After consideration of your proposal from Week 1, the WeLoveVideo, Inc. CIO is having a hard time envisioning how the project would be executed based on your recommendations. She has asked your compan


Waterfall and Agile SDLCs

Arthur Jackson

Week 1/ CMGT 555

Yen Lee

Waterfall and Agile SDLCs

There are two system development life cycle (SDLC) methodologies that can be used by WeLoveVideo, Inc. to create its customer relationship management (CRM) system. The two methodologies are waterfall and agile SDLC. The waterfall method is cascade system development life cycle that resembles the flow since it has processes that move step by step through the stages of analysis, projecting, realization, testing, implementation, and support (Osetskyi, 2017). On the other hand, agile method takes iterative method when it comes to software development. All planning in agile is not carried out upfront and it focuses on being lean (Upwork, n.d.). There are five typical phases in the entire systems project. These are planning and requirement analysis, designing project architecture, development and programming, testing, and deployment. The CRM system project has many stakeholders and the stakeholders have got different requirement. These stakeholders are top management (require enhanced customer experience), marketing managers (require good tracking of marketing budget), customers (ease of navigation and guided help), retail/call center/field agents (require ease of navigation and high speed), and partners and dealers (require self care functionality) (Infosys, n.d.). Both agile and waterfall methods have pros and cons. The best method that should be used by the organization in the development of CRM system is the waterfall method. Some of the attributes in WeLoveVideo, Inc that dictate the recommendation is; the organization is urgently in need of a CRM, WeLoveVideo, Inc would prefer a project that is not costly, and the company would like a system that is client-oriented. Waterfall method does not take a long time compared to agile method. Also, waterfall method is not costly.


Infosys. (n.d.). Customer relationship management. Retrieved from

Osetskyi. (2017). SDLC models explained: Agile, waterfall, V-Shaped, iterative, spiral.

Retrieved from

Upwork. (n.d.). Agile vs. Waterfall: A side-by-side comparison. Retrieved from