essay : argument v.summaries MLA format.Read the attached article and then answer the essay question. Be sure to include the required number of library data base sources, or the paper will not be grad

Antigone Paper Assignment

ENGL 1302 SLOs measured:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes.

2. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments, including one or more research-based essays.

3. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence.

4 .Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action.

5. Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS, MLA, etc.)

Write a 3-page multi-paragraph essay on the assignment below. For this assignment you need to include

  • textual evidence

  • 4 academic outside sources (no googled websites)

  • proper parentheticals*

  • works cited page

The German philosopher Hegel stated that the play Antigone represents “the tragic collision of right against right, with both sides equally justified.” Antigone is right, he argues, for “prioritizing divine law,” and Creon is right for “prioritizing human law.” Do you agree with this interpretation? Why or why not? Use quotations from the play and your own explanations to support your opinion.

  • The intro paragraph should introduce the author, the play title, a lead-in for your thesis, and end with a thesis statement that answers the question.

  • Include the outside academic (no web sites) sources to support your arguments, not make your arguments.

  • Please use literary resources when researching literary topics. (see below)

  • Make your concluding paragraph meaningful. What philosophical conclusion can you draw about humanity based on your argument?

  • Construct a formal works cited page. (See page 237 in your textbook) You may craft it yourself, as some students prefer, or use NoodleTools, as others prefer.

  • Consult various composition and documentation examples posted on e-Campus.

  • If you go to the Learning Center, and I think that would be a good idea, print out a copy of this prompt to take with you.

  • * Plays are cited by Scene and Line number in the parenthetical, NOT author’s last name. (Sc 1 Lns 12-15).


General Words of Advice: Never start a writing assignment with broad generalizations about life, love, the universe, or timeless things throughout history. Spelling counts, grammar counts, neatness counts, intelligence counts, grooming counts.

Research resources to avoid:
author’s biography
reviews and summaries
newspaper articles
Facts on File
Opposing viewpoints

Try to access literary resources for a literary analysis:

Literary Resource Center
Literary Reference Center
Drama Criticism

Check your syllabus for conference dates, rough draft dates, due date.