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An assembler program has been written for a PIC 16F84 microprocessor which ‘flashes LEDs’ through a left or right sequence. The sample code for scenario tasks 1-4 is as follows:

; U19A2T1-4.asm

; blinks LEDs on outputs in a rotating pattern, with input option to reverse direction

;Set microprocessor as 16F84


; Setup processor configuration

__config _RC_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _PWRTE_ON

; label 2 symbols as memory addresses for counting loops

J equ 1F

K equ 1E


org 0 ;


clrf TRISA ;

bcf STATUS , RP0 ;

bcf STATUS , RP1 ;

movlw 0x01 ;

movwf PORTB ;

bcf STATUS,C ;


btfss PORTA,0 ;

goto RR

rlf PORTB,f ;

goto DELAY

RR: rrf PORTB,f ;


movlw 0x32 ;

movwf J ;

jloop: movwf K ;

kloop: decfsz K,f ;

goto kloop

decfsz J,f ;

goto jloop


movlw 0x02 ;

xorwf PORTA,0;

goto ROTATE ;

end ;

Task 1

  1. Rewrite the delay section of the program as a subroutine with annotations. Also show how it works by including a ‘printscreen’ of the whole program.

  2. Also include a flowchart of the overall program and explain the subroutine section

  3. State two advantages a subroutine might have over keeping the delay section within the main program

  4. Explain with the aid of a diagram how the microprocessor stack operates.

Guidance: Use MPLAB to check that the code ‘builds’ correctly (this will check the syntax), print-screen a copy of code and build result into your answer and also email as ‘U19A2T2.asm’. There is no requirement to run or test the program.

Task 2

  1. Rewrite the delay section of the program again using a built-in Timer0 function with annotations.

  2. Also explain with aid of a diagram how the timer function counts the delay, including the role carried out by 3 key SFRs used in the program (different SFRs to those in task 1)

  3. State two advantages an interrupt function might have over a subroutine

Guidance: Use MPLAB to check that the code ‘builds’ correctly (this will check the syntax), print-screen a copy of code and build result into your answer and also email as ‘U19A2T3.asm’. There is no requirement to run or test the program.

Task 3

  1. From task 1 select MPLAB to build, run and test the program application.

  2. Briefly comment on your test (Watch) results explaining the values stored in the SFR and variable registers.

Guidance: To test, you will need to change the delay loop from 0X032 to 0X002 in order to speed up the process in the simulator. Take a print-screen of the simulation running and use ‘View -> Watch’ to show evidence of the operation of key variables (symbols) and SFRs such as: J&K counters, the working, status and port registers; and also email as ‘U19A2T4.asm’.