Need to Review and Correct the research paper according to my professor requirements 


Due at the end of week (Sunday midnight)

The final part of your Term Paper is your Research Proposal. It contains the first THREE parts of your Term Paper.

Your final research proposal should include the following sections:

Title Page - The title page includes the title of the proposed project, your name, institution, and the date of submission. This is the entire first page.

Abstract - A brief summary of your proposed project, not to exceed 200 words. Present a brief introduction to the issue, make the key statement of your research question, and give a brief summary of how you want to address the research question with the possible implications of your work.

The abstract needs to be on a separate page.

Introduction - This section sets the context for your proposed project and must capture the reader's interest. Remember to start with a broad picture that eventually narrows in on your research question. You should briefly describe what the proposed project is about and how you became interested in the topic. State clearly the central issue or theme being addressed.

This section should be about 1 page in length.

PART 1: PROBLEM STATEMENT: Include here part 1 of your term paper.

Discuss the significant problems, opportunities and context that frame the research question. Explain what new knowledge the proposed project will produce that is not already known. Why is it worth knowing and what are the major implications? Describe who exactly will benefit from the knowledge. This section should conclude with the research question, purpose statement, and the research objectives.

This section should be about 5 pages in length.

PART 2: LITERATURE REVIEW: Include here part 2 of your term paper.

This section identifies the main concepts related to your research question. In this section you summarize what has been found in the past in your area of proposed study and evaluate the literature. Please state how the reviewed research results connected to your proposed study.

This section should be about 7-9 pages in length.

PART 3: RESEARCH METHODS: Include here part 3 of your term paper.

This section defines the planned study methods, and their rationale, in answering your research question. Begin this section by providing an overview your approach, materials, and procedures you are planning to use during the study. Be clear as to your choice of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Explain how and why your mode of analysis will enable you to accomplish your objectives and/or answer your research question. If you plan to use subjects, state how many will you use, why, and how they will be recruited. You need to describe how the data will be collected, interpreted, evaluated and analyzed. Also address any foreseeable challenges, obstacles, or difficulties, and how you are prepared to address them. Also, outline the type of literature sources you will need to provide sufficient background to your research, with at least 5 examples of actual sources. Explain exactly how these literary sources will help you in answering your research question. Describe any ethical issues you need to consider and how you will address them. If you need prior approval to gain access to your research site and its sources, describe how and when you will obtain written permission. If your project involves participants, how will you go about getting informed consent? What specific role will you play in the data collection and what potential conflicts of interest may there be? Please use the following subheadings to frame this section: Participants, Methodology, and Ethical Issues. This section should be about 5 pages in length.

This section should be about 5 pages in length.


Project Work Plan and Deliverables - This section should describe time allotted to each portion of your project (e.g., week by week, or stage by stage), with as much detail as possible. It should provide a brief explanation of research activities and timetable for your entire project and the major milestones or deliverables at each stage. Any resources, facilities, or budget should be listed here as well.

This section should be about 2 pages in length.

References [FOR ALL SECTIONS] - Conform to APA formatting guidelines ( All references cited in the text must be listed alphabetically, by the surname of the author(s) followed by date of the publication in parenthesis. This section begins on a new page. No limit.