SOWK 7321 Family Assessment Paper Grading criteria Integration and Critical Analysis Identifies and integrates relevant theories, concepts, trends...

Grading criteria

SOWK 7321 Family Assessment Paper

Integration and Critical Analysis

Identifies and integrates relevant theories, concepts, trends and/or issues relevant to the discussion; and demonstrates proficiency in critical thinking skills.
Unacceptable 0-6 | Emerging 7-13 | Proficient 14-20 | Exemplary 21-28

Maximum mark


Comprehensiveness and in-depth understanding of the topic

Comprehensively addresses the questions and/or writing prompts; demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the topic by providing a good introduction and insightful conclusion.
Unacceptable 0-6 | Emerging 7-13 | Proficient 14-20 | Exemplary 21-28

Maximum mark


Logic and Argumentation

All ideas in the paper flow logically. The theme of the paper is identifiable, reasonable, and sound.
Unacceptable 0-3 | Emerging 4-7 | Proficient 8-11 | Exemplary 12-16

Maximum mark


Scholarly Writing Skills

Demonstrates skills in scholarly writing; logically organizes content and ideas; cogently and clearly presents arguments and responses; provides supporting evidence and example.
Unacceptable 0-1 | Emerging 2-3 | Proficient 4-5 | Exemplary 6-7

Maximum mark

Writing Structure

Evident, understandable, appropriate for family practice paper. Excellent transitions from point to point. Paragraphs support solid topic sentences.
Unacceptable 0-1 | Emerging 2-3 | Proficient 4-5 | Exemplary 6-7

Maximum mark

Writing Mechanics

Sentence structure, grammar, and diction excellent; correct use of punctuation and citation style; minimal to no spelling errors; absolutely no run-on sentences or comma splices.
Unacceptable 0-1 | Emerging 2-3 | Proficient 4-5 | Exemplary 6-7

Maximum mark

Citations and References

Exemplary use of references, adequate number and no APA errors
Unacceptable 0-1 | Emerging 2-3 | Proficient 4-5 | Exemplary 6-7

Maximum mark