Financial Industry

The industry I’m reviewing is Financial one which comprises of banks, insurance companies and others. Financial industry offers financial services to retail as well as commercial customers. It further comprises of investment funds and real estate. The services under this category are carried under low-interest rate areas or environments. Most of its large portion generate revenue or money from mortgages as well as loans that gains value upon a drop of interest rates. The industry interests me because the expansion of technology has contributed to the alteration of the sector. For instance, banks are offering financial planning as well as a trading application via smartphones as well as social media. Besides, cloud technology has been accepted widely. Robotics in present moment has reduced operation cost as well as quality improvement. The industry has improved because of IT decentralization.

The financial sector can be considered as amongst important parts in the economy. It comprises a big position in S & P 500. The biggest organizations in this sector or industry are banks such as JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America and others. Insurance is the second biggest in this industry. Most organization within the industry utilize dividends besides being judged based on their strength, i.e., financially.

Basically, in financial industry supply chain entails movement of money of cash flow Either in or out. Financial supply chain comprises of actual lifeblood for a firm because it offers cashflow required in ensuring doors are open always. The financial industry supply chain consists of the movement of money and could include banks, vehicles, individuals who might be paid to move money from one bank to another and others.

Major players in the financial industry include the following; banks, investment companies, Leasing companies, Book-builders insurance companies, Housing finance companies and Conglomerate (Account learning, 2018). The major activities are financing services, brook age services, saving services and others.


The industry generated revenue of $4,686.5BN which was an increase of 2.8% from previous year. It recorded high figure of employement.


Account learning. (2018). Major Players in the financial services industry. Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

bls. (2018) Bureau of Labor Statistics Data. Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

Investopedia Staff. (2018) Financial Sector. Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

LinkedIn. (2018) How to Apply Supply Chain Management To The Financial Services Industry. Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

WBG. (2018) Competition and Scope of Activities in Financial Services. Retrieved November 27, 2018, from

IBISworld. (2018). Finance and Insurance in the US. Industry Market Research Reports, Trends, Statistics, Data, Forecasts. Retrieved November 28, 2018, from