I need two responses for answers from other students. I have attached the original question and the answers they gave. The responses are not to be negative and need to be academically acceptable. The

Original Question

Consider the time you need to identify, implement, score, and provide feedback for an assessment, how will that translate into billable hours to the client. How will you communicate that with your client?

(Answer number 1) By Cynthia

I will have a contract with 20 hospitals which are my client. The first part of the contact is for 9 sessions for each coachee billed as 9 hours to the hospital. The assessment is administered in session one and is included as part of the session. During session four I will provide feedback to the coachee which will be included in the cost for the session.

Scoring the assessments, matching the scores with peers, and providing feedback for HR will be billed as 2 hours per coachee. This is in addition to the 9 billable hours for the coaching sessions. The hospital will have a signed contract with me prior to administering these assessments. Hospitals and especially teaching hospitals reported higher fees for assessments than those in other employment settings (Putnam & Deluca 1991).


Putnam, S. H., & Deluca, J. W. (1991). The TCN professional practice survey: Part II: An analysis of the fees of neuropsychologists by practice demographics. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 5, 103–124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13854049108403296

(Answer number 2) By Chandra

The three methods most coaches use to bill clients are by the session for a flat fee, by the month for a monthly fee or by the package, like 6 months for a certain fee (Schubnel, 2015). This allows the coach to focus on the client’s needs and not his/her own needs (Webb, 2018). After establishing fees, a coach should either publish his/her fees or have that money conversation during the initial session to disclose everything that the fee includes. When the client understands everything the fee includes, then he/she is able to relax and focus on the reason he/she sought out a coach to begin with.

Schubnel, M. (2015, October 03). How to Price and Package Your Coaching Services. Retrieved November 12, 2018, from https://www.coachandgrowrich.com/coaching-blog/how-to-package-price-your-coaching/


Webb, K. (2018). How To Price Coaching Services Based On Value. Retrieved November 12, 2018, from https://keithwebb.com/how-to-price-coaching-services-based-on-value/