This is a multi deliverable activity, for this week - it requires the following deliverable to be accomplished: 1): Problem statement= For the improvement of  Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (M

Talking about course requirements

Design and Planning of PHC Projects

  1. Milestones.

Milestone 1: The first milestone are just reminders of where you should be as the course moves forward. The first one reminds you that you should have chosen an RFA by this point and decided what specific type of project that you will be designing. At this point you will have decided if you are going to do this on your own, or will be working with someone else, or even a second partner

Milestone 2: The second milestone means that you will have completed the cluster survey exercise at this point and gotten the correct answers from your analysis of the data.

Milestone 3: By the third milestone you now will have something to show for the development of the project you are designing. Here you will have 6 slides to give a background to the problem you have chosen for your project, the project goals and objectives, the strategy you have chosen, how you will involve the community and the human resources needed. You will turn these in by the deadline data. The faculty will review these and give you comments, but this is not part of your grade. Some peers will review these as well using voice thread and give your comments as well.

Milestone 4: The fourth milestone is the final milestone. Here you will present your finished product. Although you will describe the PHC project you have designed the main parts you will be graded on are those that have been labeled as deliverables in the course. Some of your fellow classmates will be reviewing your final project design and leaving voice thread comments. The final product will be an important part of your grade (40%). The parts of the project design which you will be most closely graded on are the goals and objectives, the monitoring plan and logframe, the project budget and the evaluation plan. Please outline the other parts but we will expect less detail on these. In lecture 10 we will outline the design components which are present in a project proposal. We will give you these in a separate list shortly, so you can be thinking ahead.

  1. Deliverables

These are powerpoint slides on a specific project component that you must turn in through the course dropbox. We the faculty will review these, not for a grade but to give you tips on these particular project parts. There are date when each of these 4 parts are due.

Deliverable 1. These are your goals and objectives and should be submitted on up to 6 powerpoint slides. With these objectives you will also indicate which indicators you have selected to measure the achievements of the objectives.

Deliverable 2. Following on the design on your goals and objectives you will create a monitoring plan for your project and include the logframe that you have created for this. There are aids available in the online library on the creation of logframes.

Deliverable 3. This is the project budget. There will be good directions in the lecture 13 and in the online library materials on how to construct a line item budget. The challenge here is to consider all the various details that need to go into this budget, but we will give you help with this, and make comments with what you submit.

Deliverable 4. This is the final deliverable and it includes the evaluation plan. How would you like to have your project evaluated? What would you direct the evaluators to look at or for?

  1. Quizzes. There are 3, which will cover all parts of the course. The intent of these is to assure the faculty that students are understanding the material which is being presented. The scores from these three quizzes will account for 20% of your grade. These quizzes will usually be 10 questions or less. They are “open book” in the sense that you can refer to your notes or the slides as you like. However you will only have about 30 minutes to complete the quiz once you start.

  1. Midterm exercise. The student will be given a PHC proposal, and asked to review this individually to assess how realistic a proposal it is, where the weak parts are, and what changes should be instituted to improve its quality. The student’s marks for this exercise will constitute 20% or their final grade. When we get close to the midterm we will provide much more information.

  1. Class participation. On an internet class, participation is more difficult than raising your hand in a classroom. However, there are opportunities to ask questions and respond to discussion board postings, as well as, to participate with the live talks. Class participation is worth 20% of the student’s grade.

  1. The Final PHC Proposal. The final proposal will be an aggregate of all the deliverables that the student (or pair of students) have been working on throughout the term. As the term progresses the student will be adding to a rough PHC Proposal outline. By the end of the term, the student will have the main components of a PHC proposal. This will be 40% of the student’s grade. There are examples of proposals in the Online Library.