre-po 1

  1. Begin with the populated Microsoft® Access® database you downloaded from the Cengage’s website. (If you have chosen not to use Microsoft® Access®, create and populate an identical database using the MySQL, Oracle®, or SQLServer statements provided.)

  2. Select the invoice number, customer code, customer last name, customer first name, and invoice date from the appropriate tables (using the appropriate SQL join keyword), ordering the results by invoice number.

  3. Take a screenshot of your results. Name your screenshot: “DBM380Week4_YourLastNameYourFirstName_BEFORE.png”

  4. Update the database so that:

    1. The customer incorrectly named “Dunne” is named “Dipplehoffer.”

    2. All invoice dates reflect the year 2018. Note: Date values are handled differently than numeric (100) or string (‘Ralph’) values. For help with the date format in Microsoft® Access®, read “Create and run an update query” from Microsoft®.”

  5. Select the invoice number, customer code, customer last name, customer first name, and invoice date from the appropriate tables (using the appropriate SQL join keyword), ordering the results by customer last name.

  6. Take a screenshot of your results. Name your screenshot: “DBM380Week4_YourLastNameYourFirstName_AFTER.png”

  7. In a Microsoft® Word document, type your answers to the following questions related to this assignment:

    1. Database design. Briefly describe the business scenario this database was designed to model.

    2. Entity-relationship diagram. Describe at least two relationships implemented in the database that would have been modeled in the ERD. Be sure to label each relationship that you list appropriately (e.g., “primary key” or “foreign key”).

    3. Normalization. Were the tables in this database normalized? How do you know?

    4. Management. Data updates are destructive; that is, they can alter existing data in a way that makes reconstituting the original data difficult or even impossible. What strategies, or safeguards, did you use to mitigate the unintentional destruction of data while you were completing this assignment? For example, did you select data prior to updating it to create a fall-back record? Did you back up the database prior to updating it?

  8. Prepare to turn in your assignment by zipping your two screenshots and the Microsoft® Word document into a single file named: “”

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