I have practical exam on CIB 4003 - E Business Apps DevelopmentPlease see the attached file


PART – I (HTML & CSS) – 15 Marks

Qn # 1 - Create a web page for the following output: (Use external CSS)
I have practical exam on CIB 4003 - E Business Apps DevelopmentPlease see the attached file 1

Qn # 2 : Create an web page for the following output:

I have practical exam on CIB 4003 - E Business Apps DevelopmentPlease see the attached file 2

PART -II (HTML-CSS-PHP) – (5 Marks)
  1. Create a “Register.html” page and get the following details from the user:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Contact
    • City
    • Country
  • When the user click on the submit button, post these values in the “UserSummary.php” with “Login” button.
  • When the user click on the login button, take them to “Login.html” page
  • The input and output should be displayed in the tabular format as shown below. Use external CSS to make it good style.

  1. Validation and User authentication: (10 Marks)
    • In the “Login.html”, ask user to enter the User Name, Password, Contact, city and Country. And, this page should have “Login” button

    • After entering the details, when the user clicks on “Login” button, take them to the “LoginStatus.php” page

    • In “LoginStatus.php” page, display all the details entered by the user. And, do the following:

      • Check if the user name is “Valuable Customer” and password is “Customer@dubai”, if yes, provide the hyperlink to “AvailableProducts.php” file.

      • Else, provide hyperlink to “login.html” to enter the details again.

  1. Display the available products: (20 Marks)
  • Create a php file named “AvailableProducts.php”

  • Display all the available products in a tabular format in this page and

  • Add a logout button that will take to the home page (login.html page)

Note: For all the steps (1, 2 and 3), use suitable CSS styles to make your page more stylish.

CW – Practical - REVISION

CIB 4003

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