essay : argument v.summaries MLA format.Read the attached article and then answer the essay question. Be sure to include the required number of library data base sources, or the paper will not be grad

Intro paragraph for Antigone essay

What it is:

An introductory paragraph is the first paragraph in an essay.

Good intro paragraphs give just enough info to prepare the reader for the thesis statement, which is the last sentence in the intro paragraph.

For this writing assignment, the intro paragraph should introduce the author's name: Sophocles.

The intro paragraph should introduce the title of the play, punctuated correctly: Antigone.

The intro paragraph should explain a bit about the assignment itself: do I need to define my terms?

The intro paragraph should be relatively short.

The intro paragraph should end with a thesis statement that answers the question of the assignment.

What it isn’t:

The intro paragraph should NOT:

  • draw attention to yourself or the class in any way.

  • summarize the play or the family.

  • announce "What this will do" or "What I'm going to argue is"