I have a group powerpoint presentation due on Monday based on the article and presentation rubric attached below. Please and please this is a powerpoint presentation and so it should be in bullet poin

RUA: Group Presentation

This outline should assist with the Group PowerPoint. It is to be used along with the Chamberlain Grading Rubric.

Potential Slide layout:

  • Title Slide

  • Introduction

  • Description of research process

    • Including any barriers

  • Identification of problem

    • Clinical issue

    • Impact on practice

  • Clinical Question

    • Aim/hypothesis/clinical question (as pertinent to your article)

    • PICO

  • Search Strategy/results

  • Summary of Evidence/findings

  • Practice change

  • Change implications

  • Change barriers (barriers can also go in any of the other slides if barriers were met)

  • Conclusion

  • References