This assignment is a CLC group activity.Review the Final Memo.Discuss the information in your CLC group.To complete your final proposal, develop the following:A plan to make reductions of at least 13%

ADM 626 Module 8 CLC: Culminating Project Part III Rubric

100 Points




  1. Summary of Financial Crisis and Reason for Proposal

    1. Summarizes all relevant information.

    2. Evaluates town’s financial position.

    3. Shows necessary improvements as needed from original version.


  1. Analysis of Impact of Financial Crisis on Town Budget

    1. Identifies stated effects of financial crisis on town budget.

    2. Identifies implied effects of financial crisis on town budget.

    3. Shows necessary improvements as needed from original version.


  1. Recommendations

    1. Makes suggestions for lessening impact of financial crisis on town budget.

    2. Rationale for suggestions is well supported through application of course concepts.

    3. Shows necessary improvements as needed from original version.


  1. Budgeting Plan

    1. Analyzes current revenue sources and uses information to make appropriate budget adjustments.

    2. Proposes plan for budget reductions.

    3. Proposes plan to eliminate deficit spending.

    4. Proposes solutions for balancing new budget to include financial crisis relief.

    5. Components of plan are cohesive and feasible.


  1. Mechanics of Writing

    1. Student is clearly in control of standard, written academic English.

    2. All work includes correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

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