A large part of being a social worker is being able to see the strengths in any situation. This characteristic can be described as having a “half full” view on life. As a clinical social worker, i

Group Wiki Project Summary

Suad Hussein

December 14, 2018

Course 6121 Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice II

Walden University

Description of Family

Tamira is a 35-year-old African American female who is divorced and has four children. Growing up, Tamira was raised in a very strict religious household. Her parents were always telling her she needed to stay in the church, get married and start her family. Tamira married her high school sweetheart and had her first two children. Tamira was married for eight years when the abuse began. It started with verbal abuse towards her and the children, a year later he began to abuse them physically. Once he began to harm her and her children physically, she gained the strength to leave him. Tamira and her children lived with a friend that she knew from high school for one year before she met a man named Marcus. Within the first six months they moved in together, and by their first-year together, they were welcoming their first baby (her third). Soon, Marcus bought a house and Tamira had her fourth child. Tamira thought everything was great until her husband started having an affair. Eventually, he kicked Tamira and her children out of his house, moved his lover in, married her and began a family. Tamira had no other option but to move in with her parents, but only temporarily. She started working fulltime as a receptionist at a Dentist office to save money for her place. Within a few months, Tamira and her boys were in their place. She decided that she wanted to better their lives by furthering her education and made the decision to pursue her bachelor’s degree online in Business Management.

Roles/assignments for the group members

The group was able to delegate the following course work for the project. The following roles and assignments are assigned:

Description of the family system: This was completed by all members of the group during our initial conference call.

Scope of issue: This portion will be completed by Saud

Engagement and Assessment: This portion will be competed Stormey

Literature review: This portion will be completed by Lysette

Advantages and Disadvantages: This portion will be completed by Stormey and Lysette

Recommendations for Treatment: This portion will be completed by Latricia

Evaluation: This portion will be completed by Latricia

Communication Methods

Communication can be challenging when various members of the group placed in different State’s, but the group did well with suggesting multiple ways to utilize technology to communicate with another. The group downloaded the “WhatsApp” for video, and text messages. The group also used Facebook messenger and video chat. The group was able to communicate times and share each-others schedule so we can communicate times and dates that worked.

Timeline/Goals and Objectives

The goal of the group is to attempt to turn in the project a week before it is due to the group can adjust or make corrections if needed. The objective is to allow each group member to review all parts of the assignment and agree on what has submitted. The anticipated timeline is: Scope of the issue will be completed by week 4; Engagement and Assessment will be completed by week 5; Literature review will be completed by week 6; Advantages and Disadvantages will be achieved by week 7, and Recommendations for treatment and evaluation will be completed by week 8. The group will utilize ongoing communication throughout the quarter to ensure members are staying on task and help one another if needed.