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For Example see the below codes for MySQL

create table books (

isbn char(13) not null primary key,

author char(30),

title char(60),

catid int unsigned,

price float(4,2) not null,

description varchar(255)



select * from books;

INSERT INTO books (isbn,author,title,catid,price,description) values ('0-123-45366','Michael','Java 2 Programming',1,35.9,'Wonderful book for Java programmers');

INSERT INTO books (isbn,author,title,catid,price,description) values ('0-123-456546','Robert','C-sharp Programming',2,45.9,'Good resource for Dotnet programmers');

INSERT INTO books (isbn,author,title,catid,price,description) values ('0-111-22222','Maitha','Learn Arabic',1,25.9,'Learn new Language');

INSERT INTO books (isbn,author,title,catid,price,description) values ('0-123-44444','Aarti','Cooking Hacks',1,55.9,'Cook without Break');

INSERT INTO books (isbn,author,title,catid,price,description) values ('0-123-456546','Ali','Arts and Crafts',1,42.9,'Artist Favourite book');

PHP codes:



//If the values are posted, INSERT them into the database if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['password']))


$userName = $_POST['uname'];

$email = $_POST['email'];

$pwd = $_POST['password'];

$query = "INSERT INTO user(username,password,email) values('$userName','$pwd','$email')";

result = mysqli_query($sqlConnect,$query);



echo "User Created Successfully";

echo "<html><body><p><a href=Login.php> Click here to continue</a></p></body></html>";




echo "User Registration Failed";

echo "<html><body><p><a href=register.php> Click here to try again </a></p></body></html>";




HTML Codes



<title> "MySQL and PHP Practice" </title>


<body bgcolor = "#BBE0E3">

<h1> From PHP server to Database Server </h1>


//Open the connection here

$sqlConnect = mysqli _connect ('localhost','root','');


//choose the database


//Execut the SQL Query

$sqlQuery = "select * from Friend";

$sqlResult =mysqli_query($sqlConnect,$sqlQuery);

//Fetch one row at a time

echo "Here is the List of records available in your table"."<br>";




                $row=$sqlRow ['frNum'];

                $firstName=$sqlRow ['fName'];

                $secondName=$sqlRow ['sName'];

                $addInfo=$sqlRow ['address'];


                echo $row. "/".$firstName."/".$secondName."/".$addInfo."<br>";



echo "The total number of rows: ".$count."<br>';


//Here close the connection



