PART11. Ethical Question2. Introduction3. Position Statement4. Reasons in Support of Your Position5. Opposing Position Statement6. Reasons in Support of the Opposing PositionPART 21. Ethical Question2

Week 1 - A ssig n m en t E th ic a l Q ues on [W LO : 4 ] [ C LO s: 1 , 5 ] Prior t o beginning work on this assignment, r ead Chapter 1 of the textbook. This chapter will intr oduce you to the basic form and subject matter of ethical r easoning and assist you as you select an ethical question, examine the context, issues, and ar guments surrounding the question, and attempt t o defend an answer t o the question.  Please read these assignment instructions befor e writing your paper as the y contain very pr ecise and specific instructions on both the content and format r equirements. Y ou should download the provided outline  and use that to structur e your paper , as well as consult the assignment guidance and modeled example for additional help. Finally , before submitting y our assignment please use the checklist to ensur e that you have completed all of the r equir ements. Overview This course has thr ee written assignments that build upon one another and ar e designed to take you step-b y-step through a pr ocess of writing a paper that identifies an ethical question, examines the context, issues, and ar guments surrounding the question, and attempts t o defend an answer t o that question using str ong moral reasoning.

This first written assignment is a six-par t exercise comprised of the following sections:

1. Ethical Question 2. Intr oduction 3. Position Statement 4. Reasons in Suppor t of Your P osition 5. Opposing P osition Statement 6. Reasons in Suppor t of the Opposing P osition The assignment should be 500 wor ds, written in essay form, with six clearly labeled sections as indicated below , and include a title page and reference page.

  Par t 1: Ethical Question Befor e writing the paper , you will need t o spend some time thinking about the specific ethical issue y ou want to focus on throughout this course. Begin this task b y viewing the list of appr oved ethical t opics and questions pr ovided in the W eek 1 Announcement titled: “Written Assignment Ethical T opics and Questions List.” Take some time looking o ver the list and br owsing through some of the material in the corr esponding chapters of the textbook in which each t opic is addressed and decide which t o focus on.

Once you have done this, choose one of the ethical questions associated with that t opic. If you wish t o do so, y ou may formulate y our own ethical question, but it must be on one of the t opics listed in the announcement . Be sure to car efully study the pr ovided questions and model y our own question after them in terms of specificity and ethical focus.” Place the ethical question under the Part 1: Ethical Question heading at the t op of the paper.

  Par t 2: Intr oduction In this section of y our paper, you should intr oduce the topic and question at issue b y doing the following (not necessarily in this exact order): Explain its relevance and impor tance.

Define any key terms and concepts.

Pr ovide any r elevant context and back ground information.

Briefly r eference an idea, quote, or analysis of the issue that y ou have found in one of the r equired resour ces on the topic.  Requir ed resour ces include the textbook chapter focused on that t opic (6, 7, 8, 9, or 10), the “Primary Sources” listed at the end of Chapters 6-9, and the “r eadings listed under “Further Reading” at the end of each section in Chapter 10. The intr oduction will be the longest section of this assignment and should be at least 300 wor ds in one or two paragraphs. Place the intr oduction material under the P art 2: Intr oduction.

  Par t 3: P osition Statement Your work on the intr oduction section has lik ely unearthed various positions one might tak e on the ethical question you ha ve chosen. In this section, y ou will formulate a position statement. A position statement is a one sentence statement that ar ticulates your position on the issue and dir ectly answers the question you have r aised. F or example, if the question was, “What is a physician ’s obligation with r espect to telling the truth t o his or her patients?” a position statement might be “ A physician may never dir ectly lie t o a patient, but it ma y be moral for a physician t o withhold information if the physician r easonably believes doing so dir ectly benefits the patient. ” A different position statement might be: “ A physician may use any means necessar y, including lying t o a patient, if the physician belie ves that will pr oduce the best o ver all r esults. ” Howe ver , the following statement would not be a sufficient position statement: “ A physician must always respect the rights of his or her patients. ” The reason this is not a sufficient position statement is that it does not dir ectly answer the question concerning truth telling.

Think of the position statement as the strongest claim you would make if you wer e a prosecuting att orney making your opening statement t o a jury, wher e you want t o state pr ecisely and dir ectly the position y ou want them to believe. Place the position statement under the P art 3: P osition Statement heading.

  Par t 4: Reasons in Suppor t of Your P osition Now that y ou have ar ticulated a position on the issue, write a shor t paragraph—just a f ew sentences—that pr esents and explains one or two of the str ongest reasons in suppor t of your position statement. You want y our suppor ting reason t o explain why someone should suppor t the position you are taking on the ethical question. A suppor ting reason is a consider ation that helps to show why your position is str onger than another position.

One way to appr oach this is t o imagine yourself in friendly conv ersation with someone who does not necessarily agree with y our position (perhaps the y disagree, or perhaps the y are undecided). When y ou state your position, they might ask why y ou think that; the kind of r esponse you would giv e is a suppor ting reason. Supporting reasons can include many things including, but not limited t o: an appeal to moral principles such as duty, justice, fairness and equality; the positiv e or negative effects of cer tain actions on policies; or a summar y of facts, statistics or evidence and an explanation of how the y support your view . Place the suppor ting reason(s) under the P art 4: Reasons in Suppor t of Your P osition heading.

  Par t 5: Opposing P osition Statement Now that you have pr ovided r easons t o suppor t your position statement, in this section y ou will take a step back fr om all of that and ar ticulate a statement that expr esses an opposing or contrary statement. Think of the opposing position statement as the str ongest claim you would make if you wer e the def ense attorney making y our opening statement t o the jury immediately after the y have hear d the pr osecutor’s statement. Place the opposing position statement under the P art 5: Opposing P osition Statement heading.

  Par t 6: Reasons in Suppor t of the Opposing Position In this section, write a shor t paragraph—just a f ew sentences—that pr esents and explains one or two of the str ongest reasons in suppor t of the opposing position statement. A strong opposing r eason is a reason anyone would need t o consider, even if the y do not agr ee with the opposing position.

In other wor ds, do not simply contr adict claims that you make in Part 4, especially factual claims! Y ou should strive to identify and ar ticulate consider ations in support of the opposing position that y ou think are accurate and true, or at least plausible, e ven if y ou still belie ve y our own position has the most suppor t over all.

If the r eason(s) in suppor t of the opposing position ar e ones you consider ob viously false or indef ensible, you should look for better r easons.

Put yourself in the position of a def ense attorney who has t o make the best possible case t o the jury in defense of his or her client. Place the opposing r easons under the Part 6: Reasons in Suppor t of the Opposing Position heading.

In your paper , Identify the ethical question.

Introduce the t opic and question.

Formulate a position statement.

Explain the str ongest reasons in suppor t of the position statement.

Formulate an opposing position statement.

Explain the str ongest reasons in suppor t of the opposing position statement. The Ethical Question paper Must be 500 to 600 words in length (not including title and r eferences pages) and formatted accor ding to APA style as outlined in the Ashfor d Writing Center ’s AP A Style ( h ttp :/ / w rit in g ce n te r. a sh fo rd .e d u/a p a-s ty le )  r esour ce. Must include a separ ate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted For fur ther assistance with the formatting and the title page, r efer t o APA F ormatting for W ord 2013 (h ttp :/ / w rit in g ce n te r. a sh fo rd .e d u/a p a-fo rm attin g -w ord -2 013) . Must utiliz e academic v oice. See the Academic Voice ( h ttp :/ / w rit in g ce n te r. a sh fo rd .e d u/a ca d em ic -v o ic e ) r esour ce for additional guidance.

Must document any information used fr om sources in AP A style as outlined in the Ashfor d Writing Center ’s Citing Within Y our Paper  ( h ttp :/ / b piw rit in g ce n te r. p ro d.a cq uia -s it e s.c o m /c it in g -w it h in -y o ur- p ap er) guide. Must include a separ ate references page that is formatted accor ding to APA style as outlined in the Ashfor d Writing Center . See the Formatting Y our References List ( h ttp :/ / w rit in g ce n te r. a sh fo rd .e d u/fo rm at- y o ur- re fe re n ce -lis t) r esour ce in the Ashfor d Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully r eview the Gr ading Rubric ( h ttp :/ / a sh fo rd .w ayp o in to utc o m es.c o m /a sse ss m en t/ 2 1849/p re vie w ) for the criteria that will be used t o evaluate y our assignment.   Wri ng s p ecia li s ts a re h ere 2 4 /7 , e ve ry d ay o f t h e y e ar, r e ad y t o s u p po rt y o u! Click HERE (h ttp s:/ / a sh fo rd .in str u ctu re .c o m /c o urs e s/1 414/e xte rn al_ to o ls /5 32?

dis p la y= bo rd erle ss) to instantly chat with an online tut or. Click HERE (h ttp s:/ / a sh fo rd .in str u ctu re .c o m /c o urs e s/1 414/e xte rn al_ to o ls /5 32?

dis p la y= bo rd erle ss) to submit y our paper for a r eview . Papers ar e returned within 24 hours with a r evision plan.

Click HERE ( m ailt o :w rit in g @ ash fo rd .e d u? su b je ct= A % 20Q uestio n% 20fo r% 20th e% 20 A W C) to email us any writing questions.

F or additional writing r esources lik e Grammarly (h ttp s:/ / c o nte n t.b rid g ep o in te d uca tio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /fi le /4 4cfa 9 c0 - 9498-4 229-a 2 5d- ea3 589506182/1 /G ra m marly _S etu p _In str u ctio ns_A U.p d f) , click on the W riting Center tab in the left na vigation pane. Way p o in t A ssig n m en t Su b m is sio n The assignments in this course will be submitted t o Waypoint.  Please r efer t o the instructions below t o submit your assignment.

1. Click on the Assignment Submission button below . The Waypoint "Student Dashboar d" will open in a new browser window . 2. Browse for y our assignment. 3. Click Upload . This tool needs t o be loaded in a new br owser window 4. Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted b y viewing the appropriate week's assignment tab in Waypoint. F or mor e detailed instructions, r efer t o the Waypoint T utorial (h ttp s:/ / c o nte n t.b rid g ep o in te d uca tio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /fi le /d c3 58708-3 d2 b-4 1a6 -a 0 00- ff5 3b3 cc3 794/1 /W ayp o in t% 20T uto ria l. p d f) ( h ttp s:/ / c o nte n t.b rid g ep o in te d uca tio n.c o m /c u rric u lu m /fi le /d c3 58708-3 d2 b- 4 1a6 -a 0 00-ff5 3b3 cc3 794/1 /W ayp o in t% 20T uto ria l. p d f) . L o ad W eek 1 - A ssig n m en t in a n ew w in d ow