Please help with my homework I am struggling with. Here are the instructions & an attachment of what I did so far. Thank you: For Week 3 you conducted an annotated bibliography on a set of topics.The

Title: Annotated Bibliography: Topics

I: The Major Developmental theories for children and adolescents

II: Impact of Current trends on developing children and adolescents

III: Impact of geography in the sequence of development

Briggette Blalock

South University Online

Topic I-The Major Developmental theories for children and adolescents

In this topic it started on some theories about the curiosities of some scientists who were interested in finding out why in research there are some studies about child development. What happened was a group of theorists researched the above topic, but only five out of many were able to show enough proven documents in the bunch. These are: Freud’s psychosexual stage theory, Erikson’s psychosocial state theory, Kohlberg’s moral understanding stage theory, Piaget’s cognitive development stage theory, and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory.

Le Pelley, M. E., Mitchell, C. J., Beesley, T., George, D. N., & Wills, A. J. (2016). Attention and associative learning in humans: An integrative review. Psychological Bulletin, 142(10), 1111–1140.

For instance, the psychological Bulletin (2016) investigated an article to show the relationship why two central parts in human cognitive psychology, attention and learning is being research. What the article suggested happened in this study was that there were two sections being examined, both had models examined on attention and learning from an animal that was trained to do the test. The first model, was asked to show a signal on reliable consequences like, commands on attention.

The second model, was asked to perform the opposite that showed uncertain attention to the consequences of the commands. The study on attention and associative learning in humans made by Professor Nick Macintosh (2016) laid the foundation for humans and nonhuman animal’s research will be missed since he passed away before the conclusion of his study.

The successful study found out some important study about how stimuli on humans pay more attention to predictors of things that are valuable predictors than no valuable outcomes. It shows that people pay more attention to valuable outcomes than no valuable outcomes. Like, in the past we would remember an outcome if it was important to us. Also, another interesting thing that was found out in the study was that people pay more attention to cues if it has a high value outcome, and if it is interesting to them.

Patros, C. H. G., Alderson, R. M., Kasper, L. J., Tarle, S. J., Lea, S. E., & Hudec, K. L. (2016). Choice-impulsivity in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 43, 162–174.

The second article, was examined by The Clinical Psychology (2016) on Attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a highly known disorder that affects the neurodevelopment in children and adolescents, approximately 5% children in the world have been effected worldwide.

The study is important, and it examined choice-impulsivity to find why children and adolescents with and without ADHD have bad behaviors. The DSM-5 says it is known as Impulsive behavior in the diagnostic book.

This review used a meta-analytic method, because it was interested in the relationship between the group differences in the way children and adolescents make choices. This study used 28 tasks, 4320 total of children in groups for choice-impulsivity performances.

The results revealed that half of the group (42) suggests that children and adolescents with ADHD somewhat increases decision making compared to TD children and adolescents. Also, the study found out that children with ADHD showed similar patterns to TD grou0p had delayed gratification tasks.

Topic II: Impact of Current trends on developing children and adolescents

This topic describes the number of ways things effect children and adolescents. Mental health impairments affects approximately 11 percent of American Children. Because the health care system does not work well, The Government policies are a struggle in two ways: (1) It affects children’s health insurance, and (2) funding services.

Children and adolescent office-based MH visits increasing; adults decreasing. (cover story). (2013). Mental Health Weekly, 23(46), 1. Retrieved from tps://search-ebscohost- &site=eds-live

For instance, the Mental Health weekly (2013) wrote an article that examined a study on behavior disorders in children of Medical appointments & schedules. The study was interested in the trends in the United States on how many times cases of Mental Health visits happened in the care of children.

This study didn’t have any methods that I could write down in this discussions.

Pottick, K. J., Barber, C. C., Hansell, S., & Coyne, L. (2001). Changing patterns of inpatient care for children and adolescents at the Menninger Clinic, 1988–1994. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69(3), 573–577.

Another article that is related to this topic was by the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (2001). It describes a study of trends in hospitalized children, mental disorders, and treatment duration between children and adolescence.

The study used a population of (N=784) children at Menninger clinic, from 1988-1994.

The results showed medical care didn’t work for 7 months to 3 weeks, when admissions went up. The diagnostic cases changed fast from personality disorder to affective disorder. Medications decreased when treatment increased, because it became less important overtime. What this means is the patterns show higher hospitalizations in children, but fewer inpatient clinic contacts. The trend was consistent in the 1980s with a major diagnosis of depression disorders.

Topic III: Impact of geography in the sequence of development

This topic describes how development geography studies a branch of geography which explains the standards of how we live and what our quality of life is related to human inhabitants. What this means it is the process of how we change to adopt to our lives, it may include an improvement in something important in our life that involves an undergoing change.

Haggerty, J. H., Kroepsch, A. C., Walsh, K. B., Smith, K. K., & Bowen, D. W. (2018). Review article: Geographies of Impact and the Impacts of Geography: Unconventional Oil and Gas in the American West. The Extractive Industries and Society, 5, 619–633.

For instance, The Extractive Industries and Society (2018) examines a study that impacts how geography shows a difference in oil and gas in the American West.

The results revealed there is a pattern that affects boomtown, petro-suburb in most of the poor countryside’s and sovereign nations. The differences are seen different in and out impact geographies. Also, the results revealed impacts on social perspectives throughout the geography that impacts development perspectives on how the government response to the people. The co-evolution system should adapt and emerge with the government to help the system keep the system running for all.

Sébastien Chailleux, Julien Merlin, Yann Gunzburger

Unconventional oil and gas in France: From popular distrust to politicization of the underground

The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018, pp. 682-690.

In the second article, it is similar. It was examined by Science Direct, describes how a study of hydrocarbons and mining started in France in 2010s. This showed similar social conflict in the social perceptions over unconventional gas. What happened was the mining and licensing policies had a disagreement at the end of 1010s when the huge social movement disagreed with shale gas exploration.

This study focuses on explaining the plan to ban social movement and the works by the French government in 2011.

The results helped the researchers gain a lot of knowledge in policy analysis and to understand how public favors private investments. The private investments was the agreement that the French used to lead the politicization that started the misunderstanding in the first place. The social perception had a negative meaning on oil and gas projects for these industries.