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Gun Control Is the Answer






Gun control is the only way to reduce gun related deaths in the US. Gun control refers to the Laws and regulations that are formulated to ensure that the US population adheres to the usage and ownership of guns in the public. According to Lee (2017), Gun Control is used to refer to a set of regulations or policies that regulate the production, modification, distribution, sale, and ownership of firearms in the public. Gun Control policies are the solution to the rapid increase in the number of incidence of illegal possession of firearms in the public. High rate of distribution and possession of illegal firearms by the public triggered to reckless use of the weapon against innocent people in the public. This is contrary to the views by the opposes, who state that high rate gun possession increases public security and safety. High incidences of mass shooting related to gun possessions are discussed in the next.

Gun possession control will reduce deaths due to public mass shooting. Globally, 5 million people die due to gun related shooting incidences. In the US, over 300 million guns are in public possession. Statistics indicate that in 2017, an American was 25 times more likely to die due to gun homicide compared to an average citizen in other developed countries (Branstetter, 2015). Mass shooting had skyrocketed in the US with over 97 gun deaths being reported every day. In 2007, the Virginia mass shooting claimed the largest number of lives in the US history since. Accidental shooting in 2010 claimed over 600 lives. In general, over 1,300 lives were lost in the period between 2005 to 2010 on gun mass shootings. Due to this, there is a need to establish formidable and operational measures to control production, modification, sale, possession and use of guns in the public.

Gun control will reduce number of guns in public possession and thus lower the of gun homicide. Statistics reveal that establishment of gun control regulation and laws reduced gun homicide by 80% in Australia. Fewer guns in the public will significantly reduce the rate of mass shootings and other gun related incidences. The policy may reduce the number of deaths due mass shooting against the public by 30%. According to Branstetter (2015), high possession of guns increases the rate of gun deaths by 4.5 times. The affected are the innocent public and gun owners alike. High capacity magazine guns should be out of reach by the public (Lee, 2017).

The gun shootings have been associated with drug abuse and alcohol use. Statistics by Center for Disease Control reveal that drunken people committed 33% of the gun homicides and over 60% of the gun homicide offenders were under drug influence (Branstetter, 2015). Reducing the number of guns in the hands of drug addicts and alcoholics, reduces gun accidents due to impared judgement. An intoxicated person may want to fight in the public but withut guns, the fight will be less violent.

Gun regulation will introduce struck measures that will control ownership and use of guns in institutions of learning. Policies that bar students from owning guns are critical in gun control. Gun ownership should be strictly regulated basing on age and societal status. For instance, students should at no time be allowed to access or own guns. The right age for gun ownership should also be increased to 21 years as opposed to 18 years of age. Younger ages seem to be irrational in gun use and are easily moved by emotions (Lee, 2017). They do not understand the implication of irrational gun use and therefore their access to guns should be restricted.

Gun control will ensure that gun owners are mentally sound and socially reputable. The measures of gun ownership will ensure that mentally disturbed people are ripped off rights to own a gun. Implementing continuous and repeated mental and social health of people owning guns is important in ensuring that use of guns are in safe hands. Examinations should be conducted ones every 3 months at the owners cost. This will reduce the affinity to own a gun and gun shooting accidents due to mental disorders. Rich business people are considered socially beneficial in the society and hence tend to go for gun ownership for self-defense. However, if the security apparatus are firmed and equipped well, their protection would be guaranteed and thus would not need guns for self-defense. Again, corruption is another social menace that should be addressed. This will ensure that every gun owner that hires it for criminal offense is both ripped of the right to gun possession and jailed for risking the lives of the public (Krouse & Library of Congress, 2012). 

In conclusion, the gun control is the ultimate answer to the rampant growth of gun related deaths in the US public. Policies and laws that govern production, distribution, sale, possession and use are worthwhile. Controlling guns usage in the US does not infringe on the public right for self-defense. The control measures should ensure equal applicability and should seal all the possible loopholes that may jeopardize its effectiveness in reducing gun related deaths. The public will therefore be safer with the control measures than when everybody is self-armed.


Branstetter, G. (2015, March 31). Why we should ban guns on college campuses. Retrieved from The Daily Dot: https://www.dailydot.com/via/banning-guns-college-campuses-elliot-rodger/

Krouse, W. J., & Library of Congress. (2012). Gun control legislation. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.

Lee, C. G. (2017). Gun Control in the United States. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, LLC.