Submit your data analysis plan. Your data analysis plan should include the following supporting documents (this is very similar to statistical analysis section of your doctoral study):Your final resea

Week 4 Assignment: Education Attainment and Nativity

Scholar-Practitioner Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Final Written Assignment

December, 2018.

Research Question

There is very limited research examining differences in levels of educational attainment by nativity. If educational attainment plays a key role in shaping individuals into knowledgeable citizens who contribute to the building of a healthy and productive nation, it is important to point out that an individual nativity could tremendously influence the education level they reach. Despite the importance of education in setting people for success, Everett et al. (2011), report that little research has been conducted to examine trends in educational attainment for detailed demographic subpopulations in the United States. Our research will be intended to understand educational attainment by nativity especially differences in education levels reached between foreign-born and native citizens in the United States.

Project’s Study Population and Rationale

The study population of the current project will focus on a sample population including native and foreign-born subjects living in the United States. Such a choice is motivated by the variables and datasets of interest readily available in the resources shared in the week 1 learning resources area of the course. In order to address the differences and trends in educational attainment by demographic origins, it is imperative to be able to collect data on individuals born in the country of interest, which is the U.S. in this case, and those who were born in a foreign country. There is available evidence indicating differences in educational attainment between native and foreign-born individuals. The study from Ryan & Bauman (2016) shows for the U.S. for instance, that the foreign-born had a higher proportion of adults with less than a high school education (28%) compared to native (8%). However, considering advanced education, the authors (Ryan & Bauman, 2016) concluded that the foreign-born were just as likely as educated as the native population.

List of variables and rationale

The dependent variable of interest in my project is the variable educational attainment.

The variable comprises sub-variables such as high school diploma, one or more year of college with no degree. These are the variables that will be tested and measured in the study.

The independent variable is represented by the individuals’ nativity which includes native and foreign-born subjects. These are the variables controlled in the study to determine their impact on the educational attainment of the study population.

As far as the confounding variable (Instructor’s Feedback: In your case confounding variables could be age, sex, marital status, employment, etc…), I would like to examine the association between educational attainment and health literacy ( Instructor’s Feedback: how will this be defined using variables provided in the dataset and conceptually?) outcomes based on individuals’ nativity. This will allow me to find out if there is a direct association between higher educational attainment with some indicators of the health literacy aspects such as navigating the healthcare system or keeping current health insurance.

Sample Size and Method for Calculating the Sample Size

The sample size for the variable nativity will be n= 35416 and the sample size for the variable educational attainment will be n= 34369 (Instructor’s Feedback: Rationale needs to be provided for my decision to use all observations).
































Everett, B. G., Rogers, R. G., Hummer, R. A., & Krueger, P. M. (2011). Trends in Educational Attainment by Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and Sex in the United States, 1989-2005. Ethnic and racial studies34(9), 1543-1566.

Ryan, C.L., & Bauman, K. (2016). Education attainment in the United States: 2015. Population Characteristics, Current Population Reports, U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved from