Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Splett, Fowler, Weist, McDaniel, & Dvorsky (2013), Stinnett, Bui, & Capaccioli, (2013), and  Kosher, Jiang, Ben-Arieh, & Huebner, (2014) articles,

Assignment Wk 2: MVV; Mission, Vision, Values

Week Two Assignment

Assignment Instructions

GOAL: Create an 800-1000 word paper that presents a compare and contrast of three companies’ mission/vision/values statements, utilizing the tools of strategic planning.

Instructions: Write a 800-1000 word paper (body content length) based on researched artifacts from three companies in the same sector of private or non-profit industry (e.g., restaurants, services, products, hospitals, etc.) and their individual presentation of mission, vision, and values. After presenting each company’s brief history, mission, vision, and values, compare and contrast the various features and differences between the selected same-sector companies. Using relevant research via peer-reviewed journals from the online library, conclude your paper with a scholarly assessment about the strengths and weaknesses of the mission, vision, and values of the companies researched. Make sure to emphasize the compare/contrast element of this assignment as you look at the companies alongside each other—that is where the analytical assessment comes into play; that is the place to demonstrate your ability to think and write critically.

Suggestions to help your writing:

  • Use level headings (APA) to distinguish the various parts of your paper. No abstract is required, but a title page and references page are required.

  • Visit the following website to help you set up your APA paper:

  • You may use any level of sources—scholarly, popular press, or websites—to provide foundational information used to inform you about each organization. However, make sure to properly cite and reference these sources according to chapter seven of APA.

  • Regardless what sources you use to gain information about the companies, you are still required to list and use three scholarly journal sources in the assertions you provide at the end of your paper. Be careful to differentiate between “trade” journals and genuine “peer-reviewed” sources so that your compare and contrast is based upon theoretical foundations instead of opinions or advertisements.

  • The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable).


Other Important Details:

  • Do not use macros or automatic referencing in your papers for this course. The auto features usually cause unforeseen problems in format. Plus, part of the evaluation of this paper involves your acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format.

APUS Assignment Rubric

Graduate Writing









Exemplary 10%

Accomplished 8%

Developing 5%

Beginning -=to or <4%

Student develops a focused and sophisticated research question or thesis that enhances the scholarly discussion of questions and ideas that are important to scholars in the discipline.

Student develops a focused and sophisticated research question or thesis, engaging with the questions and ideas of the field.

Student develops a research question that is clear, but not focused or sophisticated, and may or may not engage with questions and ideas important in the discipline.

Student develops a research question that is unclear or confused, or does not at all engage with the questions and ideas important to scholars in the discipline.


Exemplary 10%

Accomplished 8%

Developing 5%

Beginning <4%

The writing provides an exceptional roadmap for the essay. In addition, the introduction includes meets all of the following criteria:

  • The introduction contextualizes the thesis statement by referring to larger issues in the discipline.

  • The introduction provides rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or question.

  • The introduction articulates how the paper will address the key question or issue being studied.

  • The introduction refers to relevant, appropriate scholarly literature.

The writing provides a clear roadmap for the essay. In addition, the introduction includes meets at least 3 of the following criteria:

  • The introduction contextualizes the thesis statement by referring to larger issues in the discipline.

  • The introduction provides rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or question.

  • The introduction articulates how the paper will address the key question or issue being studied.

  • The introduction refers to relevant, appropriate scholarly literature.

The writing provides a basic roadmap for the essay. In addition, the introduction includes meets at least 2 of the following criteria:

  • The introduction contextualizes the thesis statement by referring to larger issues in the discipline.

  • The introduction provides rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or question.

  • The introduction articulates how the paper will address the key question or issue being studied.

  • The introduction refers to relevant, appropriate scholarly literature.

The writing provides an incomplete roadmap for the essay. In addition, the introduction includes meets fewer than 2 of the following criteria:

  • The introduction contextualizes the thesis statement by referring to larger issues in the discipline.

  • The introduction provides rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or question.

  • The introduction articulates how the paper will address the key question or issue being studied.

  • The introduction refers to relevant, appropriate scholarly literature.

Argument and Synthesis of Knowledge

Exemplary 20%

Accomplished 15%

Developing 10%

Beginning equal to or <9%

The argument builds logically upon the thesis with research-based, discipline-appropriate supporting facts, evidence, and/or data.

Student clearly describes major methodologies and practices of the field and implements them in creative and innovative ways.

The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyze, and synthesize information to advance the argument.

Minor gaps in logic and argument may appear. Supporting facts, evidence, and/or data are evident.

Student describes major methodologies and practices of the field accurately, uses them appropriately in the project.

The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret and analyze information to support the argument.

Logical arguments may be one-sided, or incomplete, or may be based on inadequate sources.

Student describes major methodologies and/or practices of the field, but may have some omissions or problems in implementation (such as using an adequate methodology, rather than an exemplary one).

The writing demonstrates the ability to summarize information that supports the argument.

Fuzzy logic may be evident and adequate supporting evidence is lacking.

Student's work does not accurately or thoroughly describe the major methodologies and practices of the field, may implement them inappropriately.

The writing demonstrates the ability to refer to external information with limited ability to support the argument.

Sources and Support

Exemplary 20%

Accomplished 15%

Developing 10%

Beginning equal to or <9%

Student communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex and contradictory information from multiple sources to advance knowledge in the discipline at a professional level.

Student accurately quotes, paraphrases, and cites information in ways that are true to the original context with no errors.

Student clearly and effectively communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex and contradictory information from multiple sources to advance knowledge in the discipline.

Student quotes, paraphrases and cites information correctly and consistently, using information in ways that are true to the original context, with minimal errors.

Student communicates results from various sources, but the information is not clearly and effectively communicated or does not advance knowledge in the discipline.

Student quotes, paraphrases and cites information mostly correctly and consistently, in ways that are largely true to the original context.

Student does not adequately communicate, organize and/or synthesize information from sources and/or does not advance knowledge in the discipline.

Student quotes, paraphrases and cites information but may have many errors or use the information out of context.


Exemplary 10%

Accomplished 8%

Developing 5%

Beginning <4%

The writing flows smoothly and logically from a well-defined thesis. There is a coherence in each sentence and paragraph that relates clearly to the controlling idea using appropriate examples. The flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning without jumps or shifts. The writing contains a thorough introduction, body sections, conclusion, and smooth transitions.

The writing is organized logically and flows well. Paragraphs are organized to fit the type of essay being written. The writing discusses each controlling idea using appropriate examples. The flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning with minor jumps or shifts. The writing contains an appropriate introduction, body sections, conclusion, and transitions.

The writing demonstrates rudimentary organization and logical structure, but ideas may be more fully developed and supported by more appropriate evidence.

Paragraphs are somewhat organized to fit the type of essay being written. The writing discusses the controlling idea using prescribed resources or examples. The writing contains a basic introduction and body sections, but may be missing a conclusion. There may be repetition of thought or ideas. The coherence at times is choppy or flat.

The writing is noticeably lacking in organization.

Paragraphs are somewhat organized, at least by shape, to fit the type of essay being written. However, the writing lacks discussion of the proposed controlling idea. There may be repetition of thought or ideas.

The writing contains some elements of the introduction and body sections, but may be missing a conclusion. Transitions are not evident.


Exemplary 10%

Accomplished 8%

Developing 5%

Beginning <4%

The writing engages the reader through an original prose style appropriate to the subject. Language is precise and uses terminology appropriate to the discipline. All sentences are solid and reflect mature writing. Variety in sentence structure contributes to the logical flow and enhances readability. Active voice and passive voice are used appropriately for the subject matter.

The writing keeps the reader’s attention through a carefully crafted prose style. Language chosen is appropriate to the discipline, but may have minor errors in using terminology. Sentences are strong in thought construct. Variety in sentence structure contributes to the logical flow. Active voice and passive voice are typically used appropriately for the subject matter.

The writing is clear but could be expressed in a terminology more appropriate to the subject. Sentences are sometimes nonstandard or included fragments/run-ons. There is limited use of sentence variety for logical flow. Active voice and passive voice are used inconsistently.

The writing lacks clarity and is sometimes confusing. The language chosen is not appropriate to the subject nor the assignment. Sentences are often nonstandard and included fragments and run-ons. There is no evidence of sentence variety used for logical flow. Active voice and passive voice are used inconsistently.

Grammar and Mechanics

Exemplary 10%

Accomplished 8%

Developing 5%

Beginning <4%

The writing is free of proofreading errors. The writing contains sentences that are always complete and grammatically correct, and free of confusion and ambiguity.

The writing may exhibit a few minor errors in proofreading, but they do not impair the flow of the reading. The writing contains sentences that are complete or which imply unstated connections and/or conclusions.

The writing could benefit from additional proofreading, as some errors impede the flow of the reading. The writing contains some grammatical errors easily corrected. Additional proofreading would help eliminate errors.

The writing exhibits substantial errors in proofreading. The writing is confusing and ambiguous owing to substantial errors of grammar and syntax. There is no evidence of proofreading, editing, or rewriting.


Exemplary 10%

Accomplished 8%

Developing 5%

Beginning <4%

Student provides a high-caliber, correctly formatted assignment in the assigned citation style. All citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.

Assignment presents an above-average use of formatting skills with few errors in citation style.

Most citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.

Appearance of final assignment demonstrates the student's limited ability to use appropriate citation style formatting.

Some citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.

Appearance of the final assignment is distracting. The number of citation style formatting errors impedes easy reading.

Few citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.